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Exclusive: Alleged Dennis Hastert Sex Abuse Victim Is Named By Family … In Steve Reinboldt's 1970 high school yearbook, wrestling coach Dennis Hastert wrote that Steve was his “great, right hand man” as the student equipment manager of the Yorkville, Illinois wrestling team.
Mike Allen / Politico:
IOWA'S BIG WEEKEND, amid fears state's clout is waning — RACHEL RACUSEN returns to White House - NED PRICE named NSC spokesman — ERIC PELLETIER to Alibaba - B'DAY: David Espo, Ward Baker — By Mike Allen (@mikeallen;, and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman;
ABC News and FishbowlDC

Hillary Clinton, Voting Rights and the 2016 Election — A basic fact often gets lost in the propaganda that swirls around voting laws in this country: between one-quarter and one-third of all eligible voters — more than 50 million Americans — are not registered.
The Week, ABC News, The Nation, Washington Post and ThinkProgress

Scientists Drop Science Bomb on Climate-Change Skeptics — Now there's <em>no way</em> conservatives can deny global warming, right? — 1k — Shares — Over the last couple of years, the conservative movement, which loves science, has had a completely scientific-based reason for skepticism about climate change.
The Week, The Mahablog, Prairie Weather, New York Times, Vocativ and The Verge

NOAA Fiddles With Climate Data To Erase The 15-Year Global Warming ‘Hiatus’
New York Times:
Data Breach Linked to China Exposes Millions of U.S. Workers — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Thursday announced what appeared to be one of the largest breaches of federal employees' data, involving at least four million current and former government workers in an intrusion …
The Great Debate, Associated Press, Reuters, The Week, Power Line, The Atlantic and NPR

Cyberattack compromises government workers
Reuters, NBC News, Washington Free Beacon and Mashable
Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Suspects Hackers in China Breached About 4 Million People's Records, Officials Say
U.S. Suspects Hackers in China Breached About 4 Million People's Records, Officials Say
Fox News, Bloomberg View, Scared Monkeys, VentureBeat, Weasel Zippers and John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Marco Rubio and His Wife Cited 17 Times for Traffic Infractions — Senator Marco Rubio has been in a hurry to get to the top, rising from state legislator to United States senator in the span of a decade and now running for president at age 44. — But politics is not the only area where Mr. Rubio …
Talking Points Memo, American Spectator, Patterico's Pontifications and The Daily Caller

Marco Rubio's moment — Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) is the most interesting GOP presidential candidate in the 2016 field, a field that is becoming a party embarrassment and will soon have more candidates than FIFA has indicted officials. — It includes candidates who are egotistical vanity players …
The Moderate Voice and Betsy's Page

Duggars Are Wrong ... Molestation Case was NOT Sealed — DUGGARS ARE WRONG — MOLESTATION CASE WAS NOT SEALED — EXCLUSIVE — Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are full of it when they say the Springdale, Arkansas Police Chief had an agenda in releasing the “sealed” molestation case ... so says the city's top prosecutor.
Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times,, Fox News, Raw Story and Slantpoint
City of Springdale Responds to Duggar Claims
City of Springdale Responds to Duggar Claims
The Huffington Post, NBC News and Mediaite

Tom Coburn On 2016: Cruz And Walker Not Ready For Primetime, America Won't Elect Another Bush — The former Republican senator from Oklahoma says that Rand Paul scares him to death, Ted Cruz and Scott Walker are not ready for primetime, Rick Perry is not capable enough, and America will not elect another Bush to be president.
Hot Air
Dave Price / Politico:
Is Iowa Over? — The caucus state fears it won't be a kingmaker in 2016.
Is Iowa Over? — The caucus state fears it won't be a kingmaker in 2016.
Political Wire and Wall Street Journal

Edward Snowden: The World Says No to Surveillance — MOSCOW — TWO years ago today, three journalists and I worked nervously in a Hong Kong hotel room, waiting to see how the world would react to the revelation that the National Security Agency had been making records of nearly every phone call in the United States.

Why It Pays to Be a Jerk — Smile at the customer. Bake cookies for your colleagues. Sing your subordinates' praises. Share credit. Listen. Empathize. Don't drive the last dollar out of a deal. Leave the last doughnut for someone else. — Sneer at the customer. Keep your colleagues on edge.
The Jawa Report and Obsidian Wings
Ron Fournier / National Journal:
Republicans Are Wrong About Obama's American Exceptionalism — President's vision of nation's greatness is modern and honest. It's Reagan-plus. — What makes America exceptional? It could be the mythology of perfection: the shining “city upon a hill” imagined by colonist John Winthrop …
Washington Post, The Federalist and New York Times

Let's Get This Straight, Liberals - What Kinds of Molestation are Acceptable? — I can't believe how crazy the media is going over the Duggar family compared to the big fat yawn they gave Lena Dunham when she wrote in her book that she sexually experimented with her sister.
New York Daily News, CBS DC, Mediaite, Washington Post, Daily Mail, Raw Story and OnPolitics

Greece moves closer to eurozone exit after delaying €300m repayment to IMF — Athens takes creditor by surprise, saying it will bundle together €1.6bn of debt payments due to International Monetary Fund and settle up on 30 June — Greece has moved closer to default and possible exit …

Unions Subdued, Scott Walker Turns to Tenure at Wisconsin Colleges — CHICAGO — Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who began building a national profile four years ago by sharply cutting collective bargaining rights for most government workers, has turned his sights to a different element of the public sector: state universities.
Althouse and Political Wire

Announcing Facebook Lite — Today we're introducing Facebook Lite, a new version of Facebook for Android that uses less data and works well across all network conditions. — More than a billion people around the world access Facebook from a range of mobile devices on varying networks.
The Hill, VentureBeat, Mashable, Wall Street Journal and The Verge
Nick Gass / Politico:
Perry: Government isn't your savior — If Americans are looking for government to be their savior, they are looking in the wrong place, Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry said Friday. — In an interview with MSNBC's “Morning Joe,” the former Texas governor was asked whether the country was experiencing a spiritual crisis.
Bloomberg Business
Catherine Rampell / Washington Post:
The GOP's shifting goal posts — It's said that if you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart, and if you're not conservative by middle age, you have no brain. — By this standard, our Democratic presidential candidates have lost their minds.
Democratic Strategist and Guardian