Top Items:

Clinton on Iran Attack: ‘Obliterate Them’ — Hillary: If Iran Attacked Israel With Nukes ‘We Would Be Able to Totally Obliterate Them’ — One day before Pennsylvania primary voters go to the polls, Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and Barack Obama, D-Ill., spent the day trying to reach undecided voters …

A nuclear threat? — Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson …

North Carolina Democratic Presidential Debate CANCELLED — We regret to inform you that the proposed Democratic Presidential Debate scheduled for April 27 has been cancelled due to time constraints and logistical issues associated with such a large, national event.

Why The Nomination Campaign Won't End — Rather than musing about the different ways that the campaign could potentially end, it is probably far more productive to figure out why the nomination campaign is not ending. Once we figure out why the campaign is continuing …

A measure of racism: 15 percent? — I was talking the other day to a prominent Republican who asked me what I thought John McCain's strongest issues would be in the general election. — Lower taxes and the argument he will be better able to protect America from its enemies, I said.

Unhinged — The Left is losing it. Not the election. Just any semblance of sanity. From one Barack Obama fan we learn, “This is an election about whether the people of Pennsylvania hate blacks more than they hate women.” And these are Democrats, mind you.

Obama: 'Why can't I just eat my waffle?' — SCRANTON, Pa. - As Sen. Hillary Clinton was preparing to campaign here today, Sen. Barack Obama was meeting with voters at a diner and apparently pretty hungry. — “Why can't I just eat my waffle?” he said, when asked a foreign policy question by a reporter at the Glider Diner.

Her husband is a lucky man.UPDATED — Her husband is a lucky man. — UPDATED — Over at Dr. Helen's blog, I found a link to this MSNBC article by a woman who is truly a remarkable individual, willing to personally insult the father of her children on the internet and to clear up once …

How Olbermann Landed Hillary — On Friday, April 18, Hillary Clinton's chief spokesman Howard Wolfson called MSNBC senior vice president Phil Griffin with an offer: Hillary Clinton would appear on Countdown with Keith Olbermann on the eve of the Pennsylvania Primary.

Is the Obama Campaign Too Obsessed With Delegates? — Isaac makes a good point in response to my item about Obama trying to fight to a delegate draw in Pennsylvania. I agree that there have been times in the campaign when team Obama has seemed a little too obsessed with delegates, and not concerned enough with symbolic victories.
Oliver Willis

New InsiderAdvantage Poll — Clinton 49%, Obama 39% In Latest InsiderAdvantage Pennsylvania Survey — Sen. Hillary Clinton has a significant lead over Sen. Barack Obama with just a day to go until the Democratic Pennsylvania presidential primary, with an unusually high number of voters still undecided.

Police arrest 72 in third sweep — Authorities seize cocaine, marijuana, pills. Patrons charged in Kenmore bars — Authorities arrested 72 people in the third night of a Gun Violence Reduction Sweep on Friday night and Saturday morning, Akron police Lt. Rick Edwards said.

Dream Ticket Sounds Good to Many Democrats (Except the Candidates) — Imagine President Barack Obama is preparing his first State of the Union message. Would he want Vice President Hillary Rodham Clinton tut-tutting with edits or suggesting how she could write it better?

266 - Where News Breaks — As any journalist knows, news has to be about people - they either make it, or are affected by it. No people, no news. It therefore stands to reason that heavily populated areas of the US, like California or the Northeast, generate most of the news stories.
The New Republic

Bill Clinton Defends Hillary's Campaign — Note: Please upgrade your Flash plug-in to view our enhanced content. — Campaigning with his wife in Pittsburgh's Market Square, Bill Clinton defends his wife against charges she should leave the race. (Video: Ed O'Keefe/

Democratic Tracking Poll: President — Barack Obama 57 — Hillary Clinton 32 — The bigger question than whether Obama would win North Carolina at this point might be whether it will even matter. If Obama manages to pull out a win or even a narrow defeat in Pennsylvania tomorrow …
Real Clear Politics

Gore says laws must change — AL GORE wants to make a sequel to his Oscar-winning documentary on global warming - and despite Earth's “rising fever” he is still hopeful for a happy ending. — We are, he says, all players in deciding the outcome. — Despite the success of his film …
The Lede, Vodkapundit, Truthdig,, Weekly Standard Blog, Sister Toldjah, JammieWearingFool and Don Surber

Bruce barred from speaking after ‘illiterate’ remark — Disparaging remarks aimed at migrant workers got resident House rabble-rouser Douglas Bruce banned from speaking on a temporary-worker bill today. — “We don't need 5,000 more illiterate peasants in the state of Colorado,” Bruce …

Rendell And Farrakhan — One thought that this video inevitably raises: what if Obama had ever said such a thing or been to such an event? Given what we know now about this campaign, would it not be the conventional wisdom that it would be the end of his candidacy?

Gallup Daily: Obama Regains Lead Over Clinton, 49% to 42% — A sharp reversal of the tightening of the race seen late last week — PRINCETON, NJ — Support for Barack Obama's nomination bid has rebounded among national Democratic voters, who now favor him over Hillary Clinton by a seven percentage point margin, 49% to 42%.