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One of Instapundit's favorite blogs speaks on race — (updated below - Update II - Update III) — Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds today linked to what he called “EASTER THOUGHTS” from one of his favorite right-wing blogs [gers], his namesake, “Instapunk.” That Easter post has a large picture …

How many Punks Does It Take To Embarrass Glenn Greenwald? — Glenn Greenwald opens a new frontier by criticizing Glenn Reynolds for a post he didn't link to. Folks who go to Greenwald's post will currently see this: — One of Instapundit's favorite blogs speaks on race

EASTER THOUGHTS, from InstaPunk. — UPDATE: Jeez, get a clue, Greenwald. I don't know why you felt you had to bring me into this — well, actually, I think I do — but the post you're bitching about is by a different blogger than the post linked above. I know it's hard to get your mind around …
protein wisdom

Is Sen. McCain's expertise in foreign policy expired? — Senator McCain relies strongly on foreign policy experience for two significant reasons; firstly, it masks his incapability to address the most important national issues such as the economy, health care, education and immigration.

Why Radical Islam Just Won't Die — THE big surprise, viewed from my own narrow perspective five years later, has taken place in the mysterious zones of extremist ideology. In the months and weeks before the invasion of Iraq, I wrote quite a lot about ideology in the Middle East …
The Gun Toting Liberal™, Hullabaloo, Booman Tribune, TigerHawk, American Power and Angry Bear

In Easter Sermon, New Obama Pastor Charges Rev. Wright Victim of ‘Lynching’ — The new pastor at Barack Obama's church used his first Easter sermon on Sunday to compare controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. to Jesus' death at the hands of the Romans. — Sunday's sunrise sermon …
protein wisdom,, All Spin Zone, Cheat Seeking Missiles, Gateway Pundit and Top of the Ticket

University Of The Absurd — Recently I sat down with a young woman who shared with me the experience of her first year at Thurgood Marshall College, one of the six colleges of the University of California at San Diego. She explained to me that regardless of her major field of study …

Speaking Up — Item number 4 on Mark Halrpin's list of painful things Hillary Clinton knows — or should know: … Pelosi has certainly said and done some things that have “signaled” this, as we say in DC, but I think that insofar as it's really true that she and “other leading members of Congress” …

Haunting Obama's Dreams — It is a tribute to Hillary Clinton that even though, rationally, political soothsayers think she can no longer win, irrationally, they wonder how she will pull it off. — It's impossible to imagine The Terminator, as a former aide calls her, giving up.

Barack Obama: toxic mentors start to corrode pristine campaign — The Democrat was surging ahead but now revelations about the men who helped shape him are putting voters off — Watch Barack Obama's speech on race — Long before Barack Obama launched his campaign for the White House …

Stalwart Service for U.S. in Iraq Is Not Enough to Gain Green Card — During his nearly four years as a translator for U.S. forces in Iraq, Saman Kareem Ahmad was known for his bravery and hard work. “Sam put his life on the line with, and for, Coalition Forces on a daily basis,” wrote Marine Capt. Trent A. Gibson.

Saddam collected information on dozens of potential targets in Israel — Saddam Hussein's intelligence service collected information on dozens of sites in Israel, including airports, other transportation centers, as well as scientific and religious centers that were thought to be potential targets for attacks.

Sara Jane Olson rearrested — Former Symbionese Liberation Army member Sara Jane Olson, right, and her husband Dr. Gerald Peterson made no comment to reporters as they left Olson's mother's home in Lancaster Friday, March 21, 2008. The former SLA member was held at LAX over a possible error in her release on Saturday, March 22, 2008.

Lieberman is McCain's bipartisan wingman — Wherever John McCain goes these days, it seems, Joseph I. Lieberman is there. — When McCain needed a quick reminder in Jordan last week on how to characterize Islamic radicals in Iraq receiving aid from Iran, Lieberman was there to whisper into his colleague's ear.

Let's define ‘national controversy’ — I have a feeling Kevin Drum might tease me again for writing this, but I can't help myself. It's just too annoying. — The New York Times' Deborah Solomon chatted with notorious televangelist John Hagee this week for an interview that ran in today's NYT Sunday magazine.
Washington Monthly