
Political Web, page A1 … for 8:40 PM ET, January 27, 2006
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Top Items:

Arianna Huffington / The Huffington Post:
NBC News PR Department Gets Down and Dirty...  Somebody's feeling the heat...  How else to explain the widely-off-the-mark responses from NBC's PR department in Lloyd Grove's column to our reporting on Russert's multitude of journalistic ethical conflicts.  —  Instead of dealing …
Matt Stoller / MyDD:   NBC, Smears, Arianna, and TV Ethics
Richard Bradley / The Huffington Post:   Arianna, Ed Rollins, and Private Detectives
Atrios / Eschaton:
The Media Borg  —  Stoller writes: … This really is a big issue …
Discussion: Factesque
Jesse J. Holland / Associated Press:
Republicans Clear the Way for Alito Vote  —  Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito enjoys sufficient bipartisan support to surmount any Senate filibuster attempt by minority Democrats, Senate leaders said Friday.  —  A final vote making the New Jersey jurist the nation's 110th Supreme Court justice …
John Kerry /
Filibuster Alito  —  Do I support a filibuster?  The answer is yes.
Greg Sargent / American Prospect:
Dems Don't Know Jack  —  A Prospect exclusive: A new analysis of Abramoff tribal money by a nonpartisan firm shows it's a Republican scandal.  —  A new and extensive analysis of campaign donations from all of Jack Abramoff's tribal clients, done by a nonpartisan research firm …
Think Progress:
UPDATE: Lauer Says 'Technically Speaking,' It 'May Be' That Abramoff Gave Only to Republicans  —  Yesterday, Today show anchor Katie Couric falsely claimed that "Democrats took money from Jack Abramoff."  Challenged on her facts, Couric said she "would look into that and clarify that for our viewers."
Hamas, Fatah battle over election results  —  GAZA (Reuters) - Hamas and Fatah gunmen exchanged fire on Friday in political turmoil as the long-dominant Fatah faction was threatened with a violent backlash from within after its crushing election defeat by the Islamic militant group.
Discussion: Jihad Watch and Austin Bay Blog
The Aardvark / Abu Aardvark:
Hamas: tests acoming.
Jonathan Steele / Guardian:
The Palestinians' democratic choice must be respected
Discussion: Natalie Solent
New York Times:
New Poll Finds Mixed Support for Wiretaps  —  President Bush at his news conference Thursday.  The latest polls show that public opinion on Mr. Bush's surveillance program is still unresolved.  —  Americans are willing to tolerate eavesdropping without warrants to fight terrorism …
Ronald Brownstein / Los Angeles Times:
Bush's Ratings Sink, but Trust Remains
Discussion: and TAPPED
Greg Miller / Financial Times:
57% Americans support military action in Iran
Discussion: New Sisyphus
Associated Press:
Coulter Jokes About Poisoning Justice  —  LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, speaking at a traditionally black college, joked that Justice John Paul Stevens should be poisoned.  —  Coulter had told the Philander Smith College audience Thursday that more conservative justices …
Michelle Malkin:
MORE CHINA-GOOGLE PROTEST LOGOS  —  Lots of new entries for the China Google Protest Logo Album coming in.  Here's the best of the second batch.  —  Posted at Discarded Lies:  —  Sent by reader Herman F.:  —  From Junkyard Blog's Bryan Preston:  —  Sent by reader Jorrit P.:
Chris McGann / Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
Gay rights bill passes in Legislature  —  Amid celebration, governor promises to sign law Tuesday  —  OLYMPIA — The Senate today voted 25-23 to approve a gay rights bill and ended the debate over legislation that emerged in Washington the same year singer Anita Bryant began her "Save Our Children" crusade against such protections.
Discussion: AMERICAblog and The Republic of T.
Josh Gerstein / New York Sun:
Bush's Iran Plan Echoes Kerry, Baffles Friends  —  President Bush's endorsement of a plan to end the nuclear standoff with Iran by giving the Islamic republic nuclear fuel for civilian use under close monitoring has left some of his supporters baffled.  —  One cause for the chagrin is that the proposal …
New York Times:
Bush and China Endorse Russia's Nuclear Plan for Iran  —  WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 — President Bush and the Chinese government both declared their full support on Thursday for a Russian proposal to allow Iran to operate civilian nuclear facilities as long as Russia and international nuclear inspectors are in full control of the fuel.
Washington Post:
K Street's New Ways Spawn More Pork  —  As Barriers With Lawmakers Fall, 'Earmarks' Grow  —  An explosion of special interest funding engineered in part by lawmakers with close ties to lobbyists is drawing increased scrutiny as Congress moves to address concern about corruption that already …
Associated Press:
Canada's new leader takes on U.S. over Arctic  —  Harper to deploy icebreakers, build port; U.S. says waters belong to all  —  TORONTO - Political pundits who declared that Stephen Harper, Canada's next prime minister, would move quickly to patch up ties with the United States were having …
National Review:
The 2003 Tax Cut on Capital Gains Entirely Paid for Itself  —  On Thursday the Congressional Budget Office released its annual Budget and Economic Outlook, and buried in one of its nearly impenetrable tables of numbers is a remarkable story that has gone entirely unreported by the mainstream media …
Chris Bowers / MyDD:
Polling Project: First Numbers  —  The poll is finished.  The methodology can be found here.  We will release the results in eight separate bursts, starting today and finishing up on Tuesday morning.  The releases will follow the chronological ordering of the questions.
Discussion: Hullabaloo and Norwegianity
Carol D. Leonnig / Washington Post:
Reporters' Information Sought  —  Leak Case Files Could Be Key to Libby Defense, Lawyers Say  —  Attorneys for Vice President Cheney's former top aide urged a court yesterday to force prosecutors to turn over all the information they obtained from reporters about their confidential conversations …

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More Items:

Rob Kall /
OpEdNews.Com/ Zogby People's Poll
Hillary Profita / News Blog:
Outside Voices: End Of An Era For The "Evening News," Says Gandelman
Glenn Reynolds /
SHADEGG FOR MAJORITY LEADER: I won't call this an "endorsement," because that's pretentious.
Study: New Orleans could lose most blacks
Discussion: A Blog For All
Joseph Rago / Opinion Journal:
Rosenberg Reruns  —  They were guilty, but the left can't give up their cause.
Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar / Los Angeles Times:
Medicare Drug Plan Leaves Out Supplies
Richard A. Posner / The New Republic:
Wire Trap  —  The revelation by The New York Times …
Discussion: TAPPED
Chuck Lindell / Austin American-Statesman:
DeLay appearance cost Fox $14,000

Earlier Picks:

David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Democrats in 2 Southern States Push Bills on Bible Study
Michelle Malkin:
Eric Dash / New York Times:
Savings Accounts for Health Costs Attract Wall Street
Majority in U.S. Say Bush Presidency Is a Failure, Poll Finds
Edward Wyatt / New York Times:
Live on 'Oprah,' a Memoirist Is Kicked Out of the Book Club
Richard Morin / Washington Post:
Majority Believe White House Should Release Abramoff Records
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