Top Items:
Robert Pear / New York Times:
A Limit on Consumer Costs Is Delayed in Health Care Law — WASHINGTON — In another setback for President Obama's health care initiative, the administration has delayed until 2015 a significant consumer protection in the law that limits how much people may have to spend on their own health care.
Avik Roy / Forbes:
Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015 — First, there was the delay of Obamacare's Medicare cuts until after the election. Then there was the delay of the law's employer mandate. Then there was the announcement, buried in the Federal Register …
The Moderate Voice, Hit & Run, Hot Air, The Daily Caller, Scared Monkeys and Right Wing News
Lara Seligman / The Hill:
Administration delays ObamaCare caps on out-of-pocket costs — The Obama administration has delayed a key provision in President Obama's healthcare reform law that would limit out-of-pocket insurance costs for consumers until 2015. — The cap, which includes deductibles and co-payments …
The Daily Caller, and National Review
Peter Maass / New York Times:
How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets — This past January, Laura Poitras received a curious e-mail from an anonymous stranger requesting her public encryption key. For almost two years, Poitras had been working on a documentary about surveillance, and she occasionally received queries from strangers.
ThinkProgress, The Verge, The Week, Prairie Weather, The Daily Caller, Poynter and The Dish, more at Mediagazer »
Peter Maass / New York Times:
Q. & A.: Edward Snowden Speaks to Peter Maass
Q. & A.: Edward Snowden Speaks to Peter Maass
FishbowlDC and The Hill, more at Mediagazer »

Hillary Clinton's next act: The family foundation — Hillary Clinton's next phase of life — the co-leader of a family foundation — has officially begun. — She's coming in to her husband's signature foundation, which has been renamed for all three Clintons (their daughter has an increased presence).
CNN, Taegan Goddard's … and The Democratic Daily
Meghashyam Mali / The Hill:
Weiner: Wife will have role in Clinton campaign
Weiner: Wife will have role in Clinton campaign
Shakesville,, Taegan Goddard's … and The Daily Caller
Kevin Liptak / CNN:
Hillary Clinton jumps back into political fray with speech on voting rights
Hillary Clinton jumps back into political fray with speech on voting rights
Washington Monthly, The Week, First Read, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, and Reuters

A Former Engine of the G.O.P., the Town Hall Meeting, Cools Down — WASHINGTON — Representative Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican, is no stranger to town hall meetings and their political possibilities. Four summers ago, he helped his party use them to stoke opposition to President Obama's health care bill.
The Daily Caller, Booman Tribune, ABC News, Hot Air, Taegan Goddard's …, Hullabaloo and First Read
Justin Sink / The Hill:
Rubio: Obama could ‘basically legalize’ millions of immigrants if reform fails — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a key architect of the Senate's comprehensive immigration reform bill, warned Tuesday that President Obama could use an executive order to legalize millions of illegal immigrants if Congress does not act on the issue.
Hot Air, The Plum Line, Post Politics and
Burgess Everett / Politico:
Marco Rubio warns of immigration executive order
Marco Rubio warns of immigration executive order
National Review

Porn Professor Hugo Schwyzer Comes Clean About His Twitter Meltdown and Life as a Fraud — He built a successful, if divisive, career as a ‘male feminist’ and porn advocate. Then his life fell apart—on Twitter. He talks to Richard Abowitz about what fueled his epic meltdown.
Lawyers, Guns & Money, Althouse, Taylor Marsh and

Classic Obama charade: Appoint a crony to investigate himself — Big headlines last Friday, as President Obama planned, for his news conference announcement. — He was naming “a high-level group of outside experts” to probe the nation's entire intelligence apparatus for abuses …

Why I signed the Voter ID/election reform bill — The common sense, election reforms I just signed into law will protect the integrity of one of the most precious rights guaranteed in our state constitution, the right to vote. — Voter photo identification is the central element of these reforms.
Election Law Blog,, Los Angeles Times and The Daily Caller
Skip Navigation / ACLU:
League of Women Voters of North Carolina, et al. v. North Carolina
League of Women Voters of North Carolina, et al. v. North Carolina
@NCCapitol, Daily Kos, Towleroad News #gay, and Raleigh News & Observer

