Top Items:

US rejects all climate proposals — The US has rejected any prospect of a deal on climate change at the G8 summit in Germany next month, according to a leaked document. — Despite Tony Blair's declaration on Thursday that Washington would sign up to "at least the beginnings" …

U.S. Rebuffs Germany on Greenhouse Gas Cuts — The United States has rejected Germany's proposal for deep long-term cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, setting the stage for a battle that will pit President Bush against his European allies at next month's meeting of the world's richest countries.

U.S. Rejects G-8 Climate Proposal — Germany Urges Limiting Emissions, Temperature Increase — U.S. officials have raised a second round of unusually bluntly worded objections to a proposed global-warming declaration that Germany prepared for next month's Group of Eight summit, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.

U.S. Rejects G-8 Greenhouse Climate Proposals — Despite recent press reports suggesting that the United States might at least start to inch towards the same page on greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S. has rejected a German proposal that reportedly enjoyed great support in Europe …

White House Is Said to Debate '08 Cut in Iraq Troops by 50% — The Bush administration is developing what are described as concepts for reducing American combat forces in Iraq by as much as half next year, according to senior administration officials in the midst of the internal debate.

Major troop reductions imminent — again — Wonderful — and highly credible — front page news today, from The New York Times: … For four straight years, the same set of war supporters have constantly and reptitiously given the same exact false assurances about Iraq — virtually verbatim …
The Sideshow

"Media Matters"; by Jamison Foser — Jeff Gerth can't handle the truth — What happens to an investigative reporter best known for his role "breaking" three "scandals," each of which fell apart upon government investgiation? — If he's Jeff Gerth, and the Clintons are the subjects …

William Peters, 85, Journalist Who Examined Race in U.S., Dies — William Peters, a journalist and award-winning documentary film producer who chronicled American race relations during the turbulent years of the mid-20th century, died on Sunday in Boulder, Colo. He was 85.

Everything a Reporter Should Be — When William Peters died …
The Populist

Breastfeed Your Way Out of Sexist Oppression — I'm just going to get of the way and let this one tell itself. MEMRI: … Stone the bloody crows! … Let me see if I've got this straight. You put a bloke and a sheila in close quarters, behind closed doors, and one thing might lead to another.

Al-Azhar Lecturer Suspended after Issuing Controversial Fatwa …
Neptunus Lex

Post from Obama HQ: — Video: Truth on Iraq … This afternoon, Senator Obama addressed the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists at their annual convention in Chicago. In this clip, he responds to the recent comments made by former Governor Mitt Romney and Senator John McCain about yesterday's Iraq war spending bill:
Election Central

Officials Say Justice Dept. Based Hires on Politics Before Goodling Tenure — The Justice Department considered political affiliation in screening applicants for immigration court judgeships for several years until hiring was frozen in December after objections from department lawyers, current and former officials said yesterday.
Prairie Weather

Immigration judges lack apt backgrounds
The Next Hurrah

SUIT SHEDS LIGHT ON CLINTONS' TIES TO A BENEFACTOR — When former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton took a family vacation in January 2002 to Acapulco, Mexico, one of their longtime supporters, Vinod Gupta, provided his company's private jet to fly them there.

White House Memo: Winning on Iraq, Bush Turns to Immigration — Having won his fight with Congressional Democrats on an Iraq war spending bill, President Bush is now waging an equally aggressive battle with Republicans, as he tries to persuade them to support an immigration bill that he hopes will be a signature domestic achievement.

Who's Afraid of Democracy? — Believing that "people are rational as consumers and irrational as voters," many conservatives would favor free markets without democracy — SHARE Digg Reddit Newsvine — Behavioral economists at UC San Diego recently conducted a study …

Memoirs of the man who thrice saved us from a Democratic presidency — Walking around Washington, D.C., telling people you're reading Bob Shrum's forthcoming memoir turns out to be a fantastic small-talk gambit. People are astounded, confused, sympathetic. Someone gave him a book deal?

The Saturday Cartoons — Matt Davies: How He Gets It Done — I saved Matt Davies, from the New York Journal News, for last (see above) because I have an additional item for you today in the form of a local news video Matt did recently, in which he pokes fun at how he gets ideas and inspiration for his Pulitzer Prize-winning work.

Top Talent Could Lose Fast Track to U.S. — Under Bill, Foreign Luminaries Would No Longer Skip Immigration Line — NEW YORK — Would America open its doors for the next Albert Einstein? Under the new immigration bill, the answer is maybe, but maybe not.
The Atlantic Online

Don't Panic! Four Terror Suspects Escape Probation; one a Zarqawi associate — British authorities have released the names of four terror suspects who have "escaped" the British equvalent of something like probation. Iraqi born Bestun Salim, Algerian born Lamine Adam, Ibrahim Adam …
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