Top Items:

An unlikely treasure-trove of donors for Clinton — The candidate's unparalleled fundraising success relies largely on the least-affluent residents of New York's Chinatown — some of whom can't be tracked down. — NEW YORK — Something remarkable happened at 44 Henry St., a grimy Chinatown tenement with peeling walls.
Captain's Quarters, Horses Mouth, MSNBC, The Hill, Blogs for Bush, Gawker, Booman Tribune, Boston Globe, QandO, TIME, Interesting Times, Blue Crab Boulevard, Macsmind, Spin Cycle and A Blog For All

Hsu II? Hillary raking in cash from poor Chinese immigrants, many of whom can't be located — Sinfully delicious. Remember, Hsugate began not with Hsu himself but with the Paw family, who somehow churned out a cool $50K in contributions to the Cause — most of which coincided with Hsu's own donations …

Randi Rhodes Speaks About Non-Mugging, Raises New Questions — A DEEPER HOLE … Now that Air America Radio host Randi Rhodes has returned to the airwaves, at least one mystery has been solved: we know why her lawyer was in charge of making press statements.

Randi Rhodes statement on "mugging"/falling down incident — Speaking on her radio show today, Air America Radio's Randi Rhodes spoke about her supposed mugging. She said she was watching football in an Irish pub and went outside for a smoke. The next thing she knew she was on the ground …

Pelosi's Armenian Gambit — There are three relevant questions concerning the Armenian genocide. — (a) Did it happen? — (b) Should the U.S. House of Representatives be expressing itself on this now? — (c) Was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's determination to bring this to a vote …
The Jawa Report, Central Sanity, Betsy's Page, Macsmind, Whiskey Fire, Jules Crittenden and Soccer Dad

Democratic Lawmaker Pushing Immunity Is Newly Flush With Telco Cash — Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) is reportedly steering the secretive Senate Intelligence Committee to give retroactive immunity to telecoms that helped the government secretly spy on Americans.
Sunlight Foundation blogs, Firedoglake, DownWithTyranny!, Death, Salon, The Agonist and Booman Tribune

Libertarians Rising — To oversimplify: Democrats are for Big Government; Republicans are against it. — To oversimplify somewhat less, Democrats aren't always for Big Government, and Republicans aren't always against it. Democrats treasure civil liberties, whereas Republicans …

No To Mukasey … Matt calls him "completely unacceptable." Having read the testimony, I'm afraid I have to abandon my early hopes and agree. An attorney general who believes a president has a permanent right to ignore the rule of law because peacetime is now wartime for ever …
Washington Monthly

Cheney hand seen behind leaks of 'misleading' stories — Allegations that a Syrian envoy admitted during a United Nations meeting Oct. 17 that an Israeli air strike hit a nuclear facility in September are inaccurate and have raised the ire of some in the US intelligence community …

Grand Jury Investigation Seeking Phoenix Newspaper's Reader Data — In the department of news ranging from unprecedented to shocking, from the Phoenix New Times, this stands out. … At the heart of the matter is controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio (think, inmates wearing pink underwear …

Dodd Goes to the Mat: Says He Will Filibuster FISA — He said he "might have to." And he will. — From the Dodd campaign: … Finally someone willing to filibuster and cut through the ocean of glue the Senate seems to be swimming in. — This is awesome. Go Dodd. — Update: Just added — YouTube above.
Mercury Rising

Reid Tries To Shut Down Dodd's Hold
Salon, The Newshoggers, Blogometer, Booman Tribune, Shakespeare's Sister, Corrente, The Sideshow, The Carpetbagger Report, Left in the West, BitsBlog, Chris Dodd National Blog, If I Ran the Zoo, Prairie Weather, Comments from Left Field, Brilliant at Breakfast, Open Left, DownWithTyranny!, Bark Bark Woof Woof, TPMmuckraker, Election Central, RADAMISTO, Liberal Values and Rook's Rant

I'm Told — Senator Reid just went to the Senate floor and asked people to bid on the Rush letter. — 40-some minutes to go.... UPDATE: Here's a raw transcript from the Senate:

Evangelicals Lukewarm Toward GOP Field — For months, Republican presidential candidates such as Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and John McCain have courted evangelical Christians, meeting with religious leaders throughout the Midwest and the South. — Today, thousands of Christian conservatives …
New York Times, The Newshoggers, The Caucus, The Politico, Dallas Morning News, MSNBC, The Carpetbagger Report, Dick Polman's American Debate, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Right's Field, CNN Political Ticker, AMERICAblog, DownWithTyranny!, PoliBlog (TM), Spin Cycle and The Gun Toting Liberal™

Bad Democrats — Al Wynn: … translation: "Jew money." — It's only 4 months until the primary. While the fundraising ability of the netroots is in some sense impressive, I don't think it's quite been tapped and directed as well as it could. No hard sell here, but having
Open Left

Anti-War Veteran Quits Anti-War Organization — Frustrated by the lack of progress toward surrender in Iraq, veteran John Bruhns has quit the anti-war group AAEI: … I have a 'personal connection' to Bruhns: I've received at least one robocall from him (and if memory serves, several).

Prominent Iraq veteran Bruhns quits major anti-war organization
Don Surber

Nobel winner: I didn't mean blacks are inferior — LONDON, England (CNN) — Nobel laureate biologist Jim Watson apologized "unreservedly" Thursday for stating that black people were not as intelligent as whites, saying he was "mortified" by the comments attributed to him.

Death of the Machine — "There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money, and I can't remember what the second one is." So declared Mark Hanna, the great Gilded Age political boss. — Karl Rove has often described Hanna as his role model.
The Atlantic Online, Prairie Weather, The Mahablog, TPMCafe blogs, Middle Earth Journal, Ezra Klein, Norwegianity and Political Punch