This Is Not Rosa Parks — Oprah Winfrey's Swiss adventure. — Jesse Jackson hasn't yet declared Zurich the new Selma, but from some of the news coverage you'd think Oprah Winfrey was the next Rosa Parks. The former TV-talk superstar experienced what New York's Daily News calls …
The Hinterland Gazette, Betsy's Page, Mediaite, American Spectator and National Review

ATTORNEY FOR WHISTLEBLOWER: 400 U.S. MISSILES STOLEN IN BENGHAZI — On August 12, Joe DiGenova, attorney for one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, told Washington D.C.'s WMAL that one of the reasons people have remained tight-lipped about Benghazi is because 400 U.S. missiles were “diverted to Libya” …
Daily Mail, The Jawa Report, Hot Air,, The Gateway Pundit and Power Line

TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES — The phrase “unintended consequences” is going to get tossed around a lot over the next couple of days as a pair of techniques born of a three decades pissing-down-the-leg panic over crime get careful scrutiny. First, Attorney General Eric Holder announced …
Zandar Versus The Stupid and emptywheel
Steven Hayward / Power Line:
Times Change — Behold the power of Power Line. Only one day after we wondered ("Start the Countdown Clock") whether the Sulzberger family would follow the Graham family and sell the New York Times before its market value sinks to Boston Globe levels, there emerged news that the family had …
Wall Street Journal

President Obama's ambulance runs out of gas, sparks criticism — WASHINGTON (WJLA) - As President Barack Obama travels to and from the White House in his motorcade, the number one concern is keeping him safe. — A critical constant is a D.C. Fire and EMS ambulance, typically Medic 1 …
The Daily Caller, Weekly Standard and Twitchy

3 members of Montana's Williams family decline to run for Congress — HELENA - Three members of a prominent Montana Democratic family - former U.S. Rep. Pat and ex-state Sen. Carol Williams, and their daughter Whitney - each has decided not to run for the U.S. Senate or House next year, despite pleas to do so.
Ballot Box, Post Politics and Roll Call

Oops: Billboards list wrong date for Detroit's Nov. 5 general election — Billboards advertising the city's upcoming general election sent the wrong message to residents over the weekend. — Many of the 14 billboards gave a September date for the city's general election. The election actually is Nov. 5.
Politico, Weasel Zippers, The Daily Caller and

Post v. Putin — Whose Side Are You On? — The culture war has gone global. — And the divisions are not only between, but within nations. — “Suddenly, homosexuality is against the law,” wailed Jay Leno. “I mean, this seems like Germany. Let's round up the Jews. Let's round up the gays. ...
Equality Matters and The Raw Story
New York Times:
Racial Discrimination in Stop-and-Frisk — Judge Shira Scheindlin of Federal District Court in New York upheld the bedrock principle of individual liberty on Monday when she ruled that the tactics underlying New York City's stop-and-frisk program violated the constitutional rights of minority citizens.

By The Denver Post Editorial Board — Americans have come to know and tolerate the presence of the Transportation Security Administration at airports. — While it doesn't make the pat-downs and full-body scans any less intrusive, we've accepted the security gauntlet …
The Moderate Voice

First Dog Bo takes a well-deserved vacation — Americans can go to bed with a story to warm the cockles of their hearts tonight. First Dog Bo has been successfully transported to join the First Family on their well-deserved vacation on Martha's Vineyard. — Bo was transported from Washington …
Scared Monkeys,, Israel Matzav and Doug Ross
Manny Fernandez / New York Times:
Fort Hood Gunman Told Panel That Death Would Make Him a Martyr — KILLEEN, Tex. — One year after he waged a deadly shooting rampage at the Fort Hood Army base here in November 2009, Major Nidal Malik Hasan told a panel of military mental health experts that he wished he had been killed during …
Weasel Zippers, Jihad Watch and The Dish

First 100 Pages of Aaron Swartz's Secret Service File Released — After half-a-year of delays and roadblocks, the U.S Secret Service today released the first 104 pages of agency documents about the late coder and activist Aaron Swartz, including a brief report on Swartz's suicide less than three months before his scheduled trial.
Guardian, The Switch, Mashable and The Verge