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You'll have bad times. And he'll have good times. — This Unity, New Hampshire, event was the ultimate in political mortification for Hillary Clinton. — I may be crazy. But Bill Clinton is not going to let himself be humiliated. He's in talks with McCain before long if he's not already.

A Candidate Runs to a G.O.P. Chorus of 'Don't' — Bob Barr, a Republican turned Libertarian, hopes to follow in the third-party footsteps of Ross Perot and Ralph Nader.

Who's that man?: Obama asked for ID at gym — Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) may have one of the best-known faces in the world, but that doesn't mean he is recognized everywhere, even in Washington. — Washington Sports Club employee Takehia Wheeler was manning the front desk …

Political Maneuvers Delay Bill After Bill in Senate — The Senate went home yesterday for the Fourth of July holiday to face voters, having failed repeatedly to address critical economic issues from skyrocketing gas prices to climate change to the nation's housing crisis.

L'Affaire Enderlin — Being a French journalist means never having to say you're sorry. — To understand the al-Dura affair, it helps to keep one thing in mind: In France, you can't own up to a mistake. This is a country where the law of the Circus Maximus still applies: Vae victis, Woe to the vanquished.
Power Line

Dobson vs. Obama — Earlier this week, Focus on the Family's James Dobson criticized Sen. Barack Obama, accusing him of “deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit ... his own confused theology,” of having a “fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution” …

The Future of Gun Control — The U.S. Supreme Court's 5-4 decision overturning Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban is the biggest gun rights ruling since the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791. The Court had not waded into this divisive issue since 1939, when it declared …

Scientist Is Paid Millions by U.S. in Anthrax Suit — WASHINGTON — The Justice Department announced Friday that it would pay $4.6 million to settle a lawsuit filed by Steven J. Hatfill, a former Army biodefense researcher intensively investigated as a “person of interest” in the deadly anthrax letters of 2001.

An Attack That Came Out of the Ether — Scholar Looks for First Link in E-Mail Chain About Obama — PRINCETON, N.J. — The e-mail landed in Danielle Allen's queue one winter morning as she was studying in her office at the Institute for Advanced Study, the renowned haven for some of the nation's most brilliant minds.

In Campaign, One Man's Pragmatism Is Another's Flip-Flopping — Last February, in the heat of the Democratic primary campaign, Sen. Barack Obama proclaimed himself “proud to stand” with Sens. Christopher J. Dodd, Russell Feingold and “a grass-roots movement of Americans” …
Los Angeles Times

McCain Jokes About Beating His Wife — Even as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama held their first joint campaign appearance today in New Hampshire, new polls show Obama is rapidly consolidating his sizable leads among women in general and Clinton supporters in particular.
Buck Naked Politics, Liberty Street, PERRspectives Blog, Top of the Ticket, Think Progress and The Other McCain

U.S. and Europe Near Agreement on Private Data — WASHINGTON — The United States and the European Union are nearing completion of an agreement allowing law enforcement and security agencies to obtain private information — like credit card transactions, travel histories and Internet browsing habits …

THE FACE OF EVIL — In Pakistan today, just across the border from Afghanistan, Taliban goons got their hands on two Afghans who they claimed had collaborated in a Predator strike on a Taliban house across the border in Pakistan. It isn't clear from this news account whether the Taliban kidnapped the victims from Afghanistan.