Top Items:

Fake pimp from ACORN videos tries to ‘punk’ CNN correspondent — Editor's note: CNN takes an unprecedented look inside the young conservative activist movement in the documentary “Right On The Edge,” which airs Oct. 2 and 3 at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. EST. — Lusby, Maryland (CNN) …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, TBogg, The American MAXIM, The BRAD BLOG, TPMMuckraker, Gawker, Mediaite, No More Mister Nice Blog, Crooks and Liars, Media Matters for America, Opinion L.A., Alas, a blog, Outside the Beltway, Rumproast, Daily Kos, Washington Monthly, Little Green Footballs,, New York Magazine, Salon, The Mahablog, 24Ahead, The Political Carnival, Washington Post, The Nation, NPR Topics, Romenesko and

Our Documentary Takes A Strange Detour — (Programming note: “Right On The Edge” airs this Saturday and Sunday at 8 and 11 p.m. ET). — I've been a reporter for nine years. My first official day on the job was on 9-11. I was the bureau chief in Dubuque, Iowa, working as a one-man band.
No More Mister Nice Blog,, Shakesville, Jezebel, Mediaite, Balloon Juice and Swampland
Jamison Foser / Media Matters for America:
James O'Keefe isn't a punk. He's worse.
James O'Keefe isn't a punk. He's worse.
Matt Lewis / Politics Daily:
Fake ACORN Pimp Tries to ‘Punk’ CNN's Abbie Boudreau
Fake ACORN Pimp Tries to ‘Punk’ CNN's Abbie Boudreau
Roger Ailes
Rachel Slajda / TPMMuckraker:
Ambush Filmmaker O'Keefe Tried To ‘Punk,’ ‘Seduce’ CNN Reporter
Ambush Filmmaker O'Keefe Tried To ‘Punk,’ ‘Seduce’ CNN Reporter
The Atlantic Online, Mediaite and Democratic Strategist

Meg Whitman's Housekeeper — ‘Explosive’ Allegations — UPDATE: Meg Whitman's campaign chairman, former California Governor Pete Wilson, tells TMZ he is unaware of any claim by Whitman's former housekeeper, but, “The timing of this is highly suspect.” — The former housekeeper for Meg Whitman …
Ballot Box, Capitol Alert, CNN, The Caucus, The Note, PolitiCal, HillBuzz, GayPatriot, 24Ahead, Ben Smith's Blog, L.A. NOW, American Power and Gawker

Meg Whitman's Housekeeper: Undocumented — Meg Whitman's former housekeeper was an undocumented worker and claims working for the Republican candidate for Governor was a “nightmare.” — Nicky Diaz Santillan, Whitman's housekeeper of 9 years, held a news conference with her lawyer …
Think Progress, The Daily Dish, The Political Carnival and Silicon Alley Insider

Meg Whitman: My Maid's Full of It — Meg Whitman's campaign just gave us documents suggesting that her former maid, Nicky Diaz Santillan, actually lied to Meg about her immigration status when she was hired back in 2000. — The documents, which Whitman claims Nicky filled out and signed …
Discussion:, PolitiCal, Hot Air, Capitol Alert, The American Pundit, ImmigrationProf Blog and The Washington Independent
‘Explosive allegations’ may rock CA race — (CNN) - California GOP gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman is facing a new hurdle Wednesday as her housekeeper of nine years prepares to make what are being called “explosive allegations” about the former eBay CEO. — The housekeeper …
The Political Carnival, New York Times and The Politico
Anthony York / PolitiCal:
Former Whitman housekeeper alleges she was treated like ‘garbage’
Former Whitman housekeeper alleges she was treated like ‘garbage’
Los Angeles Times
Cathleen Decker / Los Angeles Times:
Brown and Whitman go head to head
Brown and Whitman go head to head
Discussion: and Online NewsHour
Fhardingj / CNN:
CNN/Time Poll: Murkowski deadlocked with Miller in Alaska — (CNN) - The wild three-way Senate race in Alaska now appears to be a two-person fight for the top spot, according to a new poll. — A CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday indicates that 38 percent …
Manu Raju / The Politico:
GOP senators lash out at DeMint — South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint last week accused his Senate Republican colleagues of doing “everything” in their power to help Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski's write-in campaign against GOP nominee Joe Miller. — And he pounded them in a fundraising solicitation for doing …
CNN, McClatchy Washington Bureau, Think Progress, RedState, Riehl World View and National Review

