Top Items:

Warrant served at Ted Stevens' Girdwood home — FBI, IRS examine residence; remodeling job under scrutiny — Federal law enforcement agents raided U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens' Alaska home in Girdwood on Monday, hauling off undisclosed items from inside and taking extensive pictures and video.

Alaska Senator's Home Is Raided — Stevens Scrutinized In a Wide Inquiry Into Corruption in the State — Agents from the FBI and the Internal Revenue Service raided the Alaska home of Sen. Ted Stevens (R) yesterday as part of a broad federal investigation of political corruption in the state …
Discussion:, Firedoglake, Is That Legal?, Captain's Quarters, Associated Press, DownWithTyranny!, TIME, The Carpetbagger Report, TIME: Swampland, Redstate, New York Times, The Swamp,, Seeing the Forest, Air America Radio, Carry on America, MSNBC, Brains and Eggs, Wonkette and Anchorage Daily News

Short of Perjury — I find myself in an unaccustomed and unexpected position: defending Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. — Gonzales fans, if there are Gonzales fans left, except for the only fan who counts: Don't take any comfort from my assessment. — In his Senate testimony last week …

Giuliani Backs Hillary — and He Matches — The Giulianis at the benefit Saturday.Photo: Getty Images — Rudy Giuliani is supporting Hillary Clinton — at least in her mini-feud with Barack Obama over whether the two Democratic presidential candidates would meet with the leaders of hostile foreign countries.

Public Confidence in Presidential Hopefuls on Key 2008 Election Issues — No candidate has a clear edge on Iraq — PRINCETON, NJ — A new Gallup Panel survey finds each of the five best-known 2008 presidential candidates scoring similarly in ratings of public confidence in their ability …

Cheney Says He Is A 'Unique Creature,' Refuses To Say He Is Part Of Executive Branch — In June, House investigators revealed that Vice President Dick Cheney had exempted his office from an executive order order designed to safeguard classified national security information by claiming …

CNBC's Faber: News Corp. to Succeed In Buying Dow Jones — Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. will succeed in its months-long effort to acquire Dow Jones, publisher of the Wall Street Journal, CNBC's David Faber reported. — A definitive agreement is expected as early as tonight, Faber said, citing people familiar with the situation.
On Deadline

British army ends Ulster operation — Matthew Weaver and agencies — The British army's longest continuous military operation comes to an end at midnight tonight when responsibility for security in Northern Ireland passes to the police. — Operation Banner lasted 38 years …

Bread and a Circus, Part I of II — [Note: Before we begin, a huge congratulations to Iraq for winning the Asian Cup in soccer. As an American, I felt a sense of jubilation when Iraq took the title. I have temporarily left Iraq, for my only "break" this year, and am in Singapore.

New Polls: IA, NH, SC — ARG is out with a new round of '08 polls in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. All surveys were conducted July 26-30. Headlines on the Democratic side: Obama has moved into a tie with Clinton in New Hampshire and surged ahead of her in South Carolina, while Richardson is up and Edwards is down in Iowa.

New York Times Pulitzer Prize winner John Burns on Iraq, Iran and how the surge is working. — The Hugh Hewitt Show — HH: Pleased to welcome back to the Hugh Hewitt Show John Burns of the New York Times. Mr. Burns, welcome, it's been about six months since we spoke, and I gather you're in Baghdad today?

The Whys of Mating: 237 Reasons and Counting — Scholars in antiquity began counting the ways that humans have sex, but they weren't so diligent in cataloging the reasons humans wanted to get into all those positions. Darwin and his successors offered a few explanations of mating strategies …

BREAKING... Home Depot dumps O'Reilly: "We will not... advertise on the Bill O'Reilly show" — Home Depot seems to have had a change of heart. They're now unequivocally telling their customers that they will not advertise on Bill O'Reilly's show. Oddly, however, they're now also claiming …

Hillary on needle exchange: "As much spine as we possibly can" — There are few differences between Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on details of domestic policy, but previously unreported exchanges at recent New York meetings revealed one. Obama favors federal funding …
The Atlantic Online, Associated Press, Spectator, National Review and The Carpetbagger Report

Lieberman escalates attack on Iraq critics — Ever since Connecticut Democrats refused to back him for a fourth term in Congress, Joe Lieberman has been burnishing his independent credentials in the narrowly divided Senate while becoming increasingly critical of the Democratic Party on the war in Iraq.

Thompson on Horseback — It's a shame that Fred Thompson is too young to have played Matt Dillon, the no-nonsense marshal of Dodge City in the long-running radio and television series "Gunsmoke." That role on the radio went to William Conrad (later TV's "Cannon") and on television to James Arness.