Top Items:
Ezra Klein:
The Democrats have picked the wrong strategy on the Bush tax cuts — The Democrats are converging around a strategy on the Bush tax cuts that, if it works, would potentially eliminate the tax cuts for the rich. The votes in the Senate are such that legislators on both sides say the strategy won't work …
TalkLeft, The Huffington Post, Booman Tribune and Balloon Juice
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Reid, Senate Dems go hardball on taxes — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has adopted a hardball strategy for dealing with Republicans on the expiring Bush-era tax cuts. — Reid will force a vote on extending tax cuts for families earning below $250,000 and individuals below $200,000 …
New York Times, The Impolitic, The Mahablog, Wonkette, Washington Monthly, TPMDC, The Gateway Pundit, Economix, The Politico and The Plum Line

Incoming Labor Committee Chair Says Jobless Benefits Aren't A Priority: 'We Can't Fund Everything' — Yesterday, the House of Representatives failed to pass a (far too short) three-month extension of unemployment benefits. If Congress does not act to extend benefits by the end of the month …
Associated Press and Orange County Register

Boehner Warns GOP on Debt Ceiling
Gawker, Washington Monthly and DownWithTyranny!
The Huffington Post:
Alan Grayson: Five Things The Rich Can Do With Their Tax Cuts (VIDEO)
Alan Grayson: Five Things The Rich Can Do With Their Tax Cuts (VIDEO)
Crooks and Liars and Taylor Marsh
The Huffington Post:
Unemployment Extension Defeated In House
Unemployment Extension Defeated In House
Politics Daily, Center for American Progress and Wonk Room
Matt Finkelstein / Political Correction RSS:
Rep. Pence Inadvertently Admits Bush Tax Cuts Did Not Work
Rep. Pence Inadvertently Admits Bush Tax Cuts Did Not Work
Washington Monthly and Daily Kos

Don't touch my junk — Ah, the airport, where modern folk heroes are made. The airport, where that inspired flight attendant did what everyone who's ever been in the spam-in-a-can crush of a flying aluminum tube - where we collectively pretend that a clutch of peanuts is a meal and a seat cushion is a …
Power Line, Althouse, Outside the Beltway, Chicago Boyz,, The Plum Line, Betsy's Page and Hit & Run
Scott / Power Line:
Revolt against the TSA — The revolt against the TSA is a sign of the times. Popular frustration with the TSA dates back to its establishment during the Bush administration. It is another big government bureaucracy that performs ineptly and with gross inconvenience.

U.S. deploying heavily armored battle tanks for first time in Afghan war — The U.S. military is sending a contingent of heavily armored battle tanks to Afghanistan for the first time in the nine-year war, defense officials said, a shift that signals a further escalation in the aggressive tactics …
Yglesias, The Huffington Post,, New York Times, Commentary, Danger Room, BLACKFIVE, Confederate Yankee, The Agonist, Balloon Juice and Instapundit

Obama Forces Showdown With G.O.P. on Arms Pact — WASHINGTON — Just two weeks after an election that left him struggling to find his way forward, President Obama has decided to confront Senate Republicans in a make-or-break battle over arms control that could be an early test of his mettle heading into the final two years of his term.
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Classic Messaging Fail
Classic Messaging Fail
Ezra Klein, Dennis the Peasant, Wonk Room, Mother Jones and arms control since 1971.
Daniel Larison / Eunomia:
Wasting Time … I'm not sure that it would be a travesty …
Wasting Time … I'm not sure that it would be a travesty …
The Huffington Post,, The Daily Dish, Outside the Beltway, The Impolitic and Balloon Juice

Senate Democrats vent anger with Barack Obama — Senate Democrats - including typically mild-mannered Bill Nelson of Florida - lit into President Barack Obama during an unusually tense air-clearing caucus session on Thursday, senators and staffers told POLITICO.
Firedoglake, Commentary, The Last Tradition, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, The Note, CNN, Outside the Beltway, National Review and The Hill
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
THE WRONG QUESTION AT THE WRONG TIME.... CBS News sent around a press release yesterday afternoon about a special “In Focus: Debt and Deficit,” hosted by Katie Couric. — The release noted, “With this year's record-breaking deficit of $1.5 trillion — the biggest ever in U.S. history …
Time and The New Republic
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Axis of Depression — What do the government of China, the government of Germany and the Republican Party have in common? They're all trying to bully the Federal Reserve into calling off its efforts to create jobs. And the motives of all three are highly suspect. — It's not as if the Fed is doing anything radical.
Washington Post, Firedoglake and Prairie Weather
New York Times:
Worm Was Perfect for Sabotaging Centrifuges — Experts dissecting the computer worm suspected of being aimed at Iran's nuclear program have determined that it was precisely calibrated in a way that could send nuclear centrifuges wildly out of control. — Their conclusion, while not definitive …
The Jawa Report, ChattahBox News Blog and AmSpecBlog

