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Sources: Sen. Stevens Conviction To Be Voided — Audio for this story will be available at approx. 9:00 a.m. ET — · NPR's has learned that the Justice Department will drop all charges against former Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska. — A jury convicted Stevens last fall of seven counts …
US Department of Justice, CNN, Outside The Beltway, Democracy in America, pw, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Power Line, Liberty Street, On Deadline, The New Ledger, The New Republic, TPMMuckraker, Clusterstock, Sunlight Foundation, USA Today, Fox News, D-Day, The Washington Independent, MoJo Blog Posts, Flopping Aces, Salon and CBS News

Some in Justice Department See D.C. Vote in House as Unconstitutional — Holder Overrode Ruling That Measure Is Unconstitutional — Justice Department lawyers concluded in an unpublished opinion earlier this year that the historic D.C. voting rights bill pending in Congress is unconstitutional …

U.S. Seeks to Drop Case Against Former Sen. Stevens — The Justice Department filed court papers this morning asking a federal judge to toss out the conviction of former senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) on corruption charges. — The move comes as a federal judge was preparing to conduct hearings …

U.S. to drop charges against former Sen. Stevens: report — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has decided to drop all charges against former Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens amid accusations of prosecutorial misconduct, NPR reported on Wednesday, citing Justice officials.

FIRST THOUGHTS: ALL TIED UP — From Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, and Domenico Montanaro

The GOP's Alternative Budget — President Obama offers us the option of European big government. — Today, the House of Representatives will consider two budget plans that represent dramatically different visions for our nation's future. — We will first consider President Barack Obama's plan.
Think Progress, Wonk Room, Matthew Yglesias, On Deadline, Washington Wire, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Ben Smith's Blog, Glenn Thrush's Blog, Oliver Willis,,, The American Scene, Democratic Strategist,, AMERICAblog News, The Plum Line, TPMDC and MSNBC

A BUDGET PERFECT FOR APRIL FOOLS' DAY.... Rumor has it that Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, is one of the House GOP Caucus' sharper members. He has a reputation for knowing what he's talking about, and doing his homework.
Wonk Room

Obama referendum: no winner, one loser — SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. - There's no winner yet in the Upstate New York special election and it might be mid-April before the race is settled. But a few things are clearer after Tuesday's contest, none of it welcome news to the Republican Party.

Upstate New York House Race Is Too Close to Call — A mere 65 votes separated the two candidates late Tuesday in a Congressional contest in upstate New York that received national attention and was widely seen as a referendum on the Obama administration's economic recovery efforts.

Steele chides GOP for infighting — Embattled Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele lashed out at GOP infighting Tuesday and urged the party faithful - some of whom have criticized his erratic statements - to be more like him: “unconventional, unpredictable ... to do from time to time the unexpected.”

Steele to GOP: Be more like me — Republican National Committee …

Barack Obama: Born in Hawaii — A fairly impressive internet industry has sprung up claiming that Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. This is nonsense which distracts from the broadly unexplored story of Obama's upbringing. This kind of nonsense has emerged because the McCain campaign chose …

Twitter switch for Guardian — • Newspaper to be available only on messaging service — • Experts say any story can be told in 140 characters — Consolidating its position at the cutting edge of new media technology, the Guardian today announces that it will become …

So Erick Erickson Says He Wants a Revolution — Erick Erickson is mad as hell and asks “at what point do people revolt?” … At issue here is . . . an environmental regulation relating to dishwasher detergent. — I think it's safe to say that we're not going to see violence in the streets over this one.

Dems could use controversial ‘fast track’ for budget — CNN Congressional Producer — WASHINGTON (CNN) — A key Democratic senator said Tuesday that he's not ruling out a controversial budget procedure to speed passage of President Obama's health care and global warming legislation.

Text: Statement From Obama, Medvedev — The big news so far from President Obama's visit to London is his just completed meeting with Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev, at left. The two leaders agreed to negotiate a new treaty designed to further reduce and limit strategic weapons.
Ben Smith's Blog

Obama calls for unity at G20 — Gordon Brown, British prime minister, and his wife Sarah greet Barack Obama, US president, and first lady Michelle in London — Barack Obama on Wednesday urged the world's biggest nations to work together to tackle the economic downturn and forget their occasional differences on how to go about this.

BREAKING NEWS: Hundreds of Iowans thrown out of public hearing — More than 500 people who are upset with a plan to change Iowa's tax laws were cleared from a hearing tonight at the Iowa House after they interrupted multiple times. — House Speaker Pat Murphy, D-Dubuque …

Fox & Friends Embraces O'Reilly Harassment Tactics, Sends Producer To Stalk College Professor — This morning, Fox and Friends praised producer Griff Jenkins for stalking and ambushing Columbia University professor Alan Brinkley to grill him on portions of his book Jenkins found objectionable.

The Death of England (cont) — Jay, that fire story from Doncaster is almost unbearably sad: The characteristically moronic behavior of the braindead British coppers transformed it from a family tragedy to a national metaphor. I have written recently in Canada of the disturbing passivity of the …

Obama's Ersatz Capitalism — THE Obama administration's $500 billion or more proposal to deal with America's ailing banks has been described by some in the financial markets as a win-win-win proposal. Actually, it is a win-win-lose proposal: the banks win, investors win — and taxpayers lose.

U.S. reconciliation offer “lunatic”: Taliban spokesman — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — KABUL (Reuters) - Taliban insurgents reject a U.S. offer of “honorable reconciliation,” a top spokesman said on Wednesday, calling it a “lunatic idea” …