Top Items:
Controversial Assignment Leads To Teacher's Resignation — SMITHFIELD, N.C. — A Spanish teacher at Smithfield-Selma Senior High School resigned this week after handing out an assignment that some students and parents said teaches hate. — Khalid Chahhou, who was in his first year of teaching …
Syrian Officials and Iraq Study Group Met, Envoy Says — Vice President Dick Cheney and James A. Baker III, co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group, after a White House meeting. The Syrian ambassador says Mr. Baker discussed how Syria might help in Iraq. — James A. Baker III …
Turning A Corner On Iraq — Avoiding defeat in Iraq is an unavoidably critical national interest — for the United States as for Britain. If potentially lethal enemies are strengthened and re-motivated, the consequences will haunt us long after the headlines about withdrawal have faded.
FOOKIN JOHN BOLTON! — What was it again the dhimicrats have against Infidel Hunk of the Week, Ambassador Bolton? — Tell me again. Explain to me what it is they have against his extraordinary record of accomplishments. — If you don't BLOG FOR BOLTON you can't hang in the Atlas Sphere.
Flopping Aces
Blair accepts 'disaster' in Iraq — Tony Blair has publicly agreed with the opinion that the violence in Iraq since the 2003 invasion has been a disaster. — The UK prime minister was responding to a question by Sir David Frost in an interview on the new al-Jazeera English-language Arabic TV channel.
Iraq is a 'disaster' admits Blair — Tony Blair admitted that British intervention in Iraq has been a disaster last night - sending shockwaves through Westminster. — In his frankest admission about the war to date, Mr Blair admitted that Western forces have been powerless to stop the descent into violence.
The Sideshow, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Dr. Sanity, Pajamas Media, Alternate Brain and Don Surber
Leahy Seeks Documents on Detention — Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), who will chair the Senate Judiciary Committee next year, asked the Justice Department to release two newly acknowledged documents, which set U.S. policy on how terrorism suspects are detained and interrogated.
Dem judiciary leader seeks torture documents
Democratic Underground
Freedom Man — Milton Friedman had both genius and common sense. — PALO ALTO, Calif.—Milton Friedman was one of the very few intellectuals with both genius and common sense. He could express himself at the highest analytical levels to his fellow economists in academic publications …
Friedman's Sampler — A selection of writings from The Wall Street Journal.
Decision '08
Kondracke Dubs Nancy Pelosi The 'Wicked Witch Of The West' » — Fox News host Mort Kondracke, the "left-leaning" counterpart to Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes on Fox News' The Beltway Boys, said last night that incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) should be nicknamed the "Wicked Witch of the West."
"Media Matters"; by Jamison Foser — GOP gets a thumpin', and media revive their substance-free, sophomoric taunting ... of Democrats — Elections rarely present perfect tests of progressivism versus conservatism. But they are the best way we have of keeping score …
The Big Money — Consider helping out your favorite bloggers. Not me, advertising money has been good lately (thanks Chevron! thanks Glenn Beck!) but some of the rest of bloggers out there. The largely unsung heroes are the "local bloggers" who focus mostly on local issues and candidates …
Suburban Guerrilla
Blue Jersey Aims High, Needs Your Help
skippy the bush kangaroo
Wilson declared unofficial winner by 879 votes — Madrid refuses to concede with official vote certification still pending — Republican Heather Wilson looks safe for a fifth term in Congress. Yet her Democratic challenger refused to concede. — Wilson retained her seat …
A Second Pour of Good News About Substance in Red Wine — A component of red wine recently shown to help lab mice live longer also protects animals from obesity and diabetes and boosts their physical endurance, researchers reported yesterday. — The new research helps confirm and extend …
Pelosi's bruising — Wins top job but loses in nasty fight over No. 2 — WASHINGTON - Democrats unanimously chose Nancy Pelosi as House speaker, but she still came away a loser after her handpicked choice for majority leader, Rep. John Murtha, was hammered by Rep. Steny Hoyer.
Crude oil his a 17-month low — Crude oil has hit a 17-month low. National security conservatives and anti-carbon greens should get together now — before Americans readjust to inexpensive gasoline — and push through a reasonable tax on carbon-based fuels in return for an extension …
Party Shift May Make Warming a Hill Priority — Dramatic changes in congressional oversight of environmental issues may pump new life into efforts to fight global warming, activist groups and lawmakers said yesterday. — Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.) announced his intention to become …