Poll: Murkowski Close in Alaska; Dems Pull Away in Calif. — From left: Joe Miller, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Scott McAdams — From left: Michael Dinneen / AP; J. Scott Applewhite / AP; Chris Miller / AP — In Alaska, Republican Lisa Murkowski is giving the GOP nominee for her Senate-seat, Joe Miller, a real race to contend with.
Fhardingj / CNN:
CNN/Time Poll: Rubio opens Senate lead while governor's race stays a dead heat — (CNN) - Republican Marco Rubio has taken the lead in Florida's three-way battle for the Senate, according to a new poll. The CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation survey also indicates that the state's gubernatorial battle is dead even.
Orlando Sentinel, Taegan Goddard's … and The Buzz
Fhardingj / CNN:
CNN/Time Poll: Deadlocked in fight for Obama's Illinois Senate seat
CNN/Time Poll: Deadlocked in fight for Obama's Illinois Senate seat
Taegan Goddard's … and The Capitol Fax Blog
Fhardingj / CNN:
CNN/Time Poll: Democrats on top in California governor and Senate contests
CNN/Time Poll: Democrats on top in California governor and Senate contests
Outside the Beltway and Taegan Goddard's …
Alexander Burns / The Politico:
Florida Dems aim death blow at Charlie Crist
Florida Dems aim death blow at Charlie Crist
CNN, Orlando Sentinel, TPMDC, Post on Politics and The Awl
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Boehner surprise: Dems barely get votes to adjourn after floor speech — House Democrats on Wednesday barely won a 210-209 vote to adjourn the House without extending the Bush tax cuts. — Thirty-nine House Democrats voted against adjournment after Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) …
Jay Heflin / The Hill:
Boehner calls to extend all Bush tax cuts but resists procedural move …
Boehner calls to extend all Bush tax cuts but resists procedural move …
The Note, ABCNEWS and Michelle Malkin

White America Has Lost Its Mind — The white brain, beset with worries, finally goes haywire in spectacular fashion — About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel. — It had been a pretty good run up to that point.
Hit & Run,, Balloon Juice, alicublog, and Taylor Marsh
Terry / CNSNews:
Obama Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Us’ As He Renews Call for Amnesty
Obama Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Us’ As He Renews Call for Amnesty
Discussion:, NewsReal Blog, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, The Politico and Gateway Pundit

Two senators put hold on women's museum — WASHINGTON — A letter from two senators is the only thing blocking congressional approval of a decade-long effort to build a women's history museum in the nation's capital. — Sens. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and Jim DeMint, R-S.C., have placed a …
Washington Monthly, Towleroad News #gay, Open Congress and Shakesville
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Reid, Coburn in floor spat over shark bill
Reid, Coburn in floor spat over shark bill
The Atlantic Online and Wonkette
Tanya Somanader / Think Progress:
Coburn, DeMint Block National Women's History Museum Because 'Quilters …
Coburn, DeMint Block National Women's History Museum Because 'Quilters …
Discussion: and Jezebel

Poll: Obama, Dems Poised to Lose Grayson House Seat — Republican Dan Webster jumps to a 7-point lead — In one of the most closely watched U.S. House races in the nation, Republican Daniel Webster now holds a 7-point lead over Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson in Central Florida's 8th Congressional District …
Hot Air, theblogprof, REPUBLICAN REDEFINED, Babalú Blog, Wake up America, YID With LID, Weekly Standard, Left Coast Rebel, Scared Monkeys, Nice Deb, Real Clear Politics, The Washington Independent, National Review, The Blaze, JammieWearingFool, Gateway Pundit, Don Surber, Outside the Beltway, RedState, Michelle Malkin and The Politico

