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Dorgan: Lieberman's Actions Were Unacceptable For Committee Chairman — After Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) spoke at the Republican National Convention this summer, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) expressed his frustration: “Everybody is just profoundly disappointed with what Joe did,” Dorgan said.
The Crypt's Blogs, DownWithTyranny!, Firedoglake, The Jed Report, Don Surber, American Power and Washington Monthly

Secret Ballot To Decide Lieberman's Fate — WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats will decide by secret ballot Tuesday whether to take away Sen. Joe Lieberman's chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee — a post from which he oversees U.S. security issues …
Washington Monthly, Left in the West, The Impolitic, Booman Tribune, AMERICAblog News, Daily Kos and Don Surber

The Center-Right Nation Exits Stage Left — Here's the main thought Republicans are consoling themselves with these days: Notwithstanding President-elect Barack Obama, a nearly filibuster-proof Democratic majority in the Senate and the largest Democratic majority in the House of Representatives since 1993 …
Washington Monthly, The Heretik, Corrente, the talking dog, Macsmind, Minnesota Campaign Report, The Other McCain and Hullabaloo

Barack Obama links Israel peace plan to 1967 borders deal — Uzi Mahnaimi in Tel Aviv and Sarah Baxter — Barack Obama is to pursue an ambitious peace plan in the Middle East involving the recognition of Israel by the Arab world in exchange for its withdrawal to pre-1967 borders …
Commentary, Atlas Shrugs, Israel Matzav, Little Green Footballs, Gateway Pundit, Mondoweiss, normblog, Stop The ACLU and Jihad Watch

Iraqi Cabinet Approves Security Pact With U.S. — BAGHDAD — The Iraqi cabinet voted overwhelmingly Sunday to approve the security agreement that sets the conditions for the Americans' continued presence in Iraq from Jan. 1 until the end of 2011. — All but one of the 28 cabinet ministers …

Gingrich says Palin will not be the future GOP leader — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) is batting down the hype that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin heads into 2012 as the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination. — Palin energized the Republican base after GOP presidential nominee …

Alan Keyes Files Lawsuit Over Obama Eligibility — On November 13, Alan Keyes and his vice-presidential running mate in California, Reverend Wiley Drake, and other members of the American Independent Party, filed a new lawsuit over Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.

Team of Frenemies — It's a cool idea, Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. — At long last, the feminist icon would represent the feminist ideal of getting a room of her own, all on her own. — Running for the Senate and the presidency, Hillary felt entitled to get money …

Right-leaning media brace for shutout — Since the Weekly Standard launched in 1995, there's one scenario the conservative magazine hasn't yet faced: Democrats in control of both the White House and Congress. — But that's what lies ahead in just two months, leaving staffers …

Blowback is a bitch — Pogrom — Not a pogrom — Using public records, antigayblacklist is making available the names and businesses of people who bankroll discrimination. Rick Moran writes: … The kind of person who contributes money to deny their fellow citizens their civil rights …
Sadly, No!

After Obama victory, an outbreak of racial anger — Some in U.S. acting out on feeling of loss spurred by election of black president. — Crosses burning. Children chanting, “Assassinate Obama.” Racial epithets scrawled on homes and cars. — Reports of incidents such as those across …

Unsettling Times for Jihadists — Let's try for a moment to read the mind of an al-Qaeda operative in the remote mountains of Waziristan as he listens to the news on the radio. His worldview has been roiled recently by two events — one confounding his image of the West and the other confirming it.

“'Socialism'? It's Already Here” — From George Will (who, for irony's sake, let me point out spent a month or so sniffing at the only remotely conservative nominee on either major party ticket): … Presumably, Will is talking about those non-candid conservatives who cheered the credit bailout …

Remedying the Bias Perception — Thousands of conservatives and even some moderates have complained during my more than three-year term that The Post is too liberal; many have stopped subscribing, including more than 900 in the past four weeks. — It pains me to see lost subscribers and revenue …

Why Were Psychologists Behind The Curve On Torture? — In September of this year, the American Psychological Association reversed a longstanding policy by voting to prohibit its members from participating in interrogations or acting in an advisory capacity at Guantánamo Bay and elsewhere …

Zell Miller campaigns for Chambliss, warns of ‘a far-left liberal agenda’ in Congress.» — In 2004, then-Democratic Sen. Zell Miller (GA) threw his support behind President Bush with an over-the-top speech attacking Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) at the Republican National Convention.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution