Top Items:

Clinton Gets an Instant Chance to Wield a New Weapon — It used to be that when a campaign had an argument with a news report, it put out a mass e-mail message disputing the offending item. That was a huge technological leap from the fax machine. — Now even e-mail may be growing quaint.
NPR, The Stump, Flopping Aces, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, TalkLeft,, New York Post, Daily Kos, Ankle Biting Pundits, politburo diktat 2.0, The Politico, Washington Post, No More Mister Nice Blog, Outside The Beltway, The Democratic Daily, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Firedoglake, Shakespeare's Sister, Blue Crab Boulevard, Riehl World View, Don Surber, Making Light, Taylor Marsh, Balloon Juice and The Atlantic Online

Two New Hampshire Polls Will Show Shrinking Clinton Lead — Two new reputable polls of New Hampshire Democratic Primary voters will show statistically significant drops in support for frontrtunner Hillary Clinton, Democrats who have seen those polls said today.

Waitress tells campaign reporters: 'You people are really nuts' — It's hard to say for sure when the "silly season" started in the media's coverage of the presidential campaign. If there was a "serious season," it was exceedingly short. I'm afraid I missed it. — But yesterday was unusually inane.
Crooks and Liars, The American Street, The Heretik, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, Outside The Beltway and The Stump

Huckabee's Salvation — Dr. James Dobson, who has largely been made irrelevant to the 2008 Republican presidential race, has apparently found his man, and according to an adviser, is ready to change the landscape of the Republican nomination race. — "He is the leader of the evangelical …

Giuliani camp swings back after Kerik jabs — None of Rudy's GOP rivals wanted to dive headlong into the Kerik affair, but then a reporter went and asked McCain about it. And, McCain being McCain, he spoke out … Tom Ridge, the first DHS Secretary, was traveling with McCain and offered …

Joe for VP — Bill Kristol has a typically provocative and noteworthy editorial now posted on the website of The Weekly Standard. Bill points out that the MSM chose to ignore one of the most significant Senate speeches I can recall: Senator Joe Lieberman's critique of the Democratic party's …

Edwards: I'm closer to Obama than Clinton — Edwards seems to be saving his artillery for Hillary, and sought in Des Moines today to minimize the distance between himself and Obama. — "The differences between Sen. Clinton and myself are much more dramatic than the differences between …

Things Are Tough All Over — But Mrs. Clinton is no Iron Lady.
No More Mister Nice Blog, The Newshoggers, Bookworm Room, The Cabal, Don Surber, Blue Crab Boulevard, Betsy's Page and VodkaPundit

Edwards: Differences with Clinton most 'dramatic'
CNN Political Ticker

Rove Decries 'Nutty' 'Vitriolic' Bloggers Who Spew 'Bad Words' — Yesterday, ThinkProgress attended a Yahoo-sponsored Citizen 2.0 event in Washington, DC, at which Karl Rove discussed the intersection of politics and the Internet. Rove lamented the loss of civility in politics on the web …
The Huffington Post,, At-Largely, Beltway Blogroll, QandO, The Atlantic Online, Opinion Journal, Gateway Pundit, Buck Naked Politics, The Van Der Galiën Gazette, DownWithTyranny!, TalkLeft, darkblack, Wake up America, Blue Crab Boulevard, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES and Don't Go Into The Light

Biden: Democrats have lost faith in the American people — Sen. Joe Biden said in an interview at the New Hampshire Union Leader this afternoon that too many Democrats, including the frontrunners for the presidential nomination, do not have faith in the American people.
Done With Mirrors, Don Surber, Wizbang, Wake up America, A NEWT ONE, Hot Air, No More Mister Nice Blog and National Review

Presto! CNN Edits Pelosi's Quote To Make Her Say Dem Congress "Hasn't Done Anything" — I'm not sure anyone could outdo this one in terms of, shall we say, "creative" editing of quotes. — CNN ran a report this afternoon with the headline: "Record Anger At Congress."
Done With Mirrors

Angry Hispanic Democrats Confront House Leaders — Tensions between Hispanic Democrats and House leaders exploded Friday when a bloc of Hispanic lawmakers voted to derail a major tax bill, relenting only after an angry confrontation on the floor with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md.

Reid Allowed Vote On Mukasey In Exchange For Military Funding Bill — Here's some more on what exactly happened in the negotiations that led up to the rushed confirmation of Michael Mukasey yesterday. — According to sources inside and outside the Democratic leadership …

New Jersey Rep. Saxton to Retire — Rep. Jim Saxton, the twelve-term Republican from New Jersey's 3rd District, plans to retire after his current term, an announcement that could come as early as today, according to sources familiar with his decision. — Saxton's retirement opens up a seat …

Bush's bishops: Exit Iraq now — President Bush's church, long at odds with him on matters of public policy, called on the United States and its partners today to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq immediately. — The Bishops of the United Methodist Church approved a resolution calling on Bush …

DeLay: 'No American Is Denied Health Care In America' — Speaking in the UK yesterday, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) predicted that if a Democrat is elected president in 2008, he or she would seek to install a universal health care, similar to the system in Britain.

Feinstein backs legal immunity for telecom firms in wiretap cases — Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Thursday that she favors legal immunity for telecommunications companies that allegedly shared millions of customers' telephone and e-mail messages and records with the government …