Meditation Diet — Now out of prison, a slimmed-down Bob Ney spends his days in India with devotees of the Dalai Lama. — Former Rep. Bob Ney and Tenzin Sherab by the prayer wheels at Sarah College. — Most Americans got their last glimpse of Bob Ney in 2006 when the powerful Ohio …
Ben Smith's Blog
Schneier on Security:
TSA Backscatter X-ray Backlash — Things are happening so fast that I don't know if I should bother. But here are some links and observations. — The head of the Allied Pilots Association is telling its members to avoid both the full body scanners and the patdowns.
The Daily Dish and

$#!% Joe Biden Says — Can he raise the rafters like his boss? No. But nobody can flat-out talk like Joe Biden. And these days, everybody's listening — There are only two reporters traveling coast-to-coast with the vice president on Air Force Two on a clear day in early October.
The Daily Caller, Weasel Zippers, New York Magazine and Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
Tim Sahd / Hotline On Call:
Etheridge To Concede — Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) is expected to concede this afternoon after results from a completed recount are likely to show he didn't make up any significant ground in his race against Rep.-elect Renee Ellmers (R), according to campaign sources.
The Gateway Pundit
Michael Gerson / Washington Post:
With Holder at the helm, detainee policy is a disaster — The closing of the Guantanamo Bay prison and civilian trials for terrorists were more than policy changes proposed by Barack Obama as a presidential candidate. They were presented as a return to constitutional government - a dividing line from an uncivilized past.
Commentary, Betsy's Page, War in Context, The Huffington Post and The Plum Line
Daniel Freedman / The Politico:
War of military vs. civil terrorism trials

Miller seeks to stop election certification — LAWSUIT: Candidate asserts misspelled votes shouldn't count. — The Republican candidate in the Alaska U.S. Senate race asked a federal judge Thursday for a preliminary injunction stopping officials from certifying the election.
Nearly 1 in 5 Americans had mental illness in 2009 — CHICAGO - More than 45 million Americans, or 20 percent of U.S. adults, had some form of mental illness last year, and 11 million had a serious illness, U.S. government researchers reported on Thursday. — Young adults aged 18 to 25 …
protein wisdom and Pajamas Media
Bruce Bartlett / Capital Gains and Games blogs:
Questioning a Payroll Tax Holiday — Pete Domenici and Alice Rivlin have proposed a one-year payroll tax holiday to stimulate the economy. I have previously explained why I think monkeying around with the payroll tax is a dreadful idea and won't repeat my argument here.
Economist's View, The Daily Dish and National Review
Jeanne Cummings / The Politico:
Another shutdown? — Grover Norquist wants a do-over. — The head of the influential Americans for Tax Reform is encouraging the new House Republican majority to adopt a take-no-prisoners approach to federal spending — and if that leads to a 1995-style government shutdown, so be it.
Washington Monthly, A plain blog about politics and TPMDC
Scott Conroy / Real Clear Politics:
Palin Aides Relish Beltway's Skepticism — Throughout the better part of the last two years, the narrative among influential political operatives and opinion makers in Washington remained unchanged: Sarah Palin would continue to be a dynamic media presence and possible kingmaker …
The Note and

Raising Social Security Retirement Age Could Cause Spike in Disability Payments — The purpose of raising the retirement age, we're told, is to save money and put Social Security on a path to long-term solvency. But the bean-counting geniuses Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson didn't take one thing …
Associated Press

A Trailblazer With Her Eye on the Bottom Line — She grew up sheltered and privileged, in a middle-class Irish enclave of Chicago at midcentury, attending Catholic schools and riding horses at a country club where blacks and Jews were not allowed. Yet from age 28, she blazed a trail for working women …
City Room and New York Magazine, more at Mediagazer »
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Centrist Sen. Conrad will stay atop Senate budget panel — Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) announced Friday he would look to remain chairman of the Senate Budget Committee in the next Congress. — Conrad said he'd chosen to keep his top spot on the budget panel and he had opted against seeking …
The Politico

Lieberman on DADT: We Have 60 — Sen. Joe Lieberman said Thursday that repealing “don't ask, don't tell” as part of the National Defense Authorization Act is no longer a question of votes, it's a question of process. — “I am confident that we have more than 60 votes prepared …
Open Left, Wonk Room, Lez Get Real, AMERICAblog Gay and Towleroad News #gay