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American captain rescued, pirates killed, U.S. official says — (CNN) — The captain of the Maersk Alabama was freed Sunday after being held captive since Wednesday by pirates off the coast of Somalia, a senior U.S. official with knowledge of the situation told CNN.
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Obama twice approved force to rescue hostage — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama twice authorized the military to rescue a U.S. captain who was being held by Somali pirates and whose life appeared to be at risk, administration officials said after Sunday's rescue.
BLACKFIVE, Agence France Presse, Oliver Willis, Blue Crab Boulevard, MSNBC, RedState, Reuters, Macsmind and Open Left

U.S. Captain Held by Pirates Is Freed — Richard Phillips, the captain of an American cargo ship held hostage by armed Somali pirates for more than four days, was freed on Sunday after three of his captors were killed, government and shipping officials said.
Power Line, Jules Crittenden, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Don Surber, Clusterstock,, Commentary, Information Dissemination and Fox News

Official: US sea captain freed in swift firefight … MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) - An American ship captain was freed unharmed Sunday in a U.S. Navy operation that killed three of the four Somali pirates who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast of Africa, a senior U.S. intelligence official said.

Ship Captain Rescued From Somali Pirates — American sea Captain Richard Phillips was safely rescued Sunday from four Somali pirates, who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast of Africa, a U.S. intelligence official said. — Three of the pirates were killed …
The Two Malcontents, Atlas Shrugs, PERRspectives, Tim Blair, Neptunus Lex and Jay Currie

U.S. Ship Captain Rescued From Pirates by Navy Seals — Mombasa, Kenya, April 12 — An American captain being held by Somali pirates was freed unharmed Sunday in an operation carried out by U.S. Navy Seals, U.S. military officials said. Three of the pirates were killed and the fourth was captured.

God Bless the Easter Seals! — SOMALI BASIN (April 12, 2009) Maersk-Alabama Capt. Richard Phillips, right, stands alongside Cmdr. Frank Castellano, commanding officer of USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) after being rescued by U.S Naval Forces off the coast of Somalia. Philips was held hostage for four days by pirates.

Obama: Captain's release, U.S. resolve — With the rescue today of mariner Richard Phillips, captain of the pirate-attacked Maersk Alabama, President Barack Obama vowed that the United States is “resolved to halt the rise of piracy in this region.” — Obama, who telephoned Phillips today aboard …
The Politico

Obama girls name their new puppy ‘Bo’ — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - Bo? It's no jest. — The first family has settled on a first pet — a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog that the Obama girls are naming Bo.

Tense standoff ends: Obamas finally settle on a dog
The Obama Legacy, MSNBC, JammieWearingFool, No More Mister Nice Blog, TBogg, Don Surber and Comments from Left Field

Dobson concedes that the far right has ‘lost’ the culture war. — In a farewell address to the staff of Focus on the Family, James Dobson conceded that evangelical conservatives had lost most of the recent so-called “culture war” battles. Attributing the right's recent failures to the …

Crisis Altering Wall Street as Big Banks Lose Top Talent — The turning point for Stephan Jung came in February, around the time bonus checks were slashed. A veteran of UBS, one of many banks tarnished by the financial crisis, Mr. Jung realized that the old Wall Street would not be bouncing back any time soon.

Why We Don't Condemn Our Pirates — Guest Post by K'naan — As the first pirate attack of a U.S. ship in 200 years comes to a climax, I'm re-posting an essay I solicited and received several weeks ago from K'naan, a Somali-Canadian singer and activist. A video of a performance by K'naan …
The Moderate Voice

The Pentagon's Bionic Arm — 60 Minutes: Pentagon Is Working To Develop A Life-Changing, High Tech Prosthetic Arm — Page 1 of 4 — (CBS) When Americans are wounded in Afghanistan or Iraq, no expense is spared to save their lives. But once they're home, if they have suffered an amputation …

Everyone an Instapundit: How the Left Underestimates Twitter — I've noticed a trend over the past few weeks, roughly concurrent with the Twitter-reinforced Tea Party movement, which is a tendency on the Left to dismiss Twitter both for its apparent limitations as well as its embrace by the political Right.

Warren bails on ‘This Week’ interview — Instead of explaining contradictory statements over his actions regarding California's Prop 8 on same-sex marriage, Rick Warren went with Plan B today: He didn't show up for a planned interview on ABC's “This Week.” — “For those of you tuning …