Top Items:

America's Spies Want Edward Snowden Dead — “I would love to put a bullet in his head,” one Pentagon official told BuzzFeed. The NSA leaker is enemy No. 1 among those inside the intelligence world. — Snowden's Russian refugee document. — Maxim Shemetov / Reuters

Transcript of President Obama's Jan. 17 speech on NSA reforms — President Obama delivered the following remarks on changes to National Security Agency programs Jan. 17 at the Justice Department in Washington. Transcript courtesy of Federal News Service. — PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you very much.
ACLU, The Plum Line, PostPartisan, PoliticusUSA, The Federalist, The Volokh Conspiracy and Hit & Run
New York Times:
Obama Calls for Overhaul of N.S.A.'s Phone Data Collection Program — WASHINGTON — President Obama said Friday that he would require intelligence agencies to obtain permission from a secret court before tapping into a vast trove of telephone data, but he will leave the data in the hands of the government for now.

Obama Says Mass Collection of U.S. Phone Data Will End
The White House, TalkLeft and Washington Wire

Pennsylvania judge strikes down state's voter ID law — HARRISBURG — A Pennsylvania judge has found the state's voter ID law unconstitutional. — According to the ruling from Commonwealth Court Judge Bernard McGinley, the requirement to present an acceptable form of identification when voting in person …
PoliticusUSA, Daily Kos and Booman Tribune
Rick Hasen / Election Law Blog:
Initial Thoughts on Today's Ruling Striking Down Pa's Voter ID Law on State Grounds
Initial Thoughts on Today's Ruling Striking Down Pa's Voter ID Law on State Grounds
Washington Monthly, Guardian, The Week and MinnPost

Pennsylvania judge strikes down voter ID law
The Right Scoop
Rick Lyman / New York Times:
Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Is Struck Down
New York Times:
The Inequality Problem — Suddenly the whole world is talking about income inequality. But, as this debate goes on, it is beginning to look as though the thing is being misconceived. The income inequality debate is confusing matters more than clarifying them, and it is leading us off in unhelpful directions.
Democracy in America, Business Insider, Paul Krugman, PolicyShop, American Prospect, Gawker and Talking Points Memo
David Brooks' Primitive Defense of the Rich — David Brooks is sweating hard trying to defend the one percent against the rest of the country and reality. His column today desperately warns readers: — “Some on the left have always tried to introduce a more class-conscious style of politics.
Business Insider and Shakesville

Company Behind West Virginia's Chemical Spill Files For Bankruptcy — According to the Charleston Gazette, Freedom Industries filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy today. — On January 10, a tank owned by Freedom spilled 7,500 gallons of 4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol (MCHM) …
Kate White / Charleston Gazette:
Freedom Industries files for bankruptcy
Freedom Industries files for bankruptcy
Associated Press, The Verge and Americans Against the …

Everything you need to know about Obama's NSA reforms, in plain English — President Obama is making major changes to the NSA's phone record surveillance program Friday — the one first unveiled last summer by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and what kicked off months of controversy.
The Dish, Gigaom, Hot Air, Post Politics and Booman Tribune

Obama's NSA ‘reforms’ are little more than a PR attempt to mollify public
Igor Bobic / Talking Points Memo:
READ: Obama's Full Speech On NSA Surveillance Reforms
READ: Obama's Full Speech On NSA Surveillance Reforms
Firedoglake, News Desk, Guardian and Balloon Juice

50 Ways to Celebrate Michelle Obama's Birthday — First Lady Michelle Obama turns 50 today, and although the big White House celebration planned by President Obama isn't until Saturday, that doesn't mean you have to wait to celebrate. — If your invite to Saturday's dance party in Washington went missing …
BREITBART.COM,, The Daily Banter, NewsBusters, Mediaite, Ed Driscoll, NewsBusters blogs, New York Times, The Daily Caller, Hot Air and Althouse

