Top Items:

All Burkle, All the Time! — Revenge is bloggy at Gawker. — All Burkle, All the Time: Meow! The decision to let slimebag Jared Paul Stern guest-edit over this weekend initially seemed a cheap attention-getting move by an ambitious Brit blog owner gravely ignorant of American libel law.
The American Thinker

A Bad Leak — President Bush says he declassified portions of the prewar intelligence assessment on Iraq because he "wanted people to see the truth" about Iraq's weapons programs and to understand why he kept accusing Saddam Hussein of stockpiling weapons that turned out not to exist.

Two Views of the Libby Leak Case — The lead editorial and a front-page story last Sunday on the I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby leak case left many Post readers confused. — The front-page story by reporters Barton Gellman and Dafna Linzer, drawing on legal papers filed by Special Prosecutor …

Deborah Howell and Fred Hiatt: Fact Free and Loving It — I go back and forth on the Deborah Howell conundrum — ignorant or craven? I always find myself touching down on the Upton Sinclair quote: … And so we find ourselves with Lil' Debbie, failing to disappoint with this week's excuses about last week's Fred Hiatt column:
skippy the bush kangaroo

Washington Post Article About A Blogger — A couple months ago I got a cryptic email from someone claiming to be a reporter from the Washington Post; he asked me to call him in regard to a story he wanted to write. — I looked him up on the Internet... turns out David Finkel …

If you're at all like me, you just don't have time in your day to check …
chez Diva,, Riehl World View, SEIXON, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Norwegianity, David E's Fablog and Done With Mirrors

The Strange Case of William Howard Hobbs — NOTE: This post has been updated. See below. — What to make of all this Bill Hobbs/Mike Kopp/John Spragens/rest of the world junk? Should I even chime in at all? I've been asked to and, after sleeping on it, I've decided to.
Captain's Quarters, Blue Crab Boulevard, Daniel Pipes, NashvilleFiles Blog, Plus + Ultra and Hugh Hewitt

From the tomb — Very early, on the first day of the week, just after sunrise they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, "Who will roll the stone away from the entrance to the tomb?" Mark 16: 2,3 — For 118 days we lay in a tomb — Norman Kember, Harmeet Sooden and me.

"Generals defend Rumsfeld" — From The Washington Times: … That last bit is, of course, telling. — Our Constitution calls for a civilian run military—and many career military personnel, particularly those who have done the necessary diplomatic work to make it to the rank of general …
The American Thinker, A Blog For All, In Search Of Utopia, Sister Toldjah, Betsy's Page and TBogg

Social Issues Top GOP Pre-Election Agenda — WASHINGTON - Protection of marriage amendment? Check. Anti-flag burning legislation? Check. New abortion limits? Check. — Between now and the November elections, Republicans are penciling in plans to take action on social issues important …

Britons Feeling 'Tired of Tony' — LONDON — Verra Budimlija was once a classic fan of Prime Minister Tony Blair — she's 40, a well-educated advertising executive, the kind of voter who propelled Blair and the Labor Party to power in 1997. — Not only does she live in Islington …

Retired colonel claims U.S. military operations are already 'underway' in Iran — During an interview on CNN Friday night, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner claimed that U.S. military operations are already 'underway' inside Iran, RAW STORY has found.

Confronting Iran — Will we learn from our mistakes and apply tough diplomacy — or rely once again on the failed doctrine of preemption? — TEHRAN THIS WEEK claimed that it had enriched uranium, a first step toward nuclear weapons capability. The question now is whether the Bush administration …

Once Again, Scalia's the Talk of the Town — Justice Renders Frank Out-of-Court Opinions on 2000 Presidential Election, 'Sicilian' Gesture — Justice Antonin Scalia is at it again. — "For Pete's sake, if you can't trust your Supreme Court justice more than that, get a life!" …

US plots 'new liberation of Baghdad' — THE American military is planning a "second liberation of Baghdad" to be carried out with the Iraqi army when a new government is installed. — Pacifying the lawless capital is regarded as essential to establishing the authority of the incoming government …

Report: Pollard, Barghouti deal in works — Officials in Jerusalem claimed on Saturday that the US would free imprisoned Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in exchange for Israel releasing jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti. — According to Army Radio, Israel is set to offer the proposed prisoner swap deal …

Blair refuses to back Iran strike — TONY Blair has told George Bush that Britain cannot offer military support to any strike on Iran, regardless of whether the move wins the backing of the international community, government sources claimed yesterday. — Amid increasing tension …
The Moderate Voice