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Conservatives Are Such Jokers — In 1960, John F. Kennedy, who had been shocked by the hunger he saw in West Virginia, made the fight against hunger a theme of his presidential campaign. After his election he created the modern food stamp program, which today helps millions of Americans get enough to eat.
The Corner, Eschaton, The Mahablog, Norwegianity, Daily Kos, Gateway Pundit and Brilliant at Breakfast

G.O.P. Contenders Endorse Health Insurance Veto — The four leading Republican presidential candidates have aligned themselves with President Bush's veto on Wednesday of an expanded health insurance program for children, once again testing the political risk of appearing in lock step …
The Carpetbagger Report, DownWithTyranny!, MSNBC, RealClearPolitics, MyDD and AMERICAblog

Matthews says Bush administration has "finally been caught in their criminality" — Playing Hardball with the Prez — "Hardball" host Chris Matthews addresses attendees at Thursday night's ten-year anniversary of "Hardball," which took place at the Decatur House in Washington, D.C.
Attytood, Redstate,, Shakespeare's Sister, Let Freedom Ring,, Editor and Publisher and TIME

The Republican Collapse — Modern conservatism begins with Edmund Burke. What Burke articulated was not an ideology or a creed, but a disposition, a reverence for tradition, a suspicion of radical change. — When conservatism came to America, it became creedal.

Code Pink Defaces US Marine Recruiter's Office in Berkeley — Code Pink: "US Marine Corps Assas(s)ination Office" — "We are so shocked and horrified that the Marines have come to Berkeley to prey on our children," said Zanne Joi, a Code Pink member -CBS5.

Berkeley Marine Center Draws Anti-War Ire — (CBS) BERKELEY Marine Captain Richard Lund recruits college students and graduates as candidates for officer positions in the marines. But carrying out that job in Berkeley is not always an easy task. — He has listened to a variety of complaints …

Losing A Generation? — The number of young people who do not consider themselves Christians is growing, as is the hostility toward Christianity expressed by the next generation of non-Christians, claims a new book from David Kinnaman of Money quote: … And so the polarization grows.

Bush says US 'does not torture' — WASHINGTON - President Bush defended his administration's detention and interrogation policies for terrorism suspects on Friday, saying they are both successful and lawful. — "When we find somebody who may have information regarding a potential attack on America …

ET TU, BARACK? — Barack Obama won't wear a pin on his lapel in the shape of the American flag. Forget what that says about Obama's feelings of patriotism or love of country. Frankly, I don't think it says much at all. His explanation - that he wants to show his patriotism through disseminating his …

Netroots Nightmare: O'Hanlon Teams Up with HRC — When Michael O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack of the Brookings Institution wrote in the New York TImes that the surge was working, they were widely criticized by the antiwar left, which went to great lengths to undercut their findings.
Comments from Left Field

So Far Rudy's Run Going According to Script — Of all the candidates in the Republican field, no one has a right to be happier with the way things have worked out thus far than Rudy Giuliani. Here's a quick look at where things stand: — After nine months of campaigning …

Dems Postpone Rollout Of Controversial Wiretapping Bill — Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the House Majority Leader, postponed a press conference announcing new reforms of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after progressive lawmakers banded together and said they would fight any legislation …

Senior U.S. Military Official Faults Blackwater In The Shooting Of 11 Iraqi Civilians — A senior U.S. military official tells the Washington Post that the Sept. 16 firing incident at Nissor Square involving Blackwater USA was unprovoked and that the 11 civilian victims were unarmed:

National Journal's Cover Story On Blogs — Back in January 2006, I authored a cover story on "The Rise Of Blogs" for National Journal magazine. In this week's hot-off-the-presses edition of the magazine, Bara Vaida, a former senior writer for me at Technology Daily, follows up with another cover story titled "Blogging On."

Giuliani Pulled No Punches on the Radio — So what should a mayor do? Just let constituents call his weekly radio program on WABC — the one called "Live From City Hall ... With Rudy Giuliani" — and whine and complain and get in his face without answering back? — Puh-leeze.
New York Post, The Atlantic Online, CBS News, Quad City Times and The Van Der Galiën Gazette

The Angriest Justice — Justice Clarence Thomas's new autobiography dredges up his 16-year-old battle with Anita Hill and fulminates against liberal groups, Democratic senators and others who opposed his nomination. The clash with Ms. Hill has grabbed most of the headlines.