Top Items:

The recounting is done (with one exception) — The last of the ballots were stored away in Wright County late this morning. So, except for 133 missing ballots from Minneapolis, the recounting from the U.S. Senate race is over. — By Curt Brown Except for 133 missing ballots …
The Moderate Voice,, MSNBC, On Deadline, Washington Monthly and Wilshire & Washington

Franken Camp's Claim: The Hand Count Is Over — And We're Up By Four Votes! — Four votes. — That's how many votes the Franken campaign just said they're leading Norm Coleman by, with the hand recount now officially finished. In other words, with every single precinct in Minnesota now done counting …

Official: Lost Ballots Could Be Restored In Final Count, Giving Boost To Franken

One More Question... Incoming Obama administration director of speechwriting Jon Favreau (L) and a friend pose with a cardboard cutout of incoming Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at a party. (Obtained by The Washington Post) — Updated 9:22 p.m. — By Al Kamen
Fox News, Right Wing News, VentureBeat, Gawker, The Swamp, Weekly Standard, Political Machine, Media Blog, Anne Schroeder's Blogs, Wonkette, Spin Cycle, Donklephant and RedState

Jonathan Favreau — As he prepares to take office, President-elect Barack Obama is relying on a small team of advisers who will lead his transition operation and help choose the members of his administration. Following is part of a series of profiles of potential members of the administration.

A New Attorney Scandal? Bush-Appointed U.S. Attorney Won't Vacate Office Under Obama — Mary Beth Buchanan was appointed by President Bush to serve as U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh in Sept. 2001. Buchanan has held several significant posts within the Bush/Ashcroft/Gonzales Justice Department …

Shall We Call it a Depression Now? — Today's employment report, showing that employers cut 533,000 jobs in November, 320,000 in October, and 403,000 in September — for a total of over 1.2 million over the last three months — begs the question of whether the meltdown we're experiencing should be called a Depression.

Caroline Kennedy interested in NY Senate seat — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - Caroline Kennedy has spoken to New York's governor about the Senate seat that will come open when Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes secretary of state …

The Note, 12/05/08: Another Senator Kennedy? — ABC News' Jonathan Karl, filling in for Rick Klein today Reports: The Big Three can't win for losing and it seems Barney Frank is already fed up with Barack Obama. But first, an exclusive from The Note. — Another Senator Kennedy?
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First Read: Sen. Caroline Kennedy?
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Justices Take Case on President's Power to Detain — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to decide the most fundamental question yet concerning executive power in the age of terror: Can the president order the indefinite military detention of people living in the United States?
Washington Post, SCOTUSblog, ACLU, Firedoglake, The Volokh Conspiracy, Unqualified Offerings, Reason and ACSBlog

A Fourth Picture — As Dish readers know, there are only three public photographs that I could find of Sarah Palin pregnant with Trig (the McCain campaign insisted there were “loads” and then was forced to retract). But we now have another. The date of this photograph …

Obama Birth Certificate Protest at SCOTUS — Four days ago, Roger Bredow uploaded a video to YouTube beseeching like-minded people to come to Washington, D.C. and stand with him outside the Supreme Court. “[Barack] Obama was born a dual citizen,” Bredow said, “British, and a citizen of the United States, at birth.”

Kissinger-ing Up — Henry Kissinger has written a real valentine to Barack Obama in today's Washington Post.: … That Kissinger—who prides himself on being a source of indispensable counsel to American Presidents—might want to butter up the new guy is understandable.

Team of Heavyweights — President-elect Barack Obama has appointed …

Missing atheist sign found in Washington state — (CNN) — An atheist sign criticizing Christianity that was erected alongside a Nativity scene was taken from the Legislative Building in Olympia, Washington, on Friday and later found in a ditch. — An employee from country radio station KMPS-FM …

Wake Up America — Will you pardon an occasional rant? Isn't that partly what blogs are good for? My subject today is the failure of Congress and the Bush administration to bail out the American auto industry. If today's news stories are accurate, any bailout will have to await …

Wanna Save the US Auto Industry? Pay Congresspeople $1 per Year
The Impolitic

What Would Keynes Do? — The government should spend on stuff, not on bad assets. — Every day that goes by makes clearer the parallels between the current financial crisis and the one that led to the Great Depression. Then, as now, the core problem was one of deflation, or falling prices.
Grasping Reality …

Obama goes upscale in Hawaii for holiday — President-elect will return to home state with family and friends — President-elect Barack Obama, returning to his home state of Hawaii for the holidays, plans a beachside vacation at one of Oahu's most exclusive properties, according to an islander involved in the planning.

Vice President-elect Biden announces Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor — WASHINGTON, DC — Given the critical nature of the economic challenges facing America, Vice President-elect Joe Biden announced today the creation of a new position in the Office of the Vice President …

Cheney Personally Thanked Chris Wallace For Defending Bush; Promises Him ‘Special Exit Interview’ As Reward — Last Monday, at a screening of Ron Howard's new film “Frost/Nixon,” Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace vociferously defended President Bush against criticism by Howard that Bush …

UNC libraries to forgo Christmas trees — CHAPEL HILL For as long as anyone can remember, Christmas trees adorned with lights and ornaments have greeted holiday season visitors to UNC Chapel Hill's two main libraries. — Not this year. — The trees, which have stood in the lobby areas …

‘At Least Bush Kept Us Safe’ — The two words Democrats don't want tacked onto that sentence. — Washington — To drive through the suburbs of Northern Virginia is to marvel still at the widespread wealth, the mansions and mini-mansions that did not exist a quarter-century ago and that now thicken the woods and hills.

Ted Kennedy gives up his seat on Senate Judiciary Committee — Sen. Ted Kennedy announced that he is stepping down from his position on the Judiciary Committee, according to a statement released from his office, reports Sarah Abruzzese. — “As Chairman of the Senate Health, Education …