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Ralph Nader Flirts with Presidential Bid — With Harsh Words for Current Field, Nader Says Candidacy as Urgent as Ever — Ralph Nader has formed a presidential exploratory committee, and said in an interview Wednesday that he will launch another presidential bid if he's convinced …
Shakespeare's Sister, The Hill, Los Angeles Times, Hot Air, Wonkette, AMERICAblog, Lawyers, Guns and Money and Outside The Beltway

John Edwards to Quit Presidential Race — John Edwards will end his presidential bid today, a source close to the Edwards campaign confirmed. — The former North Carolina senator is scheduled to speak in New Orleans this afternoon — an appearance billed as an anti-poverty speech …
Associated Press, The Daily Dish, New York Times, American Street, The Gun Toting Liberal™, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Democratic Daily, The 7-10, Taylor Marsh, Comments from Left Field, Rox Populi, Scobleizer, Middle Earth Journal, The Reaction, Liberal Values, Say Anything and Captain's Quarters

Gallup Daily: Tracking Election 2008 — Based on daily polling from Jan. 27-29, 2008 — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama has now cut the gap with Hillary Clinton to 6 percentage points among Democrats nationally in the Gallup Poll Daily tracking three-day average, and interviewing conducted …

McCain declines one-on-one debate — NBC invited John McCain and Mitt Romney onto “Meet the Press” Sunday for a final debate before Super Tuesday. Romney, now the underdog and eager for opportunities to take on the frontrunner, immediately accepted. McCain, who appeared on the show …

ANYBODY BUT McCAIN....I happen to think that hard-right conservatives …

POST ENDORSES BARACK OBAMA — Democrats in 22 states across America go to the polls next Tuesday to pick between two presidential prospects: Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. — We urge them to choose Obama - an untried candidate, to be sure, but preferable to the junior senator from New York.

For immediate release — The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to lower its target for the federal funds rate 50 basis points to 3 percent. — Financial markets remain under considerable stress, and credit has tightened further for some businesses and households.

Super Tuesday Math: Far, Far From Over — CNN puts McCain with 97 delegates and Romney at 74. — Let's look at the worst case for Romney on Super Tuesday. — Next Tuesday the winner-take-all states that lean McCain are New York (101), Missouri (58), Arizona (53), New Jersey (52) …

U.S. Rep. Davis to Retire, Ending 14-Year Tenure in Congress — U.S. Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.) said today he will retire from Congress at the end of the year, bringing to a close a 14-year stint in the House of Representatives during which he rose rapidly through the ranks …

A King Backs Clinton — Amy Chozick reports on the presidential race from Little Rock, Ark. — As the Obama campaign basks in the Kennedy glow, chief rival Sen. Hillary Clinton picked up an endorsement today from a larger-than-life southern entertainer known for his sideburns and white rhinestone-studded jumpsuit.
Brian Beutler

That's More Like It — Here's Barack Obama talking today in Denver: … Obviously, Obama, too, would have some problems against John McCain who'll argue that he's too green. But the basic spirit here seems correct to me. You want to argue that discontentment with the fruits of Bush's policies …
The Fact Hub, The Newshoggers, The Caucus, The Democratic Daily, Outside The Beltway and Liberal Values

The Last Action Hero — So here we are, at the turn of the tide: one vote from winning the court; two-to-three good years from winning the largest stage of the war; the pressures of the Oval Office at their dramatic peak. A critical moment in our nation's history, time for an individual …

Top Edwards Adviser Joe Trippi: Hillary And Obama Are “Banging Down The Doors” For Our Endorsement — Top Edwards adviser Joe Trippi just confirmed to me by phone that the Hillary and Obama campaigns are already working overtime to woo Edwards to their sides — even before his official dropout speech.
Open Left, Ben Smith's Blogs, Salon, Wonkette, Sister Toldjah, The Page and Independent Liberal

The Daniel Pearl Standard — This week marks the sixth anniversary of the murder of my son Daniel Pearl, a reporter for this newspaper. It is a fitting occasion to step back and reflect on what this tragedy has taught us. — I am often asked why Danny's death has touched so many people and why he …

Commission Confidential — EXTRA — In a revelation bound to cast a pall over the 9/11 Commission, Philip Shenon will report in a forthcoming book that the panel's executive director, Philip Zelikow, engaged in “surreptitious” communications with presidential adviser Karl Rove …