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GETTING REAL ABOUT PALIN — I've noticed some people who should know better claiming that bringing up Gov. Palin's troopergate scandal is tantamount to making a victim of or defending her slimeball ex-brother-in-law who allegedly once used a taser on his stepson. — That's awfully foolish.

Vice in Go-Go Boots? — The guilty pleasure I miss most when I'm out slogging on the campaign trail is the chance to sprawl on the chaise and watch a vacuously spunky and generically sassy chick flick. — So imagine my delight, my absolute astonishment, when the hokey chick flick came out on the trail …

Sarah Palin's mother-in-law uncertain about how she'll vote — WASILLA, Alaska - Sarah Palin's hometown rallied around her as mayor - now Republicans wonder if the rest of America will warm up to the surprise pick from cold country. — Though her mother-in-law has doubts.

McCain: Palin a “soulmate” — John McCain, in his first television interview since his shocking vice presidential pick, said that he saw in Sarah Palin “a partner and a soul mate.” — “This is a person who will help me reform Washington and change the way they do business,” McCain told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”
DownWithTyranny!, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Impolitic, The Swamp, American Street, Pam's House Blend and Sadly, No!

Palin: Surge? What Surge? — Among the tiny number of occasions on which Sarah Palin has expressed even an opinion on foreign policy, one of the most recent bears putting out there one more time. It's from a critical moment in the war in Iraq, December 2006, which John McCain has made the centerpiece of his campaign.

Palin Made an Impression From the Start
Washington Monthly, Hot Air, Newsweek, Talking Points Memo, Wake up America and Blue Hampshire

BIG PICTURE — I've written below how Sarah Palin not only lacks …
The Art of the Possible

Palin electrifies conservative base
The New Republic, Associated Press,, Flopping Aces, Althouse and AMERICAblog News

An Open Letter to God, from Michael Moore — The other night, James Dobson's organization asked all believers to pray for a storm on Thursday night so that the Obama acceptance speech outdoors in Denver would have to be canceled. — I see that You have answered Dr. Dobson's prayers …

Republicans Drop Most Convention Action on Monday — ST. PAUL — Senator John McCain called a halt on Sunday afternoon to all but the most essential activities for the Republican National Convention on Monday, declaring that it was time for members of his party to “take off our Republican hats …
The Swamp, Blog P.I., The Crypt's Blogs, The Moderate Voice, bustardblog, The Caucus, and Booman Tribune

McCain orders convention curtailed for Gustav
Power Line, McClatchy Washington Bureau, Washington Wire, Lynn Sweet, Daily Kos, Wake up America, Yahoo! News, The Reaction, MyDD and Reuters

EXPLOITATION — With news that Gustav is headed towards Louisiana …

Lots of no-shows expected at Republican National Convention
Discussion:, The Caucus,, Political Radar, Washington Post and DownWithTyranny!

Palin touts stance on ‘Bridge to Nowhere,’ doesn't note flip-flop — When John McCain introduced Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate Friday, her reputation as a tough-minded budget-cutter was front and center. — “I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere,” …
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, The Daily Dish, The Moderate Voice,, AMERICAblog News, The RBC and Hoffmania!

McCain and Graham Repeat False Claim That Palin Opposed The ‘Bridge To Nowhere’ — This morning on Fox News Sunday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) cited Gov. Sarah Palin's (R-AK) 2007 cancellation of the so-called “Bridge to Nowhere” as one reason he selected her as his running mate.
Washington Monthly, News Hounds, Gateway Pundit, MyDD, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, DownWithTyranny! and Digg

FOR IT BEFORE SHE WAS AGAINST IT — Several readers have pointed …
Bob Cesca's Goddamn …

Cindy McCain: Palin knows foreign policy because ‘Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia.’ — Today on ABC's This Week, Cindy McCain tried to rebut the criticism that Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) has no national experience by taking a talking point from Fox's Steve Doocy.

Will McCain Ruin Palin? — A reader writes: … I wouldn't say I have quite the same Palin-love that progressives had for Obama in '04 ... but yeah, I'm sure this is part of the reason I'm pulling so hard for her to succeed: She's a politician I've liked for a while who's been thrust onto …
The Jed Report

McCain Says He Is ‘Obviously’ Against Torture, Forgets His Vote To Allow Waterboarding — When asked to judge the Bush administration this morning during an interview with Fox News's Chris Wallace, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said “history will judge that” but then immediately began making …

GOP CONVENTION UP IN THE AIR — The details remains sketchy. But based on a press conference held moments ago by McCain campaign chairman Rick Davis, the Republicans are planning to cancel or radically scale back some or perhaps even all of this year's Republican convention.
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