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One of Instapundit's favorite blogs speaks on race — Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds today linked to what he called “EASTER THOUGHTS” from one of his favorite right-wing blogs [gers], his namesake, “Instapunk.” That Easter post has a large picture of a crucified Christ along with a lovely religious poem.
skippy the bush kangaroo, The Newshoggers, The Impolitic, American Power, Little Miss Attila, Hullabaloo, The Smirking Chimp, Liberty Street, Sadly, No!, The Anonymous Liberal, American Street, Orcinus, The RBC, Lawyers, Guns and Money, INSTAPUTZ, Liberal Fascism, Unfogged, Political Byline and RADAMISTO

EASTER THOUGHTS, from InstaPunk. — UPDATE: Jeez, get a clue, Greenwald. I don't know why you felt you had to bring me into this — well, actually, I think I do — but the post you're bitching about is by a different blogger than the post linked above. I know it's hard to get your mind around …

Let's define ‘national controversy’ — I have a feeling Kevin Drum might tease me again for writing this, but I can't help myself. It's just too annoying. — The New York Times' Deborah Solomon chatted with notorious televangelist John Hagee this week for an interview that ran in today's NYT Sunday magazine.
American Street

Endorsing Obama — Today I endorse Barack Obama for president of the United States. I believe him to be a person of integrity, intelligence and genuine good will. I take him at his word that he wants to move the nation beyond its religious and racial divides and to return United States …

We Don't Know This Sen. Joe — Sen. Lieberman has been too busy burning bridges to build any. — When The Day endorsed Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman for re-election in November 2006 it was supporting a candidate who demonstrated a history of pragmatic leadership and a willingness to seek bipartisan solutions.

Lieberman is McCain's bipartisan wingman — Wherever John McCain goes these days, it seems, Joseph I. Lieberman is there. — When McCain needed a quick reminder in Jordan last week on how to characterize Islamic radicals in Iraq receiving aid from Iran, Lieberman was there to whisper into his colleague's ear.

In Easter Sermon, New Obama Pastor Charges Rev. Wright Victim of ‘Lynching’ — CHICAGO — The new pastor of Barack Obama's church delivered a defiant defense of its retiring reverend Sunday, comparing media coverage of Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. to a modern-day lynching that resembles Jesus' death at the hands of the Romans.

Richardson: ‘I am very loyal to the Clintons’ — (CNN) — Facing fire from some fellow Democrats for his decision to endorse Sen. Barack Obama, Gov. Bill Richardson said Sunday he still considers himself loyal to the family that helped make his political career. — “I am very loyal to the Clintons.

8 Questions That Will Shape Where the Race for the Democratic …
Jules Crittenden

At Least 51 Die in Attacks Across Iraq — BAGHDAD — The shelling started just before 6 a.m., mortar fire shaking buildings and sending early risers in the Green Zone here running for shelter. Sirens went off, and loudspeakers blared, “Duck and cover! Duck and cover!”

Attacks Kill 57 in Iraq; Green Zone Hit
Blue Girl, Red State

So You Say You Want a Revolution? — I find it striking that, as presented in episode two of John Adams, the case for independence is distinctly underwhelming. In particular, the point that a rebellion which can only succeed with foreign assistance is as likely to result in domination …

JOHN McCAIN'S WORLD....When it comes to the Iraq war, John McCain's basic policy is “Just like Bush, but even crazier!” (LA Times rundown here.) Now Robert Gordon and James Kvaal have gone where weaker men fear to tread, taking a close look at McCain's economic policy for the Center for American Progress.

Obama: ‘This is not a crackpot church’ — Carrie Budoff Brown sends over the transcript from Obama's appearance, airing tomorrow, on the Michael Smerconish Show on 1210 AM WPHT in Philadelphia, from audio the show provided. — In the interview, Obama says he's talked to Wright in the past about …
TPM Election Central

FOXNews Sunday: Brit Hume Dismisses McCain's Iran/al Qaeda Confusion As A “Senior Moment” — Brit Hume tries to dismiss McCain's misstatements on the Iran/al Qaeda connections as a “senior moment” for McCain. … Once again, ONCE might have been a senior moment. Repeated transgressions does not a senior “moment” make.

Speaking Up — Item number 4 on Mark Halrpin's list of painful things Hillary Clinton knows — or should know: … Pelosi has certainly said and done some things that have “signaled” this, as we say in DC, but I think that insofar as it's really true that she and “other leading members of Congress” …
The Confluence

Muslim baptized by pope says life in danger — VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A Muslim author and critic of Islamic fundamentalism who was baptized a Catholic by Pope Benedict said on Sunday Islam is “physiologically violent” and he is now in great danger because of his conversion.