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Hillary Clinton Mocks Barack Obama During Campaign Rally — Hillary Clinton's campaign is on its last legs after suffering a string of defeats to her rival Barack Obama. Clinton made the decision to go negative in an effort to halt Obama's rising momentum.

Obama Mailings ‘False’? — Clinton says Democrats should be “outraged.” You be the judge. — Clinton said “every Democrat should be outraged” at two “false” mailers that Obama sent to voters in Ohio. — We find that a mailer criticizing her position on trade is indeed misleading.
The Fact Hub, Political Radar, Political Punch, PoliGazette, Classical Values and The Carpetbagger Report

Obama Knocks Clinton, But Wouldn't Ax NAFTA — Obama: NAFTA Repeal ‘Would Actually Result in More Job Loss ... Than Job Gains’ — Appealing to union voters in a dry wall manufacturing plant in this crucial primary state, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., Sunday afternoon said that even though …

Clinton blasts claims in two Obama mailers — CINCINNATI - Struggling to regain her footing in the run-up to a crucial primary here, Hillary Rodham Clinton lashed out at Sen. Barack Obama Saturday, waving a pair of Obama campaign mailers whose claims she called “an outright falsehood.”

‘Meet the Press’ transcript for Feb. 24, 2008 — Ralph Nader, David Brooks, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Michele Norris, Chuck Todd — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: Many Democrats accuse this man of draining votes from Al Gore, which helped elect George W. Bush in 2000.
Power Line, The Caucus, Redstate, Political Radar, The Belmont Club, Reason Magazine, Los Angeles Times, The Garlic, Don Surber, Firedoglake and The Page

Nader enters in boon to GOP — Ralph Nader announced on NBC's “Meet the Press” that he'll run as a third-party, anti-corporate candidate for president this fall, which would be likely to drain votes from the Democratic nominee and provide a huge boon to Republicans.

Ralph Nader Will Run For President Again But Faces Different Political Landscape
Chicago Tribune, American Spectator, Politics Plus, Commentary and skippy the bush kangaroo

Nader An Oh-Eighter — Barack Obama can now point to someone running …

The Clintons' Last Stand — Watching senator Clinton attempt to regain some lift as she paraglides into history is almost enough to evoke pity. Almost. The Clintons come with their own boundless reserves of self-pity so further reinforcements seem unnecessary to me.

Obama Wore Muslim Garb During Kenya Trip — [Note: please see the update posted below. The photograph is authentic.] — A poster named “Bannie” at Free Republic has noted a photo that appeared in the February 4, 2008 edition of the notoriously unreliable supermarket tabloid, the National Examiner:
Atlas Shrugs, Right Wing Nut House, Stop The ACLU, UrbanGrounds, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Gateway Pundit and Wake up America

EXPERIENCE....Riffing off Scott Lemieux, Matt Yglesias takes a pot shot at Hillary Clinton's claim to be the “experienced” candidate: … This obviously gets into the realm of pure spin since “experience” is such an amorphous quality, but I really think that Obama partisans are missing the point here.

Two Winnable Wars — No one can return from the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan, as I recently did, without believing that these are wars that can still be won. They are also clearly wars that can still be lost, but visits to the battlefield show that these conflicts are very different …
Hot Air, American Power, Flopping Aces, The Strata-Sphere, American Street, Weekly Standard, Jules Crittenden and Gateway Pundit

DNC to File FEC Complaint Against McCain Campaign — John McCain's attempted politically motivated gaming of the public financing system is already drawing the attention of the Federal Elections Commisssion, with the chairman of the FEC firing off a letter to McCain's presidential campaign asking …

White House backtracks on claims of lost intelligence — Hours after chiding Congress for not finishing a wiretapping bill and leaving the nation ‘vulnerable to terrorist attack,’ officials acknowledge all requested information is being received. — WASHINGTON — A day after warning …

Sex and Lobbyists — Last week, Shaun Mullen attempted to remind us that the McCain-NYT flap was less about sex, more about lobbyists and hypocrisy. Separately, Patrick Appel (filling in for Andrew Sullivan) noted: “... the sex scandal, if real, would sink [McCain].
protein wisdom

Tax and Deregulate — To offer some further thoughts on Iceland, I should say I don't particularly disagree with Will Wilkinson and others who think that the economic success of countries like Iceland and Denmark should be chalked up in part to the relatively light hand of the regulatory state in those places.