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Political leverage in the 51st state — It's almost a convention of politics that when a politician says he was misquoted, but doesn't detail the misquote or offer an alternative, he's really saying he wishes he hadn't said what he did, or that he needs to issue a pro-forma denial to please someone.

Iraqi Leader Stirs up US Campaign — Obama is pleased, but McCain certainly is not. In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki expressed support for Obama's troop withdrawal plans. Despite a half-hearted retraction, the comments have stirred up the US presidential campaign.

NICE TRY — Der Spiegel is standing by its story, its translation of what Maliki said. — And as Ben Smith aptly puts it, “It's almost a convention of politics that when a politician says he was misquoted, but doesn't detail the misquote or offer an alternative, he's really saying he wishes …

Snubbed by Obama — Barack Obama is on his way to Europe, where an adoring public awaits. But I wonder if the reception would be quite so enthusiastic if Obama's fans across the Atlantic knew a dirty little secret of his remarkable presidential campaign: Although Obama portrays himself …

Rendering public opinion irrelevant — One of the most striking aspects of our political discourse, particularly during election time, is how efficiently certain views that deviate from the elite consensus are banished from sight — simply prohibited — even when those views are held by the vast majority of citizens.
protein wisdom

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: FINAL REPORT ON OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE FORGERY CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN — Techdude delivers a final report that exceeds my wildest expectations. It is irrefutable, empirical evidence - Obama's birth certificate is a forgery. … My deepest thanks and appreciation …

We're Not Laughing at You, or With You — Enough of the labyrinthine Iraq war, the interminable mortgage crisis and the plummeting economy. Let's talk about the bloody crossroads where satire goes searching for its target. — Last week, in the aftermath of The New Yorker's …

The Chris Matthews Show: Why The White House REALLY Wants McCain To Win — We've long since documented the desperate lengths that John McCain is willing to go to win the office of the Presidency, even to the point of hiring the same people responsible for those whisper campaigns in 2000 …

July 20: Al Gore, political roundtable — Al Gore, David Gregory, Chuck Todd — MR. TOM BROKAW: Our issues this Sunday: He served as Bill Clinton's vice president for eight years, then lost the presidential election to George W. Bush in 2000. He has since focused on his environmental crusade …

Political Memo: Closed Mouths, but Open Tryouts to Make the Team — Barack Obama and John McCain are in some ways hunting for running mates in plain sight.
The Huffington Post, The Carpetbagger Report, TPM Election Central,, Brendan Nyhan and The Other McCain

Is Obama Speech Site Contaminated by Nazi Past? — Finally, Barack Obama's campaign has settled on a site for his Berlin speech. But some German politicians have now criticized his choice as being one full of Nazi-related symbolism. — Finally, it's official.

Given a Shovel, Americans Dig Deeper Into Debt — The collection agencies call at least 20 times a day. For a little quiet, Diane McLeod stashes her phone in the dishwasher. — But right up until she hit the wall financially, Ms. McLeod was a dream customer for lenders.

Obama's paid staff dwarfing McCain's — Democrat targets 50 states as rival focuses on tossups — John McCain is sending smaller staffs to some states but spending more on TV ads than his rival, Barack Obama. (Carolyn Kaster/associated Press) — Behind the headlines about the unprecedented success …