Top Items:
David Herszenhorn / New York Times:
House G.O.P. Leader Signals He's Open to Obama Tax Cut — WASHINGTON — The House Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, said on Sunday that he was prepared to vote in favor of legislation that would let the Bush-era tax cuts expire for the wealthiest Americans …
The Politico:
John Boehner speaks of tax compromise — A Senate Democratic leadership aide, meanwhile, sought to use Boehner's remarks to turn the pressure on Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, telling POLITICO, “It's encouraging to see that Boehner is where a majority of the American people are when it comes to extending Bush era tax cuts.
Left Coast Rebel and Talking Points Memo

Boehner: I'll Drop Tax Cut for Rich If I Have To
The Caucus,, Political Punch, Raw Story, AMERICAblog News and New York Times
The Hill:
New chairman: Unemployment ‘going to stay high’ in near term
New chairman: Unemployment ‘going to stay high’ in near term
ABCNEWS, Scared Monkeys, Raw Story and Gateway Pundit
Douglass K. Daniel / Associated Press:
Boehner says he'd support a middle-class tax cut
Boehner says he'd support a middle-class tax cut
The Huffington Post, Firedoglake and Sweetness & Light
Bridget Johnson / The Hill:
Boehner would vote for limited tax cuts if that's ‘the only option’
Boehner would vote for limited tax cuts if that's ‘the only option’
Washington Monthly
Boehner says he'd vote for Democratic tax proposal
Boehner says he'd vote for Democratic tax proposal
Obsidian Wings, GayPatriot, Michelle Malkin and The Politico
Sam Youngman / The Hill:
Gingrich predicts Republican takeover that could trump party's gains in 1994
Gingrich predicts Republican takeover that could trump party's gains in 1994
The Politico
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Too Close to Call in Delaware — It looks like there's a real possibility of a major upset in the Delaware Senate primary on Tuesday night, with insurgent conservative Christine O'Donnell leading longtime Congressman and Governor Mike Castle 47-44. That 3 point lead is well within the poll's margin of error.
Washington Examiner, Weekly Standard, Politics Daily, Taegan Goddard's …, AmSpecBlog and GOP 12
Shane D'Aprile / Ballot Box:
Delaware Senate contest will hinge on turnout — WILMINGTON, Del. — For supporters of Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.), all eyes will be on Delaware's New Castle County Tuesday where the level of turnout in the state's contested GOP Senate primary could make or break the longtime congressman.
The Politico

Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck appear together in Anchorage — Former Gov. Sarah Palin and her “buddy” Glenn Beck appeared in front of thousands of fans in Anchorage on Saturday night, Palin's first big speaking appearance in Alaska since she resigned after two and a half years as governor last summer.
Washington Wire, Taegan Goddard's … and Wonkette
John McCormick / Bloomberg:
Palin Welcomes Murkowski to Alaskan Election Race, Calls Effort ‘Futile’
Palin Welcomes Murkowski to Alaskan Election Race, Calls Effort ‘Futile’
Discussion: and The Hill
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
WHEN GINGRICH LOSES HIS MIND.... Obama Derangement Syndrome can take some strange people to some strange places. Disgraced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), in all his pseudo-intellectual glory, has become so enveloped in his own garbage, he appears to have suffered some kind of severe head trauma.
Jeremy Schulman / Media Matters for America:
Gingrich: Obama is engaged in “Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior”
Gingrich: Obama is engaged in “Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior”
Outside the Beltway, driftglass, Mother Jones and Raw Story

GOP W.H. contenders map slow start — For decades it has been a truism that presidential campaigns just keep starting earlier and earlier. The 2012 Republican contest is hitting the brakes on that historic trend. — Even with President Barack Obama's numbers slipping …
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
When Peggy Left Barry
When Peggy Left Barry
Commentary, Don Surber, Questions and Observations and Daily Kos
James Fallows / The Atlantic Online:
A Harsh Thing I Should Have Said (Martin Peretz Dept) — Usually you regret the harsh things you say more than the harsh things you decide not to say. At least, that's how it usually turns out for me. — Here's an exception. Earlier this week I wrote an item about an incredible instance …
Ben Geman / The Hill:
Giuliani: Imam behind NYC mosque plan puts ‘confrontation’ first — Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) on Sunday strongly criticized Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam seeking to build an Islamic community center and mosque near Ground Zero. — “He seems by his actions to be more interested …
Bridget Johnson / The Hill:
Imam: Palin on mosque was ‘disingenuous’; controversy exploited
Imam: Palin on mosque was ‘disingenuous’; controversy exploited
Weasel Zippers and The Politico

Americans Spending More Time Following the News — Ideological News Sources: Who Watches and Why — OVERVIEW — There are many more ways to get the news these days, and as a consequence Americans are spending more time with the news than over much of the past decade.
Mother Jones

Turkey backs constitutional changes — Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan (left) and Turkish President Abdullah Gul cast their votes — Turkish voters have given strong backing to a package of constitutional changes. — With nearly all votes in the referendum counted, about 58% had voted “Yes” to amending the constitution.
Jihad Watch and PoliBlog

Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent — IRKUTSK, Russia — It was late one afternoon in January when a squad of plainclothes police officers arrived at the headquarters of a prominent environmental group here. They brushed past the staff with barely a word and instead set upon the computers before carting them away.
Engadget, AMERICAblog News and Prairie Weather, more at Techmeme »
John McCormack / Weekly Standard:
Citing “Mental Anguish,” Christine O'Donnell Sought $6.9 Million in Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Conservative Group — Court documents obtained Saturday by THE WEEKLY STANDARD reveal surprising new details about the gender discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuit filed …
Lean Left, Riehl World View, Doug Ross and Patterico's Pontifications