Top Items:

You'll have bad times. And he'll have good times. — This Unity, New Hampshire, event was the ultimate in political mortification for Hillary Clinton. — I may be crazy. But Bill Clinton is not going to let himself be humiliated. He's in talks with McCain before long if he's not already.

Clinton and Obama Set New Tone — UNITY, N.H. — Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton set off on their maiden political voyage on Friday, trading their rivalry from the presidential primary battle for a newfound display of harmony intended to set a fresh tone …

McCain Jokes About Beating His Wife — Even as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama held their first joint campaign appearance today in New Hampshire, new polls show Obama is rapidly consolidating his sizable leads among women in general and Clinton supporters in particular.

Big donors aren't in Unity
The Moderate Voice, Examiner, Top of the Ticket, CBS News, CNN, Salon, NY Daily News, The Other McCain, Centerfield and

Clinton rallies with Obama: ‘We are one party’
Lynn Sweet, Shakesville, protein wisdom, Politicker NH, Associated Press, Macsmind, Taylor Marsh and Marc Ambinder

Delegate who said she'd vote for McCain in fight
Political Machine

Party Unity in NH, as Clinton Talks and Obama Says “She Rocks”
Top of the Ticket, The Fix, Capitol Briefing, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room and Sister Toldjah

Hill, Yes! O., No!
Political Punch, Booman Tribune, culturekitchen, PunditMom, Threat Level, Boston Globe, puma pac and The Confluence

WINNERS' TEST — THE SUPREMES' GUN RULING — 'YOU Won! Now What?" is a popular book for political candidates - but also pretty much the dilemma facing gun-rights activists in the wake of the Supreme Court's opinion yesterday striking down the District of Columbia's gun ban.

Deadly Consequences — But the Right Call
Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, The Mahablog, How Appealing, New York Times and New York Times

Who's that man?: Obama asked for ID at gym — Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) may have one of the best-known faces in the world, but that doesn't mean he is recognized everywhere, even in Washington. — Washington Sports Club employee Takehia Wheeler was manning the front desk …

The Federal Marriage Amendment is back — with Vitter's and Craig's support — Just this week, a group of Republican senators re-introduced the Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution, which, as we know, would ban gay marriage. — And once again, the language is pretty straightforward:

This Recession, It's Just Beginning — So much for that second-half rebound. — Truth be told, that was always more of a wish than a serious forecast, happy talk from the Fed and Wall Street desperate to get things back to normal. — It ain't gonna happen. Not this summer. Not this fall.
Associated Press,, On Deadline, The American Mind and Brilliant at Breakfast

Damn us all and our party if we let this go — CONGRESSMAN DELAHUNT CAN BE REACHED AT 202-225-3111 AND BY FAX AT 202-225-5658 — By The Directors Posted in Bill Delahunt | It is no secret that public discourse in this country has become very shrill. Blogs on the left regularly feature vulgar diatribes against the right.

A Candidate Runs to a G.O.P. Chorus of 'Don't' — ATLANTA — He has been called a spoiler. A would-be Ralph Nader. A thorn in the side of Senator John McCain and the Republican establishment. — None of it bothers Bob Barr, the former Republican congressman from Georgia turned Libertarian …

The Canadian Human Rights Commission blinks — See update below. — The Canadian Human Rights Commission, like any petty tyranny, has a strong instinct for survival. As I predicted last week on the Michael Coren Show, that instinct would cause them to drop the complaint against Mark Steyn and Maclean's.

Scientist Is Paid Millions by U.S. in Anthrax Suit — WASHINGTON — The Justice Department announced Friday that it would pay $4.6 million to settle a lawsuit filed by Steven J. Hatfill, a former Army biodefense researcher intensively investigated as a “person of interest” in the deadly anthrax letters of 2001.

U.S. and Europe Near Agreement on Private Data — WASHINGTON — The United States and the European Union are nearing completion of an agreement allowing law enforcement and security agencies to obtain private information — like credit card transactions, travel histories and Internet browsing habits …

Marshall, Sullivan, and Little Old Me — Liberal bloggers Andrew Sullivan and Josh Marshall are furiously attacking my comparison between Iraq and Germany. “There are almost countless differences between the two historical situations,” Marshall writes. And he's right.

Gallup Daily: Obama, McCain Still Tied at 44% — PRINCETON, NJ — For the third straight day, Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows Barack Obama and John McCain tied in national registered voter preferences for the fall election, each now with 44% of the vote. — Today's report is based …

The odd couple — Obama's advance staff is very good at the visuals, and the Unity event is flawless on TV. — Even better: It's dominating the news cycle without making any news. — And that's one of the key things Hillary (and Bill) bring to Obama: Whenever he wants to deliver …
Newsweek Blogs

Obama Hires New Religious Affairs Adviser — Shaun Casey, who teaches religion and politics at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., has been hired by the Obama campaign to focus on outreach to evangelical voters. — Casey, who has been informally advising the Obama campaign …