Top Items:
Washington Post:
3rd Democratic debate transcript, annotated: Who said what and what it meant — Three Democratic candidates participated in tonight's ABC presidential primary debate at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley.
Slate, Front Page Magazine, No More Mister Nice Blog, Slantpoint, Informed Comment, Mother Jones, New York Times and Althouse
Daniel Strauss / Politico:
14 key moments from the Democratic debate — There were only three candidates on the stage in the latest Democratic presidential debate, but each had plenty of big moments as they argued about taxes on the middle class, intervention abroad and the safety of their campaign data.
The POLITICO Wrongometer — POLITICO's analysis of where the Democratic field stretched the truth, steered around some inconvenient facts, or just plain got it wrong. — Hillary's bold new education plan? Not so bold — Hillary Clinton said during tonight's presidential debate …
Vox, Slate, Althouse and The Right Scoop

‘This Week’ Transcript: Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT FOR ‘THIS WEEK’ ON DECEMBER 20, 2015 and it will be updated. ANNOUNCER: Starting right now on ABC's THIS WEEK, debate night showdown — the key moments from the final face-off of 2015.
Politico, The Week and

Debbie Wasserman Schultz must go, and the case Bernie Sanders must make tonight — The chairwoman is the Democrats' version of Katherine Harris — inept, in the tank, and no longer to be trusted — 'Tis nearly the night before Christmas and not a creature is stirring, what with everyone out at a party, multiplex or mall.
BizPac Review and Mediaite Truth-O-Meter rulings from National:
Hillary Clinton: ISIS is “going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.” — No evidence for Hillary Clinton's claim that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as recruiting tool — During a Democratic presidential debate …
Talking Points Memo, ABC News, National Review, WQAD-TV and Washington Free Beacon

Trump tops Google searches before Dem debate — Presidential Republican front-runner Donald Trump is not even on stage in Saturday's Democratic debate and yet he is receiving more Google searches than any of the three Democrats. — In a search of Google trends covering the four hours leading …
ABC News:
Transcript for Democrats Debate What Should Take Priority: Ousting Assad or Fighting ISIS?
Transcript for Democrats Debate What Should Take Priority: Ousting Assad or Fighting ISIS?
Politico and news
Tierney Sneed / Talking Points Memo:
O'Malley: Clinton ‘Shamefully’ Used 9/11 To Hide ‘Cozy’ Wall Street Ties
O'Malley: Clinton ‘Shamefully’ Used 9/11 To Hide ‘Cozy’ Wall Street Ties
The Week

Trump: Fellow Republicans are ‘jealous as hell’ of Putin's praise — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Saturday that anyone who criticizes the warm compliments he has swapped with Russian President Vladimir Putin is simply “jealous as hell.”
Mediaite, Business Insider, Raw Story, AOL,, Mashable, Politico, John Hawkins' Right Wing News and RedState
Amy Dacey / Medium:
Here's what happened with NGP VAN, the Sanders Campaign, and the Clinton Campaign — And here are the steps we are taking to address the problem — The Democratic National Committee, through its software partner NGP VAN, provides tools for Democratic campaigns that are invaluable and second to none.
New York Times, Mashable and Politico

Bullring ‘bomb plot’: New image found on Paris jihadi's phone points to plan by terror cell to target Birmingham shopping centre — The evil mastermind behind the Paris terror attacks had a photograph of one of Britain's busiest shopping centres on his mobile phone, The Mail on Sunday has been told.
Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller
Norimitsu Onishi / New York Times:
U.S. Support of Gay Rights in Africa May Have Done More Harm Than Good — LAGOS, Nigeria — Suspicious neighbors and landlords pry into their private lives. Blackmailers hunt for victims on the social media sites they use to meet other men. Police officers routinely stop them to search …

The Reproductive Rights Rollback of 2015 — How many laws making it harder to get an abortion will pass before the Supreme Court sees them for what they are — part of a tireless, coordinated nationwide assault on the right of women to control what happens with their own bodies without the interference of politicians?
Caitlin Dewey / Washington Post:
What was fake on the Internet this week: Why this is the final column — There is nothing — NOTHING — too crazy for the Internet hoax beat. Pregnancy by flu shot? Six days of total darkness? In the past 82 weeks, I'm prettyyyy sure I've seen just about everything.
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