Top Items:

GOP to Air Ad Warning of Terror Attacks — The Republican Party will begin airing a hard-hitting ad this weekend that warns of more cataclysmic terror attacks against the U.S. homeland. — The ad portrays Osama bin Laden and quotes his threats against America dating to February 1998.
The Moderate Voice, The Peking Duck, PoliBlog, All Spin Zone, DownWithTyranny!, Donklephant and Oliver Willis

Report: N. Korean Leader Regrets Test — North Korean leader Kim Jong Il expressed regret about his country's nuclear test to a Chinese delegation and said Pyongyang would return to international nuclear talks if Washington backs off a campaign to financially isolate the country, a South Korean newspaper reported Friday.
In From the Cold,, Ace of Spades HQ, The Belmont Club, Stop The ACLU and Blue Crab Boulevard

N.Korea said not planning new nuke tests — SEOUL, South Korea - North Korean leader Kim Jong Il said Pyongyang didn't plan to carry out any more nuclear tests and expressed regret about the country's first-ever atomic detonation last week, South Korean news reports said Friday.

Major Change Expected In Strategy for Iraq War — The growing doubts among GOP lawmakers about the administration's Iraq strategy, coupled with the prospect of Democratic wins in next month's midterm elections, will soon force the Bush administration to abandon its open-ended commitment to the war …
Political Animal

Bush Faces a Battery of Ugly Choices on War — The acknowledgment by the United States Army spokesman in Iraq that the latest plan to secure Baghdad has faltered leaves President Bush with some of the ugliest choices he has yet faced in the war. — He can once again order a rearrangement …

House Intel Chair Suspends Staff Member — WASHINGTON — The Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has suspended a Democratic staff member pending an investigation into whether he leaked a high-level intelligence assessment to the news media.

Republican Woes Lead to Feuding by Conservatives — Tax-cutters are calling evangelicals bullies. Christian conservatives say Republicans in Congress have let them down. Hawks say President Bush is bungling the war in Iraq. And many conservatives blame Representative Mark Foley's sexual messages to teenage pages.

AL QAEDA'S "WORKING PAPER FOR A MEDIA INVASION OF AMERICA" - THE MEDIA RESPONDS — I really didn't expect to see the American media even acknowledge the existence of al Qaeda's "Working Paper for a Media Invasion of America", much less to see them openly embrace it. They've done both. (Live and learn.)

Court Told It Lacks Power in Detainee Cases — Moving quickly to implement the bill signed by President Bush this week that authorizes military trials of enemy combatants, the administration has formally notified the U.S. District Court here that it no longer has jurisdiction to consider hundreds …

Top US general says Rumsfeld is inspired by God — MIAMI (AFP) - The top US general defended the leadership of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, saying it is inspired by God. — "He leads in a way that the good Lord tells him is best for our country," said Marine General Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Carson trails Dickerson — With virtually no help from GOP, Dickerson is in tight congressional race with incumbent — A new poll shows Democratic U.S. Rep. Julia Carson narrowly trailing Republican Eric Dickerson — an outcome that, if it holds on Election Day, would be one of the biggest upsets in Indiana politics.

Remains from WTC site found in manhole — NEW YORK - Human remains that appear to be from World Trade Center victims were found by utility workers in a manhole at the northern edge of the site, a Port Authority official said Thursday. — A Consolidated Edison crew doing excavation …
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Press Briefing by Tony Snow — White House Conference Center Briefing Room — MR. SNOW: Good morning, welcome. Let me read out what's going on today, and then I'll take your questions. The President has had his normal briefings. Next on the schedule he is going to be heading …

Remarks by the President at Friends of George Allen Reception — THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you for coming, thanks for the warm welcome, and thank you for supporting George Allen to be reelected United States Senator of the great state of Virginia. (Applause.) — I'm proud to be here with him.