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Fred Thompson running for president — Fred Dalton Thompson is planning to enter the presidential race over the Fourth of July holiday, announcing that week that he has already raised several million dollars and is being backed by insiders from the past three Republican administrations, Thompson advisers told The Politico.

Testing the Waters — Fred Thompson, candidate-in-waiting. — FRED THOMPSON IS RUNNING for the Republican presidential nomination. In a conference call Monday, Thompson addressed a group of more than 100 supporters and fundraisers whom the campaign has dubbed First Day Founders.

Thompson To Dip His Toes — Speculation over whether Fred Thompson is serious about running for president just went toes-up. Mr. Thompson's not-yet-a campaign has confirmed: He's dipping his toes in. — Specifically, a Thompson adviser told The New York Sun yesterday …

Plame was 'covert' agent at time of name leak — Newly released unclassified document details CIA employment — WASHINGTON - An unclassified summary of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame's employment history at the spy agency, disclosed for the first time today in a court filing …
Firedoglake, Salon, Washington Monthly, protein wisdom, About U.S. Politics, The American Mind, Balloon Juice, Flopping Aces, Jules Crittenden, The Impolitic, Heading Right, Unqualified Offerings, Patterico's Pontifications, The Sundries Shack, Shakesville, DownWithTyranny!, The Newshoggers, Greatscat!, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, Bark Bark Woof Woof, The BRAD BLOG, The Mahablog, The Democratic Daily, Brilliant at Breakfast and Liberal Values

Fitzgerald Says Plame Was a Covert Agent — In new court filings, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald has finally resolved one of the most disputed issues at the core of the long-running CIA leak controversy: Valerie Plame Wilson, he asserts, was a "covert" CIA officer …

Another Reason To Question The Tenet Regime At Langley

Bush Takes On Conservatives Over Immigration — President Bush took on parts of his conservative base on Tuesday by accusing opponents of his proposed immigration measure of fear-mongering to defeat its passage in Congress. — "If you want to scare the American people …

Justices' Ruling Limits Suits on Pay Disparity — The Supreme Court on Tuesday made it harder for many workers to sue their employers for discrimination in pay, insisting in a 5-to-4 decision on a tight time frame to file such cases. The dissenters said the ruling ignored workplace realities.

Advisers Fault Harsh Methods in Interrogation — As the Bush administration completes secret new rules governing interrogations, a group of experts advising the intelligence agencies argue that the harsh techniques used since the 2001 terrorist attacks are outmoded, amateurish and unreliable.

Security flaws confirmed on Flight 327 — A newly released inspector general report (PDF) backs eyewitness accounts of suspicious behavior by 13 Middle Eastern men on a Northwest Airlines flight in 2004 and reveals several missteps by government officials, including failure to file …

Media Embarrassment Over Socialist Rhetoric? — Hillary Clinton announced that she would campaign on a platform that would emphasize the need for collective economics and move away from individual performance and success. It could be called an extension of "It Takes A Village," …
Blue Crab Boulevard

A Special Blogger Poll On The Senate Immigration Bill — Right Wing News emailed more than 240 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to answer 8 questions. The following 51 blogs responded, — Aaron's CC, Absinthe & Cookies, The Absurd Report, Argghhhh!, Baldilocks, The Baseball Crank …

Some Hitherto Staunch G.O.P. Voters Souring on Iraq — Through four elections, Debbie Thompson has supported Representative Mark Steven Kirk, a Republican and staunch backer of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq. — But Ms. Thompson, a mother of two from this affluent suburb of Chicago …

Obama won't play by the book — Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) isn't playing it by the book. — As other White House hopefuls for the Democratic nomination scramble to attend every major event in key primary states, Obama picks and chooses. — And while Democratic candidates court their liberal base …

Economix: Truth, Fiction and Lou Dobbs — The whole controversy involving Lou Dobbs and leprosy started with a "60 Minutes" segment a few weeks ago. — The segment was a profile of Mr. Dobbs, and while doing background research for it, a "60 Minutes" producer came across a 2005 news report …

CHAVENEZUELA — How the Man Who Would Be Castro marked a new milestone on the path towards totalitarianism by shutting down the nation's most popular television station. He will keep at it until there is no free press left and no one to report the fact that it disappeared.

Introducing the McCain Campaign Dead Pool! — The general trend of the polls is unmistakable. John McCain's campaign is sinking like the Titanic after having run into the iceberg of immigration "reform". Oh sure, we can expect the McCain campaign and its misguided sympathizers to cling …
The Jawa Report

Lieberman in Iraq sees "progress," says so-called surge "would start to break the insurgency" — What a coincidence. Two years after Cheney said the insurgency was in its last throes, Joe Lieberman made essentially the same prediction. — CNN reports that Lieberman is on an unannounced "surprise" visit to Baghdad.