Top Items:
John / Power Line:
It Worked So Well For Bush... Whenever President Bush talked about immigration, his approval ratings went down. It was like clockwork: liberals never understood that the fatal decline in Bush's popularity during his second term had at least as much to do with his advocacy of “comprehensive immigration reform” as with war-weariness.
Hot Air

Gov. Brewer signs controversial immigration bill — Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer today signed a controversial immigration bill into state law, advancing a politically charged debate that is already having reverberations in Washington. — “Respect for the rule of law means respect for every law,” said Brewer, a Republican.
AZ Family / KMSB-TV:
Statement from Arizona Hispanic Republicans — The following is a statement from Arizona Hispanic Republicans in response to the passage of Senate Bill 1070: — Phoenix, AZ - Arizona Hispanic Republicans believe that it is unfortunate for Jan Brewer to support Pearce's bill.
Randal C. Archibold / New York Times:
U.S.'s Toughest Immigration Law Signed in Arizona — PHOENIX — Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona signed the nation's toughest bill on illegal immigration into law on Friday. Its aim is to identify, prosecute and deport illegal immigrants. — The move unleashed immediate protests and reignited …
Politics Daily, ACLU, Commentary, United States of Jamerica, TalkLeft, Online NewsHour and Althouse
Yvonne Wingett / Arizona Republic:
Arizona immigration bill ignites outcry from students and Latino advocates
Arizona immigration bill ignites outcry from students and Latino advocates
New York Times:
Rating Agencies Shared Data, and Wall St. Seized on It — One of the mysteries of the financial crisis is how mortgage investments that turned out to be so bad earned credit ratings that made them look so good. — One answer is that Wall Street was given access to the formulas behind …
Ezra Klein:
Why do Harvard kids head to Wall Street? An interview with an ex-Wall Street recruit. — One of the common complaints about Wall Street is that it sucks up a lot of Ivy League talent that could be going toward more productive endeavors. The common assumption is that the students are just following the money.

It's on: “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” set for May 20th — Someone at Dan Savage's blog started it, then Michael Moynihan at Reason picked it up, now I feel obliged to help push it out there. Says Moynihan: … Cue the predictable media squealing that “you'll only antagonize them!”
Michael C. Moynihan / Hit & Run:
First Annual Everybody Draw Mohammad Day — Via Dan Savage's blog at The Stranger, some clever chappie (I don't know who) has declared May 20, 2010 “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day,” in support of Matt Stone and Trey Parker and in opposition to religious thuggery. Why May 20?
Linda Greenhouse / Opinionator:
American (Judicial) Idol — Americans are justifiably proud of having given the world a model for the architecture of democratic self-government. Democracies old and new have emulated the separation of powers and the idea of a constitutional court with the authority to review and invalidate actions of the other branches.
Juliet Lapidos / Slate:
Why is the bill to regulate financial firms going through …
Why is the bill to regulate financial firms going through …
Washington Post
Myglesias / Matthew Yglesias:
Judging for the Powerful — Dahlia Lithwick tries to construct …
Judging for the Powerful — Dahlia Lithwick tries to construct …
Lawyers, Guns & Money

Florida's Charlie Crist could use a hug — What is it about a man crush that is incompatible with the two-party system? — When a Democrat, Sen. Joe Lieberman, was kissed by George W. Bush on the House floor, the smooch became the symbol of Lieberman's embrace of the Bush war policies, and he was drummed out of the party.
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
GUY FAWKES, NEW REPUBLICAN HERO.... Last fall, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) organized a right-wing rally on Capitol Hill for November 5, in the hopes of killing health care reform. After characterizing her followers as “insurgents” and “freedom fighters,” Bachmann urged far-right activists to, in her word, “scare” federal lawmakers.
Chicago Breaking Business:
FDIC closes Broadway Bank, Amcore, five others — Ricky McCullough, associate ombudsman for the FDIC, talks to the media about the closing of Broadway Bank on Friday, April 23. (Phil Velasquez/ Chicago Tribune) — By Becky Yerak | Broadway Bank, the family-run lender …
NBC Chicago, Gateway Pundit, USA Today, The Page, Real Clear Politics, The Capitol Fax Blog, Ben Smith's Blog and RedState
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online:
Have Conservatives Gone Mad? — Serious thinkers on the right have finally gotten around to a full and open debate on the epistemic closure problem that's plaguing the conservative movement. The issue, to put it in terms that even I can understand, because I didn't study philosophy much in college: has the conservative base gone mad?

Climate change legislation unlikely this year, say sources — (CNN) - Despite a new bipartisan push on climate change, legislation on the issue is unlikely to make it to the Senate floor this year, two Senate Democratic sources tell CNN. — That would be a blow to three senior senators set …
The New Republic

Will Dems ‘go for it’ on immigration reform?
The Corner on National …

Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Takes On Fox News — George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are long gone. Fox News Channel is Jon Stewart's new enemy No. 1. — Last week that comedian did something that the hosts of “Fox & Friends,” the morning show on Fox News, did not do …
Prairie Weather

Road to Radicalism: The Man Behind the ‘South Park’ Threats — By all appearances, Zachary Adam Chesser was the boy next door. He played football and was on the crew team at one of the best high schools in the country. He even studied Japanese. He was hardly the sort of boy you'd expect …
Ezra Klein:
A health-care reform Rorschach test — I long ago learned that cost estimates are health-care reform's version of a Rorschach test: They tell you more about the reader than the bill. And the early reaction to the latest estimates (pdf) out of the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services are no different.
AmSpecBlog, The Daily Caller, The Atlantic Online, White Blog Feed, Political Punch, Hit & Run and Swampland

A program designed to reduce energy consumption persuaded some Republicans to consume more. … - What Obama Thinks About the KFC Double Down- Oceans: An Awesome Documentary About Crazy-Looking Fish- Lose 300 Million Tons of CO2 in Just Three Weeks! - Katie Roiphe …
The New Republic
Art Beast / The Daily Beast:
Edwards to Testify About Sex Tape — Hungry Beast Giving Beast Women in the World — Blogs and Stories — John Edwards will testify under oath about his relationship with mistress Rielle Hunter, facing questions about the infamous sex tape and whether he spent campaign funds to hide the relationship.