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Pachyderms in the Mist: Red America and the MSM — This is a blog for the majority of Americans. — Since the election of 1992, the extreme political left has fought a losing battle. Their views on the economy, marriage, abortion, guns, the death penalty, health care, welfare, taxes …

'Wash Post' Launches Conservative Blog, Provokes a 'Firestorm' — NEW YORK During the recent controversy surrounding Dan Froomkin's blog at The Washington Post, editors not only decided to clearly label his column "opinion" but also to make an effort to hire a conservative blogger to balance his alleged liberal slant.

THE WASHINGTON POST'S NEW RIGHT-WING BLOGGER. Via Atrios, the Washington Post has apparently granted a column to conservative blogger Ben Domenech. The name of the column is "Red America." — Why Domenech? It seems likely that the Post hired Domenech mainly as a sop to the paper's right-wing critics.

There Is No Right-Wing Blogosphere Anymore — In our August 2005 paper the Emergence of the Progressive Blogosphere, Matt and I wrote the following (emphasis in original): … I still believe this, only now I feel it has developed to such a degree that the right-wing blogosphere itself has been all but annihilated.
Sigmund, Carl and Alfred

Press Conference of the President — THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Yesterday I delivered a — the second in a series of speeches on the situation in Iraq. I spoke about the violence that the Iraqi people had faced since last month's bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra.

Bush Defends Decisions on Iraq War — WASHINGTON - President Bush said Tuesday the decision about when to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq will fall to future presidents and Iraqi leaders, suggesting that U.S. involvement will continue at least through 2008.

An Iraq Success Story's Sad New Chapter — Bush's Struggle in Reassuring U.S. Is Illustrated by City's Renewed Strife — CLEVELAND, March 20 — As President Bush tells the tale, the battle for Tall Afar offers a case study in how U.S. and Iraqi forces working together can root out insurgents and restore stability.

How It's Looking — EDITOR'S NOTE: In a energetic lunchtime address and Q&A Monday in Cleveland, President Bush spoke about progress in Iraq and a "strategy for victory" there. — To mark the three-year anniversary this week of the Coalition going into Iraq, National Review Online gathered …

THE UNITED NATIONS SMEARS LEGO — ***scroll for updates*** — Today is The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is celebrating the day with this vile poster portraying Denmark's most famous company as racist:

Kalb Upbraids Harvard Dean Over Israel — WASHINGTON - The furor over a paper co-authored by the academic dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government about what is described as the far-reaching influence of an "Israel lobby" intensified yesterday, as it drew sharp criticism …

Documents Show Saddam's WMD Frustrations — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Exasperated, besieged by global pressure, Saddam Hussein and top aides searched for ways in the 1990s to prove to the world they'd given up banned weapons. — "We don't have anything hidden!" the frustrated Iraqi president interjected at one meeting, transcripts show.

Archbishop: stop teaching creationism — Williams backs science over Bible — The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has stepped into the controversy between religious fundamentalists and scientists by saying that he does not believe that creationism - the Bible-based account …

2 Years After Soldier's Death, Family's Battle Is With Army — SAN JOSE, Calif. — Patrick K. Tillman stood outside his law office here, staring intently at a yellow house across the street, just over 70 yards away. That, he recalled, is how far away his eldest son, Pat …

Prosecutors, judge, family insist convert should die — KABUL, Afghanistan — Abdul Rahman told his family he was a Christian. He told the neighbors, bringing shame upon his home. But then he told the police, and he could no longer be ignored. — Now, in a major test …

Pat Robertsonon College Professors: you know some of them are killers — Pat Robertson on College Professors: "you know some of them are killers!" — Pat Robertson had another one of his moments today on the 700 Club, while interviewing David Horowitz. I didn't realize the amount of terror these termites are causing...
Big Brass Blog

Why Iraq's Police Are a Deadly Problem — Interior Minister Bayan Jabr has turned the U.S.-trained force into violent Shi'ite shock troops, critics say — The bodies began to show up early last week. On Monday, 34 corpses were found. In the darkness of Tuesday morning, 15 more men …

A Possible Clue On NSA Spying — Did President Bush mention the government's secret warrantless surveillance program to the president of Pakistan more than four years ago? A brief passage of a 2002 book seems to raise that possibility. — In "Bush at War," Bob Woodward recounts …

G.O.P. Makes Its Pitch to Firefighters' Union — WASHINGTON, March 20 — With the election season heating up, the Bush administration and the Republican Party used a good deal of energy and charm on Monday to woo a group that has long been part of the Democrats' base: organized labor.

The Cheney-led Civil War-Deniers — (Markos Moulitsas Zuniga when in US Army, 1989-1992) — Former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft said on January 6, 2005 that we may be seeing "incipient civil war" in Iraq. — David Frum misquotes Scowcroft and wrestles with TWN …
Reuters, ABC News, Outside The Beltway, Booman Tribune, The Majority Report, Dinocrat and Democratic Peace

How to spot a baby conservative — Remember the whiny, insecure kid in nursery school, the one who always thought everyone was out to get him, and was always running to the teacher with complaints? Chances are he grew up to be a conservative. — At least, he did if he was one of 95 kids …

"OUR PROTEST WILL BE LONG AND POWERFUL!" — A thousand or so Belorussian freedom fighters camped out in October Square all night without much food, tea, or things to keep them warm. Because the police wouldn't let anyone help or join them. They survived the below-freezing temperatures and the threat of a bloodbath.

Cheney at Fund-Raiser, but Not With the Candidate — NEWARK, March 20 — In the biggest campaign fund-raiser yet on behalf of State Senator Thomas H. Kean Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney traveled to New Jersey on Monday and praised Mr. Kean as someone with "the experience …
The Carpetbagger Report, Wonkette, Attytood, State of the Day, Air America Radio and AMERICAblog