Top Items:
Juan / Informed Comment:
An Open Letter to the Left on Libya — As I expected, now that Qaddafi's advantage in armor and heavy weapons is being neutralized by the UN allies' air campaign, the liberation movement is regaining lost territory. Liberators took back Ajdabiya and Brega (Marsa al-Burayqa), key oil towns …
U.S. Won't Intervene in Syria as Assad Differs From Qaddafi, Clinton Says — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. won't enter into the internal conflict in Syria the way it has in Libya. — “No,” Clinton said, when asked on the CBS “Face the Nation” program if the U.S. would intervene in Syria's unrest.
Political Punch:
Defense Secretary: Libya Did Not Pose Threat to U.S., Was Not ‘Vital National Interest’ to Intervene — Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that Libya did not pose a threat to the United States before the U.S. began its military campaign against the North African country.
Outside the Beltway, Michelle Malkin, Sense of Events, Hot Air, Blogcritics and The Gateway Pundit
Gautham Nagesh / The Hill:
Clinton: US will stay out of Syria, no timeline for Libya
Clinton: US will stay out of Syria, no timeline for Libya
The Politico and Sense of Events
Bradley Klapper / Associated Press:
US officials: Libyan operation could last months
US officials: Libyan operation could last months
JustOneMinute and A Chequer-Board of Nights …
Lauren Seifert / CBS News:
Gates: Intel shows Qaddafi planting bodies at attack sites
Gates: Intel shows Qaddafi planting bodies at attack sites
Weasel Zippers and The Huffington Post
Political Punch:
Biden Team Apologizes to Reporter for Sticking Him In Closet — “Scott - You have our sincere apologies for the lack of a better hold room today,” wrote Vice President Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander last Wednesday to Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers.
The Moderate Voice, Balloon Juice, Taegan Goddard's … and The Lonely Conservative

Vice President's staff lock journalist in a closet for hours during a fundraiser to stop him talking to guests — The White House website proudly says ‘President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history.’
The Moderate Voice, RedState, Wake up America,, Maggie's Notebook and theblogprof

Don Surber, Runnin' Scared, Fox Nation, Weasel Zippers, Da Techguy's Blog, The Gateway Pundit and
Doug Powers / Michelle Malkin:
Transparency: Reporter at Biden Fundraiser Kept in Closet
Transparency: Reporter at Biden Fundraiser Kept in Closet
Weasel Zippers
The Tatler / Pajamas Media:
Reporter imprisoned in closet by Biden staffers at Florida Dem fundraiser
Reporter imprisoned in closet by Biden staffers at Florida Dem fundraiser
Hit & Run, protein wisdom and
Igor Volsky / ThinkProgress:
Gingrich: My Infidelities Helped Me Understand How To Impeach Clinton — This morning, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace questioned likely presidential candidate Newt Gingrich — who has placed social issues at the forefront of his emerging campaign — about his personal infidelities and multiple marriages.
Little Green Footballs, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Prairie Weather, The Reaction and
James Hohmann / The Politico:
Newt Gingrich: I'm not a hypocrite — Pressed on “Fox News Sunday” about his adulterous past, Newt Gingrich said it was not hypocritical for him to impeach Bill Clinton while he cheated on his own wife because he never lied under oath. — “I don't know what you would have had me do,” …
Weasel Zippers, CNN and National Review
Myglesias / Yglesias:
The Alternative To Deflation Is Inflation — Tim Fernholz and Jim Tankersley have an excellent article detailing the economic research Republicans are relying on to make the case that layoffs of government workers will lead to an increase in employment. It's all about liquidating labor:
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, Eschaton, Hullabaloo and Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman:
Wages and Employment, Yet Again — Oh, my. Even Matt Yglesias doesn't quite get it. — Writing about Republican plans to raise employment by reducing it, he writes … Then he turns, rightly, to the problem of nominally denominated debt. But look: even if we didn't have that problem …
Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
Billionaire self-pity and the Koch brothers — Since the financial crisis of 2008, one of the most revealing spectacles has been the parade of financial elites who petulantly insist that they are the victims of societal hostility: political officials heap too much blame on them …
Weekly Standard, The Huffington Post, Balloon Juice and Power Line
Matthew Continetti / Weekly Standard:
The Paranoid Style in Liberal Politics
The Paranoid Style in Liberal Politics
protein wisdom
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Lieberman: Maybe we should go into Syria, too — While the US continues its bombardments in a country that the Defense Secretary today admitted posed no national-security threat and was not a “vital national interest” to the US, an equally brutal crackdown on a rising rebellion continues in Syria …
New York Times, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and Maggie's Farm
Gautham Nagesh / The Hill:
Lieberman would back US action in Syria
Lieberman would back US action in Syria
Hullabaloo, The Moderate Voice, CNN, and Outside the Beltway

200 arrested as hardcore anarchists fight police long into night in Battle of Trafalgar Square after 500,000 march against the cut — Over 200 people were arrested as extremists brought violent chaos to central London yesterday after hijacking the much-heralded trade union protest against public spending cuts.
The Lonely Conservative, American Power, The Impolitic, No More Mister Nice Blog, Riehl World View and Biased BBC
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
THE RIGHT'S SELECTIVE EMBRACE OF RELIGIOUS LIBERTY.... It's hardly a secret that in modern politics, conservative Christian Republicans tend to think the issue of religion in public and political life is “theirs.” It's one of those things that “everyone knows” — Democrats dominate when it comes to workers …

Iowa May Turn G.O.P.'s Focus to Social Issues
Guardian, Prairie Weather and Eschaton
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
GUESS WHO ‘STOLE THE SHOW’ IN IOWA?.... Iowa will host dozens of “cattle call” events for 2012 Republican presidential candidates over the next several months, and the latest was yesterday's gathering in Des Moines, hosted by far-right Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa). Five likely aspirants showed up, and the receptions they received matter.
Washington Post, and Mediaite