Top Items:
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Obama's court pick is imminent — POTUS to seek line-item veto — Britain sorting out ‘hung parliament’ — Did Dow tank on ‘fat finger error’? — Palin + Facebook = Yahtzee — DRIVING NEXT WEEK — Look for President Obama to name his Supreme Court pick Monday, and look …
Salon, TPMDC, CNN, New York Times, Colored Demos, The Atlantic Online, The Volokh Conspiracy, The BLT, Row 2, Seat 4, Washington Post, Althouse, SCOTUSblog, Liberty Pundits dot net, Raw Story, Daily Kos, RedState, The Note, Vanity Fair, Law Blog, Sister Toldjah, Power Line and Main Justice
The Huffington Post:
Elena Kagan Will Be Obama's Supreme Court Pick: Mike Allen [UPDATE] — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Updates below... President Obama is expected to nominate Solicitor General and former Harvard Law dean Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court on Monday, Mike Allen reports.
Politics Daily, The Volokh Conspiracy, No More Mister Nice Blog, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Hot Air and
Jackie Calmes / New York Times:
Obama to Seek More Power to Cut Spending From Bills
Obama to Seek More Power to Cut Spending From Bills
A plain blog about politics, RedState, New York Magazine, Neptunus Lex, and The Volokh Conspiracy

U.S. Adds 290,000 Jobs in April; Rate Rises to 9.9% — The American economy added an unexpectedly strong 290,000 jobs in April, while the unemployment rate rose to 9.9 percent, the government said Friday. — Analysts had expected a gain of about 190,000 in the month.

AT LONG LAST, U.S. JOB MARKET STARTS TO LOOK PRETTY GOOD.... It seemed all but certain that the economy added jobs in April; the question was how many, and the extent to which the larger trend would be encouraging or discouraging. — With that in mind, the new from the Bureau of Labor Statistics offered …
Phil Izzo / Real Time Economics:
Broader U-6 Unemployment Rate Increases to 17.1% in April — The U.S. jobless rate rose to 9.9% in April, the first increase in three months, but the government's broader measure of unemployment ticked up for the third month in a row, rising 0.2 percentage point to 17.1%.

Steele fires RNC finance director — Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has fired the RNC's finance director, Rob Bickhart, on whose watch a controversial payment was made to a bondage nightclub in West Hollywood and the committee began having problems raising money from big donors.
Sean J. Miller / Ballot Box:
RNC fires top finance officials as scandal fallout continues
Gary Langer / ABCNEWS:
Poll: Half of ‘Birthers’ Call It ‘Suspicion’ — Obama's Birthplace Has Been Subject of Controversy Since Election — Fourteen percent of Americans say without prompting that they think Barack Obama was born in another country, rising to one in five when those with no opinion are offered that as a possibility.
Kevin Bogardus / The Hill:
Coburn objects to black and Native American farmer settlements — Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) stopped a Senate hotline Friday for funds to compensate black and Native American farmers discriminated against by the Agriculture Department (USDA). — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) …
Dean Baker / TPMCafe:
Unwashed Masses 1, Fed 0: Sanders Scores — The effort to audit the Fed got a big boost last night when Senator Bernie Sanders reached an agreement with Chris Dodd, the chair of the banking committee. Under the deal, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) would undertake a full audit …
The Huffington Post, American Prospect, Open Left, Ezra Klein, Matthew Yglesias, Real Time Economics and Open Congress
David Dayen /
Fed Audit Is Actually Just An Audit
Fed Audit Is Actually Just An Audit
Matthew Yglesias, Firedoglake, New York Times, Hullabaloo and*
Judge Goldstone's dark past — Yedioth Ahronoth investigation reveals man preaching human rights, who authored scathing report against Israel's operation in Gaza, sent at least 28 black defendants to gallows as South African judge under Apartheid regime — Tehiya Barak — Latest Update:
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Prominent GOP pollster: Times Square bomb scare gives Republicans an “opportunity” — Whit Ayres is a prominent Republican pollster who has co-founded something called “Resurgent Republic,” which bills itself as a message testing outfit for GOP lawmakers — part of an effort by Republicans …
Andrew Malcolm / Top of the Ticket:
Al Franken takes over the U.S. Senate floor to explain a newspaper cartoon to the waiting nation — All we can say is thank goodness Minnesota's newest Democratic U.S. senator, Al Franken, was on duty Thursday. — We were poring through one of America's most glorious man-caused treasures …
Hot Air

