Top Items:

Facebook May Hire Robert Gibbs, Former Obama Aide — Facebook is in talks to hire Robert Gibbs, President Obama's former White House press secretary, for a senior role in helping to manage the company's communications, people briefed on the negotiations said.
The Politico, Guardian, Taegan Goddard's …, The Wire, Reuters, The Caucus, Pundit Press and The Page, more at Techmeme »

Ayers affirms he wrote Dreams from my Father — Last Thursday evening at Montclair State University, with a video camera rolling, Bill Ayers volunteered that yes indeed he had written the acclaimed Barack Obama memoir, Dreams from My Father. — Unprompted, Ayers also noted that while Dreams deserves …
Paul Krugman:
Wages and Employment, Yet Again — Oh, my. Even Matt Yglesias doesn't quite get it. — Writing about Republican plans to raise employment by reducing it, he writes … Then he turns, rightly, to the problem of nominally denominated debt. But look: even if we didn't have that problem …
Marginal Revolution
Myglesias / Yglesias:
The Alternative To Deflation Is Inflation
The Alternative To Deflation Is Inflation
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, Eschaton and Hullabaloo
Darci Kistler / CBS News:
The Reagan shooting: A closer call than we knew — Bob Schieffer on how quick thinking prevented a tragedy when a gunman fired on the president 30 years ago … It's one of those artifacts of the electronic age: Videotape of an ordinary afternoon that, in a matter of seconds, became etched forever in our memories.
The Lonely Conservative and Washington Post
U.S. Won't Intervene in Syria as Assad Differs From Qaddafi, Clinton Says — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. won't enter into the internal conflict in Syria the way it has in Libya. — “No,” Clinton said, when asked on the CBS “Face the Nation” program if the U.S. would intervene in Syria's unrest.
Political Punch:
Defense Secretary: Libya Did Not Pose Threat to U.S., Was Not ‘Vital National Interest’ to Intervene
Defense Secretary: Libya Did Not Pose Threat to U.S., Was Not ‘Vital National Interest’ to Intervene
Reuters, Outside the Beltway, Blogcritics, Michelle Malkin, Sense of Events, The Gateway Pundit and Hot Air

Unrest in Syria and Jordan Poses New Test for U.S. Policy
Washington Times, Ben Smith's Blog and Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
Bradley Klapper / Associated Press:
US officials: Libyan operation could last months
US officials: Libyan operation could last months
Gautham Nagesh / The Hill:
Lieberman would back US action in Syria
Lieberman would back US action in Syria
Hullabaloo,, The Moderate Voice, Outside the Beltway and CNN

Welcome to Wal-Mart: The Biggest Case of the Term — On Tuesday morning, the United States Supreme Court will hear argument in Wal-Mart v. Dukes, an already-epic battle between the world's largest corporation and perhaps as many as one million current and former employees, all of them female …
CBS St. Louis and SCOTUSblog
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Supreme Court to Weigh Sociology Issue in Wal-Mart Discrimination Case
Supreme Court to Weigh Sociology Issue in Wal-Mart Discrimination Case
The Caucus
Political Punch:
Biden Team Apologizes to Reporter for Sticking Him In Closet — “Scott - You have our sincere apologies for the lack of a better hold room today,” wrote Vice President Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander last Wednesday to Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers.
The Moderate Voice, Nice Deb, Balloon Juice, Weasel Zippers, Hit & Run and The Lonely Conservative

Er, we made a mistake... Vice President's aide apologises to journalist locked in a closet for hours during fundraiser
Doug Powers / Michelle Malkin:
Transparency: Reporter at Biden Fundraiser Kept in Closet
Transparency: Reporter at Biden Fundraiser Kept in Closet
Runnin' Scared, Fox Nation, The Gateway Pundit, Da Techguy's Blog and Weasel Zippers, more at Mediagazer »

Japan nuclear plant data error was ‘unacceptable’ — The BBC's Mark Worthington says many people in Japan are becoming increasingly concerned about what is going to happen in the future — The Japanese government has attacked the operator of a crippled nuclear plant for “unacceptable” mistakes.
Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
Billionaire self-pity and the Koch brothers — Since the financial crisis of 2008, one of the most revealing spectacles has been the parade of financial elites who petulantly insist that they are the victims of societal hostility: political officials heap too much blame on them …
The Politico and Balloon Juice
New York Times:
N.Y. Budget Deal Cuts Aid to Schools and Health Care — Culminating weeks of secretive negotiations and intense political jockeying, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and leaders of the Legislature on Sunday announced a $132.5 billion budget agreement that would cut spending, impose no major new taxes …
The Reality-Based Community

Merkel party in German state poll disaster — BERLIN (AFP) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives lost power in their German heartland after nearly six decades, initial poll results showed Sunday, with the Greens likely to lead their first state government.
Weasel Zippers, Tim Blair and Blog
Wall Street Journal:
Fiscal Showdown Looms in Capitol — The White House and Democratic lawmakers, with less than two weeks left to avoid a government shutdown, are assembling a proposal for roughly $20 billion in additional spending cuts that could soon be offered to Republicans, according to people close to the budget talks.
The Lonely Conservative
Billy Graham /
Meet the Press Netcast — on - — More from: - TODAY - Nightly News - Meet the Press - Dateline - Morning Joe - Hardball - The Last Word - Rachel Maddow - msnbc tv — MR. DAVID GREGORY: This Sunday, the allied strike against Libya stretches into a second week as the U.S. seeks to limit its role.
Washington Post, RedState and Mudville Gazette

Mayor Bloomberg does Spider-Man, ‘Mamma Mia’ at Inner Circle 2011 — Mamma Mayor! — Mayor Bloomberg took the stage at the annual Inner Circle Saturday night and - after aborting an attempt to be Spider-Man - donned bell bottoms and platform shoes and cavorted with the cast of “Mamma Mia.”
NECN, Daily Mail, Weasel Zippers and Michelle Malkin
Igor Volsky / ThinkProgress:
Gingrich: My Infidelities Helped Me Understand How To Impeach Clinton — This morning, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace questioned likely presidential candidate Newt Gingrich — who has placed social issues at the forefront of his emerging campaign — about his personal infidelities and multiple marriages.
Little Green Footballs, Examiner, The Moderate Voice, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Prairie Weather and The Reaction
James Hohmann / The Politico:
Newt Gingrich: I'm not a hypocrite
Newt Gingrich: I'm not a hypocrite
Weasel Zippers, CNN and National Review