Top Items:
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Dem congressman: If Guam gets too overpopulated, it might tip over — Via Weasel Zippers, a clip that's destined to be viral by tomorrow morning. Even so, go easy on him. Yes, he was an Iraq defeatist, and granted, he demagogued Joe Wilson's outburst in the scummiest way imaginable …

Rep. Hank Johnson: Guam could ‘tip over and capsize’ — Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) is afraid that the U.S. Territory of Guam is going to “tip over and capsize” due to overpopulation. — Johnson expressed his worries during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the defense budget Friday.

USA fumes over politics — WASHINGTON — Seven months before the midterm elections, Americans seem disaffected about nearly everything political. — A majority disapprove of both political parties, their leaders and most members of Congress, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds.

Like LL Cool J, Toby Keith was unaware of his inclusion in Sarah Palin's show — Like LL Cool J, Toby Keith is slated to appear on “Real American Stories,” a Fox News show hosted by Sarah Palin. Unlike LL Cool J, Keith is still slated to be on the program, but his inclusion was news to him.
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
Republicans Move Ahead in 2010 Vote for Congress — Hold 47% to 44% advantage in registered voters' preferences — PRINCETON, NJ — Registered voters now say they prefer the Republican to the Democratic candidate in their district by 47% to 44% in the midterm congressional elections …
Andrew Malcolm / Top of the Ticket:
Post-healthcare Gallup Poll finds Republicans now leading on congressional ballot
Post-healthcare Gallup Poll finds Republicans now leading on congressional ballot
Hot Air

Palin to RNC: Take me off fundraiser — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has asked the Republican National Committee to remove her name from a fundraiser the committee is planning piggybacking off of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, POLITICO has learned.
Mark Preston / CNN:
Conservative leader tells donors to stop giving to RNC
New York Times:
Federal Judge Finds N.S.A. Wiretapping Program Illegal — WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance program was illegal, rejecting the Obama administration's effort to keep shrouded in secrecy one of the most disputed …

A different kind of company name — Early last month the mayor of Topeka, Kansas stunned the world by announcing that his city was changing its name to Google. We've been wondering ever since how best to honor that moving gesture. Today we are pleased to announce that as of 1AM …

Dems squeezed by health care lawsuit — They played almost no role in crafting or passing the new federal health care legislation, but Democratic attorneys general have suddenly emerged as prominent actors in the post-passage drama over the constitutionality of the landmark law.
Andrew Sabl / The Reality-Based Community:
The Affordable Care act is not a “mandate.” It's government paying for your private insurance when your employer doesn't. — My post on why the ACA will become popular was too long and confusing. Shorter me: — The phrase “individual mandate,” though it explained to wonks …

Administration seeks to change pay incentives at major firms — When the Obama administration imposed restrictions on executive pay last year at some of the largest companies the government had bailed out, officials said they were aiming to set a new standard for compensation across corporate America …
Jonathan Martin / Ben Smith's Blog:
Tony Perkins urges conservatives to stop giving money to RNC — Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council and an influential social conservative, is urging his members to stop giving money to the Republican National Committee, POLITICO has learned. — “I've hinted at this before …
Elisabeth Bumiller / New York Times:
Secretary of the Army Says He Will Not Pursue 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Discharges — WASHINGTON — The secretary of the Army, John M. McHugh, said Wednesday that he was effectively ignoring the “don't ask, don't tell” law because he had no intention of pursuing discharges of active-duty service members …
Outside The Beltway, AMERICAblog Gay, GayPatriot, DISSENTING JUSTICE and Pam's House Blend
Los Angeles Times:
Native-born Californians regain majority status — A USC study finds that immigration has peaked in the state, a longtime melting pot. Border restrictions and the recession are seen as factors. — California has long been the ultimate melting pot, with the majority of its population coming from outside the state.

Complaints about Obama drive 11 percent surge in Tiahrt's office spending — In a year when he was saying government needed to tighten its belt to get through the recession, Rep. Todd Tiahrt increased spending on his taxpayer-funded congressional office by 11 percent, federal records show.
David Pogue / New York Times:
State of the Art: David Pogue's Review of the iPad — In 10 years of reviewing tech products for The New York Times, I've never seen a product as polarizing as Apple's iPad, which arrives in stores on Saturday. — “This device is laughably absurd,” goes a typical remark on a tech blog's comments board.
Brody Mullins / Washington Wire:
Former GOP Officials Launch Political Group — As troubles at the Republican National Committee continue, a group of former Republican officials are starting an outside political group that could compete with the RNC for wealthy donors and prominence. — The group, American Crossroads …
The Hill, Los Angeles Times, Riehl World View, The Washington Independent and Washington Post

SUDERMAN: Whimsical FCC encroaches on First Amendment rights — A doddering bureaucracy whose time has passed — As exercises in bureau-cratic hairsplitting go, it is tough to beat the sheer audacity of Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski's recent declaration …

FORMER ‘REAL WORLD’ CAST MEMBER RUNS FOR HOUSE — The just-ended “Real World” season was based in D.C., but that didn't mean cast members got particularly politically energized. One worked at the Human Rights Campaign and visited his congressman. Another had a political cartoon published in the Washington Times.

How to fix CNN — “What we understood from the get-go was that by focusing on opinion, analysis and using topic-area expertise to draw conclusions, we could easily differentiate ourselves from CNN, that was so wedded to just regurgitating the facts,” Goldin said.
Power Line
National Review:
Getting Serious About Pornography — Imagine a drug so powerful it can destroy a family simply by distorting a man's perception of his wife. Picture an addiction so lethal it has the potential to render an entire generation incapable of forming lasting marriages and so widespread …
New York Times:
Pay of Hedge Fund Managers Roared Back Last Year — The Lazarus-like recovery of the nation's big banks did not benefit just the bankers — it also created huge paydays for hedge fund managers, including a record $4 billion gain in 2009 for one bold investor who bet big on the financial sector.
Steven Greenhouse / New York Times:
Recess Appointments End Deadlock on Labor Relations Board — Because of President Obama's recess appointments of two union lawyers to the National Labor Relations Board, business groups are warning that the panel will kick quickly into a pro-union gear after 26 months of near paralysis, when just two of its five seats were filled.
Ezra Klein
New York Times:
Successes (and Some Growing Pains) at Hulu — Hulu, the popular and free online video hub, has some things to celebrate as it heads into its third year. — The site, a venture of NBC Universal, the News Corporation and the Walt Disney Company, has been profitable for two quarters …

Census Day for the 23rd Census of the United States — Today is Census Day - the day of reference that defines who to report as living in your household on your 2010 Census form. — This morning, President Obama officially declared today “Census Day” in a presidential proclamation.

Newark records first homicide-free month in more than 40 years … NEWARK — For the first time in more than 40 years, an entire calendar month has come and gone without a homicide in the state's largest city. — It's been 32 days since a homicide took place in Newark …