My Interview With Jo-Vanni Roman — Around 1am this morning I got tipped by one of the guys at Unzipped that Jo-Vanni Roman was finally ready to speak with me. Five minutes later I had him on the phone from Fort Lauderdale, but not before I alerted Father Tony to be ready to rush over to him immediately for a video interview.

The Surge of Ideas — COINdinistas and Change in the U.S. Army in 2006 … Good evening to you all. Thanks for that warm welcome. And thanks, Arthur, for that very kind introduction. — Earlier today, as I was talking with my wife about tonight's speech, she reminded me of a story …
Cristina Silva /
Push for Florida bestiality law goes ‘back to square one’ — Lawmakers fail to address a proposed law banning bestiality, worried about being accused of wasting time on an outrageous topic. — TALLAHASSEE — From every angle, a ban on bestiality, long pushed by state prosecutors …
Think Progress
Megan McArdle / The Atlantic Online:
This is Your War on Drugs — Andrew has already posted this, and I'm late to the game because I couldn't bring myself to watch it, but nonetheless, I feel compelled to remark. Yes, folks, this is your war on drugs: — After he watched it, my more temperate better half was literally shaking with anger.
Kos / Daily Kos:
IL-Sen: Illinois Dems slip — Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 5/3-5. Likely voters. MoE 4% (2/22-24 results) — Senate — Alexi Giannoulias (D) 38 (43) — Mark Kirk (R) 41 (36) — Governor — Pat Quinn (D) 36 (46) — Bill Brady (R) 39 (35) — Pat Quinn (D) 35 — Bill Brady (R) 39

Sue Lowden now running TV ad claiming (wrongly) that chickens-for-checkups was “out of context” — Wow. If it's Friday afternoon, it's time for the latest installment in chickens-for-checkups. And this is one of the best yet. — Over a month after this controversy first cracked …
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
AN INANE LOOK AT THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER.... Yesterday was the official “National Day of Prayer,” held annually on the first Thursday in May by congressional decree. The “holiday,” such as it is, was a little more noticeable this year than most because of a recent federal court ruling …
Russell Berman / The Hill:
Transgender anti-discrimination bill is a tough sell for centrist Dems — Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership are pushing legislation, written by Rep. Barney Frank, that would made it illegal for employers to discriminate against transgendered people.
Liberty Pundits dot net

Pelosi: It's Cheaper to Treat Teens for Drug Use Than Interdict Drugs at Border — ( - While pointing out that it is the responsibility of the federal government to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said Thursday it is cheaper to treat teens …

High-Speed Trading Glitch Costs Investors Billions — The glitch that sent markets tumbling Thursday was years in the making, driven by the rise of computers that transformed stock trading more in the last 20 years than in the previous 200. — The old system of floor traders matching buyers …

The ‘Woodstock’ of Tea Parties planned for 9/11 anniversary. — Last year, the Tea Party movement gathered in Washington, DC for a widely publicized rally on Sept. 12. Fox News host Glenn Beck, the brains behind the march, implored people to attend by saying that they “may be the only thing that stands between freedom and slavery.”
Crooks and Liars, Des Moines Register, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and The Political Carnival
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Video: “I never thought I'd be on national TV for wearing an American flag shirt” — Via Greg Hengler, this interviews distills the ridiculous nature of Live Oak High School's action to its core. Martha MacCallum interviews two of the students disciplined for wearing clothing …
KPIX-TV,, Left Coast Rebel, Instapundit, Althouse, Gateway Pundit and theblogprof
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Grand Old Party — For reasons that have always struck me as paradoxical, one place where Republicans totally excel Democrats is in their ability to survive sex scandals. Admittedly, Bill Clinton managed to get that ball pretty far down the field for the Democrats in the 1990s. God bless'em.