Assistant attorney general blogs against gay student body president — (CNN) — For nearly six months, Andrew Shirvell, an assistant attorney general for the state of Michigan, has waged an internet campaign against college student Chris Armstrong, the openly gay student assembly president at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Think Progress, News, Pharyngula, Indecision Forever, PostPartisan, Gawker, New York Magazine, Hullabaloo and AMERICAblog Gay
Irin Carmon / Jezebel:
Michigan's Gay-Bashing Assistant Attorney General Is An Unfathomable Idiot
Michigan's Gay-Bashing Assistant Attorney General Is An Unfathomable Idiot
Good As You and Towleroad News #gay

Being Glenn Beck — Glenn Beck was sprawled out on his office couch a couple of weeks ago, taking — as self-helpers like to say — an inventory. “I think what the country is going through right now is, in a way, what I went through with my alcoholism,” he told me. “You can either live or die.
Dick Morris / The Hill:
Obliterating a generation — Thanks to the leadership of President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid, the Democratic Party is facing the biggest defeat in midterm elections in the past 110 years, perhaps surpassing the modern record of a 74-seat gain set in 1922.
Don Surber and Liberty Pundits Blog
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
On Fox, where's the outrage? — James Rainey reads the Martin and Hagey story on Fox's employment of four Republican presidential contenders, and voices a pretty common sentiment: — A story that once might have prompted shock and outrage got very little play outside political circles. Why?
sisu and Los Angeles Times
Mike / Rortybomb:
Florida's Foreclosures Nightmare — Given that the IMF and others believe a large part of the “structural unemployment” in our country is related to the struggling housing market and underwater and barely-hanging on homeowners, what is to be done? One option is to allow for options …
Washington Post, Sun-Sentinel, Firedoglake, Guardian, The Big Picture, Eschaton, The Agonist and Truthdig

Carl Paladino alleges Andrew Cuomo affair — New York Republican gubernatorial nominee Carl Paladino alleged Tuesday that Democrat Andrew Cuomo was unfaithful to his ex-wife years ago, a stunning accusation that validated his earlier prediction that the race would be getting nastier.
Talking Points Memo
Michael Barone / Washington Examiner:
Dems retreat to coasts as GOP rules vast interior — Here's an exercise for some evening when you're curious about big nationwide trends in this year's elections. — Get an outline map showing the 50 states and take a look at the latest poll averages in in each race for senator and governor.
Eunomia, protein wisdom, Pajamas Media, FishbowlDC and The Hill
Political Correction RSS:
Rep. Gohmert's Ingenious Welfare Reform Proposal — 2 hours and 7 minutes ago — Walid Zafar — Speaking on the House floor last night, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) offered a Texas-style alternative to some of the most important social safety net programs. In place of providing unemployment insurance …
Washington Monthly, Gawker, The Washington Independent and Matthew Yglesias
Melissa McEwan / Shakesville:
Two Facts — 1. When I wrote passionate criticisms of a Republican administration and Republican Congressional majority who failed to champion LGBTQI equality, assailed women's bodily autonomy, treated Roe as a suggestion, refused to disclose lobbyist visits to the White House …
Firedoglake, TalkLeft, Obsidian Wings and The Agonist

Meredith Whitney's new target: The states — The housing crash not yet realized its full impact on budgets in the most vulnerable states. It's the banking crisis all over again - and it's time to stop ignoring it. — Meredith Whitney, the superstar analyst who famously forecast disaster …
Mother Jones, Felix Salmon, The Washington Independent, Matthew Yglesias and The New Republic
Lymari Morales / Gallup:
Distrust in U.S. Media Edges Up to Record High — Perceptions of liberal bias still far outnumber perceptions of conservative bias — WASHINGTON, D.C. — For the fourth straight year, the majority of Americans say they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly.
Hot Air, Top of the Ticket, Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers, Politics Daily, RedState, JustOneMinute, Wake up America, Gawker and JammieWearingFool

Exclusive: Joe Miller Failed To File Personal Finance Disclosure As Required By Law, Could Face $50,000 Fine — Sarah Palin-backed Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller (R-AK), who defeated incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) in the primary in August, skyrocketed to power partially …
Anchorage Daily News, The Political Carnival and Daily Kos