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Sen. Ben Nelson to announce support for health-care bill — Sen. Ben Nelson (Neb.), the final Democratic holdout on health care, was prepared to announce to his caucus Saturday morning that he would support the Senate reform bill, clearing the way for final passage by Christmas.
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Ben Nelson's Medicaid deal — Sen. Mary Landrieu got the “Louisiana Purchase.” Sen. Ben Nelson got the federal government to pick up most his state's future Medicaid tab — forever. — As part of the deal to win Nelson's support, the federal government will pay for Nebraska's new Medicaid recipients.
DISSENTING JUSTICE, The Hill, Betsy's Page,, The Other McCain and Power Line

Stupak, working with GOP, trying to sink abortion compromise — An aide to Rep. Bart Stupak (D. Mich.) coordinated opposition to a Senate compromise on the place of abortion in health care legislation this morning with the Republican Senate leadership, the Conference Catholic Bishops …

Senate healthcare bill steepens payroll tax for high-earners in 2013 — The Senate's final healthcare bill steepens the payroll tax rates high-income Americans will face. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) released a manager's amendment to the healthcare bill finalizing …

Breaking: Nelson will vote for cloture — Every man has his price, apparently, and Harry Reid found Ben Nelson's price for a cloture vote on ObamaCare. Nelson announced this morning that the language in the manager's amendment on aborti0n will be enough to secure his support for Reid's compromise bill …
GayPatriot, Support Your Local Gunfighter, Wonk Room, Jules Crittenden and Scared Monkeys

Nelson Agrees to Abortion Funding in at Least 13 States? — Harry Reid has released the manager's amendment that Ben Nelson has reportedly agreed to vote for, meaning that the Senate bill has 60 votes. The abortion language includes the phony segregation of funding language that was rejected in the House.

Nelson's Nebraska To Receive Extra Medicaid Funds Under Senate Bill — This morning's managers amendment to the merged Senate health bill goes a long way towards satisfying the demands of Democratic hold-out and all-important 60th vote Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE).

Democrats Clinch a Deal on Health Bill — WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats said on Saturday that they had clinched an agreement on a far-reaching overhaul of the nation's health care system, and that they were on track to approve the legislation by Christmas over fierce Republican opposition.

Nelson: I'll Filibuster Post-Conference Health Care Bill If House Forces Major Changes — Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) confirmed moments ago that he will support the Senate health care bill, which will soon be amended to include new, more restrictive abortion language.

Nelson at the mic — In announcing his support of the Senate …
The Page

The Congressional Budget Office scores the amended Senate bill — Another day, another Congressional Budget Office report (pdf) saying that health-care reform will cover more than 30 million people while substantially cutting the federal deficit. — There are a couple of changes worth noting here.

CBO: Senate health bill costs $871 billion
Washington Monthly

Defense appropriations bill passes Senate 88-10, clears way for health bill
The Politico

A defensive Obama demands up or down vote for health care — In a strikingly multi-purpose, multi-messaging weekly address, President Barack Obama this morning tackled— you guessed it — health care, in a discussion that ranged over old history and current events, sounding one part defensive to two parts exhortatory.
Congress Matters

Obama slams insurance industry going into health reform's home stretch — As the Senate prepares for a final round of votes on its healthcare reform bill, President Barack Obama chastised the insurance industry for its lobbying against the legislation. — In his weekly address Saturday …

The moment Ted Kennedy would not want to lose — My late husband, Ted Kennedy, was passionate about health-care reform. It was the cause of his life. He believed that health care for all our citizens was a fundamental right, not a privilege, and that this year the stars …
Matthew Yglesias, The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, The Hill, TPMDC and Jack & Jill Politics