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Caroline Kennedy to Seek Clinton's Senate Seat — Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of an American political dynasty, has decided to pursue the United States Senate seat being vacated by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, a person told of her decision said on Monday.
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Across Mideast, Arabs hail shoe-hurling journalist — BAGHDAD — Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets Monday to demand the release of a reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush, as Arabs across many parts of the Middle East hailed the journalist as a hero and praised …

Brother Explains Shoe-Tossing Iraqi Journalist's Anger — (Photo: Johan Spanner for The New York Times) — BAGHDAD — The brother of Muntader al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush during a joint press conference on Sunday with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki …

Bush On Al Qaeda Not Existing In Iraq Before Invasion: ‘So What?’ — Yesterday, after an Iraqi journalist used “[t]wo of the worst insults in Islam” against him, an unfazed President Bush sat down with ABC's Martha Raddatz for an exit interview in Iraq. When Raddatz asked Bush about his legacy …

Iraqis Pick Up Their Shoes: Reaction From Around the Country — Hitting someone with a shoe is a strong insult in Iraq. It means the person is as low as the dirt underneath the sole of a shoe, and the actions of Muntader al-Zaidi, a correspondent for an independent Iraqi television station …

The Real Story Behind the Rushed Blagojevich Bust: How the Feds Are Frustrated by Losing (Maybe) Half of Their Case — Cam Simpson reports on the Rod Blagojevich case in Chicago. — Conventional wisdom holds that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald ordered the FBI to arrest Rod Blagojevich …

Obama Sails Over Scandal — Public ratings of Barack Obama are unscathed by the scandal swirling around Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich's apparent effort to trade off his power to appoint Obama's successor to the U.S. Senate, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Blagojevich may let voters fill Obama's Senate seat
National Review, New York Times, Chicago Breaking News, Clout St, The Capitol Fax Blog and Hot Air

Limits on Executive Pay May Prove Toothless — Loophole in Bailout Provision Leaves Enforcement in Doubt — Congress wanted to guarantee that the $700 billion financial bailout would limit the eye-popping pay of Wall Street executives, so lawmakers included a mechanism …
Washington Monthly, TPMMuckraker, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Outside The Beltway, Open Left and

Biden TIME — Outgoing newsmag bureau chief Jay Carney to be veep's communications director. — Get The Page delivered to your inbox. Sign up for TIME's daily political newsletter here.
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Responding to GOP complaints, Leahy reschedules Holder hearing.» — In recent weeks, GOP senators have been balking over the scheduled Jan. 8 confirmation hearings for Eric Holder, President-elect Obama's nominee for attorney general. Following the lead of Karl Rove …

Left and Right, Piling On — In 1953, the president of General Motors, Charles Wilson, was nominated by President Eisenhower to be secretary of defense. During his confirmation hearings, Wilson was asked if he'd be able, as defense secretary, to make decisions contrary to the interests …

MN-Sen: Looking Ahead to the Challenged Ballot Review — At its peak, the number of ballots challenged by the Senate campaigns of Democrat Al Franken and Republican Norm Coleman reached 6,655. However, it looks like the Canvassing Board will only have to review no more than 1,500 ballots …
Discussion:, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Open Left, D-Day and The Washington Independent

Coleman Seeks to Halt Recount Until Process Clear
The Raw Story

Lake Co. sheriff switches parties — Flanked by some of the state's most prominent Republicans, Democratic Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran announced Monday he is joining the GOP. — “I am changing parties as a matter of conscience,” Curran said at a news conference at the Lake County GOP headquarters in Libertyville.

Red-State Army? — In Hopewell Township, N.J., the veterans of American Legion Post 339 have put their building up for sale. “Today's vets don't come out,” 82-year old Jim Hall told The Times of Trenton last month. The post is down from 425 paying members in the 1960s and '70s to 202 this year; only about a dozen regularly attend.

Two Sides of a Troubled Governor, Sinking Deeper — CHICAGO — Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich is a polished speaker who can win over elderly women at luncheons in southern Illinois with his earnest attention and eloquently recite historical anecdotes from the lives of the leaders he says he most admires …

Salazar poised to head Interior — Colorado's senior senator is said to be a leading contender for a Cabinet post that is vital to Western issues. — U.S. Senator Ken Salazar answers questions during a press conference in March. (Special to the Post | William Woody)

Gen. Shinseki's Silence — The announcement that retired Army chief of staff Eric Shinseki will be President-elect Barack Obama's nominee for secretary of veterans affairs has energized one of the most enduring myths of the Bush presidency. Among the media coverage in recent days …

Obama Transition: We Can't Release Info Until Christmas Week — The Obama transition office just sent out this release about its internal “review” of contacts with disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich: … Last week, in a press conference on Thursday, President-elect Obama announced …

Supreme Court rejects appeal questioning Obama's citizenship — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Supreme Court has dismissed a second emergency appeal questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to be president because he had dual British-American citizenship at birth. — The justices without comment …
New York Times

The (Really) Moderate Muslims of Kosovo — On February 17, 2008, Kosovo declared independence from Serbia, becoming the newest country in the world—and one of the most unusual. Most of its citizens are Muslim, an oddity in Europe; further, unlike most Muslim-majority nations …
Cold Fury

The Right And Abu Ghraib I — My own view is that the American conservative movement's embrace or defense of torture was the moment its intellectual collapse became irrecoverable. When conservatism abandoned core values of American decency in favor of pure force, exemplified …

The Torture Presidency — President George W. Bush has launched “Operation Legacy,” which he placed in the hands of his ultimate advisor, indeed his “brain,” Karl Rove. Remember Rove? He's the man who refused to testify under oath when summoned by Congress to do so and was recently identified …

An Obama Gift for K Street — We here in Washington are anticipating a stampede of lobbyists, influence peddlers, media consultants, paid “experts” and self-styled crusaders. Who brought us this onslaught of special pleaders? Why, it's Barack Obama, the man who vowed to “change” …

Paterson proposes ‘Obesity Tax’ — ALBANY - A can of Coke could soon cost New Yorkers more than just calories. — Gov. Paterson, as part of a $121 billion budget to be unveiled Tuesday, will propose an “obesity tax” of about 15% on nondiet drinks. — This means a Diet Coke might sell for a $1 …