Chris Christie's Crisis Plunges Republican Party Deeper Into The Wilderness — The establishment freaks out as another favorite son falls from grace. “There are definitely people jumping ship.” — Lucas Jackson / Reuters / Reuters — In the immediate aftermath of their emphatic defeat in 2012 …
Politico, Washington Monthly, Hot Air, The Week and The Fix
Yasiin Mugerwa / Daily Monitor:
Museveni blocks Anti-Homosexuality Bill — Parliament- President Museveni has confronted Speaker Rebecca Kadaga for passing the controversial Anti-gays Bill without quorum and described homosexuals as “abnormal” beings who can be “rescued” through economic empowerment.
Box Turtle Bulletin, Clutch Magazine, Guardian, Washington Blade, LGBTQ Nation, AMERICAblog News and Towleroad News #gay

Chris Christie bridge scandal: 20 subpoenas issued, governor hires attorney — TRENTON — In another day of political drama and legal maneuvering, two new legislative committees were formed Thursday to investigate the George Washington Bridge scandal and within hours, 20 subpoenas were issued …
Firedoglake, USA Today, Daily Kos and U.S. Senate Committee …
Ruben Navarrette / CNN:
Christie bridge: Get over it — Political dirty tricks
Chris Casteel / Daily Oklahoman:
Sen. Tom Coburn to resign at the end of current Congress — WASHINGTON - Sen. Tom Coburn, who has spent a combined 15 years here rooting out government waste and warning about mounting U.S. debt, will resign after the current session of Congress, foregoing the final two years of his term.
Tom Coburn won't serve rest of Senate term
Tom Coburn won't serve rest of Senate term
American Spectator, Hot Air and Post Politics

60 Words And A War Without End: The Untold Story Of The Most Dangerous Sentence In U.S. History — Sunrise was still nearly an hour off when Nazih al-Ruqai climbed into his black Hyundai SUV outside a mosque in northern Tripoli and turned the key. The lanky 49-year-old had left …
Balloon Juice
Joaquin Castro / Texas Monthly:
Mr. Castro Goes to Washington — A BEHIND-THE-SCENES ACCOUNT OF THE BIG VOTES, DASHED HOPES, TOUGH CHOICES, AND REAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF A FRESHMAN LAWMAKER'S FIRST YEAR IN CONGRESS. — One year ago I was sworn in as a United States congressman. Representing Texas's Twentieth District …
Politico, Talking Points Memo, The Daily Caller, First Read and The Raw Story
Cameron Joseph / The Hill:
Cruz won't praise Gillespie after Va. entrance — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) refused say whether he thinks former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie (R) will be a good candidate for Virginia's Senate race, putting the National Republican Senatorial Committee vice chairman at odds with its chairman and many in his party.
Talking Points Memo
William Kristol / Weekly Standard:
Hillary? Really? — This week's Time magazine splashes the question on its cover: “Can Anyone Stop Hillary?” The Weekly Standard is happy to provide our friends at Time with an answer to their query: Yes. Hillary Clinton can be stopped. How? Let us count the ways.
Talking Points Memo, The Raw Story, No More Mister Nice Blog and Right Turn
Pete Kasperowicz / The Hill:
GOP trying to chop down Reid's amendment tree — Senate Republicans have deployed a new parliamentary tactic designed to end — or at least call attention to — the frequent Democratic ban on considering GOP amendments. — Republicans have tried it four times, without success.
Washington Monthly and The Huffington Post
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Obama to Dems: Boehner will pass immigration reform in 2014
Obama to Dems: Boehner will pass immigration reform in 2014
New York Times, Politico and Jammie Wearing Fools
Kathy Lally / Washington Post:
Putin: Gay people will be safe at Olympics if they ‘leave kids alone’ — MOSCOW — President Vladimir Putin said Friday that gay people have nothing to fear in Russia as long as they leave children alone. — Putin met with a group of volunteers in the Olympic mountain venue at Krasnaya Polyana …
Daily Kos, Mediaite, AMERICAblog News, Mashable and Hot Air