Top Items:

Evangelicals Lukewarm Toward GOP Field — For months, Republican presidential candidates such as Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and John McCain have courted evangelical Christians, meeting with religious leaders throughout the Midwest and the South. — Today, thousands of Christian conservatives …

Social Conservatives Meet, Their Options Cut by One — Senator Sam Brownback is planning to drop out of the presidential race today, as the social conservative advocates he courted try to find a candidate behind whom they can unite. — More than 2,000 participants will meet today and tomorrow …

Dallas minister urges vote for a Christian, not Romney

Pelosi's Armenian Gambit — There are three relevant questions concerning the Armenian genocide. — (a) Did it happen? — (b) Should the U.S. House of Representatives be expressing itself on this now? — (c) Was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's determination to bring this to a vote …

Krauthammer's Razor — I wrote about the House resolution condemning the Armenian genocide in "What about the Dardanelles?" Charles Krauthammer devotes his weekly column to the subject in "Pelosi's Armenian gambit." I called the House resolution an act of unbelievable irresponsibility …

Democratic Lawmaker Pushing Immunity Is Newly Flush With Telco Cash — Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) is reportedly steering the secretive Senate Intelligence Committee to give retroactive immunity to telecoms that helped the government secretly spy on Americans.

House Sustains President's Veto on Child Health — The House on Thursday upheld President Bush's veto of a bill to provide health insurance to 10 million children, but Democrats vowed to send it back to him next month, with minor changes, in the belief that they could ultimately prevail.

Reid Tries To Shut Down Dodd's Hold — Well this is quite shocking: … I'm a bit confused here. This just doesn't happen. So I chatted with someone I know with extensive Hill experience, who said: … Consider what happened when Chris Dodd introduced the Emmet Till cold case bill …
Salon, Booman Tribune, The Sideshow, Shakespeare's Sister, Chris Dodd National Blog, BitsBlog, DownWithTyranny!, Daily Kos, Taylor Marsh, PSoTD and Redstate

THE HLF JURY RETURNS — The Dallas Morning News reports that the jury has reached a verdict in the Holy Land Foundation trial after 19 days of deliberation. The verdict was sealed and will not be read in court until the presiding Judge Joe Fish returns to town on Monday.
On Deadline

Death of the Machine — "There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money, and I can't remember what the second one is." So declared Mark Hanna, the great Gilded Age political boss. — Karl Rove has often described Hanna as his role model.

An unlikely treasure-trove of donors for Clinton — The candidate's unparalleled fundraising success relies largely on the least-affluent residents of New York's Chinatown — some of whom can't be tracked down. — NEW YORK — Something remarkable happened at 44 Henry St., a grimy Chinatown tenement with peeling walls.

Drawing the line — I understand Mukasey is supposed to be a reasonably good guy, by comparison with the run of Bush appointees. But if Mukasey won't say that waterboarding is torture and claims that the President has some undefined power to violate statute law — even criminal laws …

Robot Cannon Kills 9, Wounds 14 — We're not used to thinking of them this way. But many advanced military weapons are essentially robotic — picking targets out automatically, slewing into position, and waiting only for a human to pull the trigger. Most of the time.
The Belmont Club

Randi Rhodes statement on "mugging"/falling down incident — Speaking on her radio show today, Air America Radio's Randi Rhodes spoke about her supposed mugging. She said she was watching football in an Irish pub and went outside for a smoke. The next thing she knew she was on the ground …

Martin: Obama's black wakeup call — (CNN) — If the advisers around Sen. Barack Obama want to continue to delude themselves into thinking they have lots of time for black voters to get around to figuring out their candidate's record on issues they care about, then the latest CNN poll surely must …

Oil prices hit record high $90.07 — LONDON (AFP) - Oil prices soared to another record high above 90 dollars per barrel amid global supply jitters and tensions between Turkey and crude producer Iraq, dealers said Friday. — New York's main futures contract, light sweet crude for delivery in November …

Reggae star Lucky Dube shot dead by carjackers — The South African music legend Lucky Dube, an icon across the continent, was shot dead late last night in an apparent botched hijacking, police said. — Captain Cheryl Engelbrecht said the incident took place at about 8.20 pm after Mr Dube …
The Moderate Voice

From the Back of the Pack — Rindge, N.H. — The first thing you notice about Mike Huckabee is that he has a Mayberry name and a Jim Nabors face. But it's quickly clear that Huckabee is as good a campaigner as anybody running for president this year. And before too long it becomes easy …

Musharraf slams attack near Bhutto motorcade — KARACHI, Pakistan (CNN) — Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has condemned a suicide bombing that killed 136 people near former PM Benazir Bhutto's motorcade and vowed to hold an independent investigation as soon as possible.