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11:20 PM ET, February 17, 2016


 Top Items: 
Mark Murray / NBC News:
Surprise: Trump Falls Behind Cruz in National NBC/WSJ Poll  —  Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has fallen behind Ted Cruz in the national GOP horserace, according to a brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.  —  In the poll, Cruz is the first choice of 28 percent …
Andrew Shain / The State:
Exclusive: Gov. Haley endorsing Rubio for president  —  Florida senator wins coveted support from SC governor  —  Haley is state's most popular GOP politician after handling of Charleston shooting  —  Jeb Bush was considered the other likely endorsement choice
Eli Stokols / Politico:
Bush struggles to mask mounting frustration  —  SUMMERVILLE, S.C. — Jeb Bush is having a rough day.  —  Fighting for his political life in the final days of this primary battle, Bush took the stage intent on showing toughness and drawing a sharp contrast between himself and Marco Rubio.
James Pindell /
John Kasich will not be in South Carolina on primary night  —  South Carolina Republicans will vote Saturday in a critical, first-in-the-South presidential primary.  —  But Ohio Governor John Kasich, fresh off his strong second-place finish in New Hampshire, doesn't plan to be there when the results roll in.
Mike Zapler / Politico:
Rubio holds ‘town halls’ — with no audience questions  —  AIKEN, South Carolina — Marco Rubio's campaign events here have been billed as “town halls.”  But if you're a South Carolina voter, don't expect to ask him a question.  —  On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Florida senator's campaign held four events …
Tom LoBianco / CNN:
Ted Cruz promises military no ‘gluten-free’ MREs
Janet Hook / Wall Street Journal:
Ted Cruz Overtakes Donald Trump in Latest Republican Presidential Poll
Associated Press:
The Latest: Bush Told: 'Your Message Isn't Resonating'
Discussion: Politico, and ABC News
John McCormick / Bloomberg Business:
Trump Dominates in Bloomberg Poll Before South Carolina Primary
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Politico
Rudolph Bell / Greenville News:
Cruz denies Gowdy claim of Facebook deception
Eliza Collins / Politico:
Obama to skip Scalia's funeral  —  President Barack Obama is preparing for a fierce battle with the Senate over the Supreme Court vacancy, but he's not planning to attend Justice Antonin Scalia's funeral — a decision that puzzled even some of his allies and incensed conservative media.
Washington Post:
Why Justice Scalia was staying for free at a Texas resort … Justice Antonin Scalia's sudden death over the weekend at a West Texas ranch raised questions about the nature of his travel, who paid for the trip and whether justices are subject to the same disclosure guidelines as other judges or federal officials.
Kate Hudson / CBS News:
Ranch owner clarifies how he found Scalia amid conspiracy theories  —  For the second time this week, Donald Trump expressed skepticism about how Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died, alluding to conspiracy theories suggesting he was the victim of foul play.
Brent Budowsky / The Hill:
The GOP's SCOTUS mega-mistake  —  It would be a catastrophic political mistake for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and other GOP leaders in Congress, not to mention Republicans running for president, to campaign until Election Day on a unified platform of forcing a government shutdown …
Josh Gerstein / Politico:   Scalia's absence could shape election rules
New York Times:   Blacks See Bias in Delay on a Scalia Successor
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
White House: Obama ‘regrets’ his filibuster of Supreme Court nominee
Discussion: Power Line, CNBC, The Week and CNN
Halimah Abdullah / NBC News:
White House: Obama Will Not Attend Justice Scalia's Funeral
Discussion: Hot Air
Sara Jerde / Talking Points Memo:
White House: Obama To Pay Respects To Scalia Friday, Won't Attend Funeral
Discussion: The Week
Dan Guido / Trail of Bits Blog:
Apple can comply with the FBI court order  —  Earlier today, a federal judge ordered Apple to comply with the FBI's request for technical assistance in the recovery of the San Bernadino gunmen's iPhone 5C.  Since then, many have argued whether these requests from the FBI are technically feasible given …
Shane Harris / The Daily Beast:
Apple Unlocked iPhones for the Feds 70 Times Before  —  A 2015 court case shows that the tech giant has been willing to play ball with the government before—and is only stopping now because it might “tarnish the Apple brand.”  —  Apple CEO Tim Cook declared on Wednesday that his company …
Peter Sterne / Politico:
The ax falls at Yahoo  —  Yahoo is shutting down a number of its content verticals, Yahoo global editor in chief Martha Nelson confirmed on Wednesday.  —  “On our recent earnings call, Yahoo outlined out a plan to simplify our business and focus our effort on our four most successful content areas …
Focusing Our Digital Content Efforts
Emily Smith / Page Six:
'Don't f-k with me': Hear Kanye's uncensored ‘SNL’ meltdown  —  Kanye West blasted Taylor Swift as a “fake ass” and called NBC staffers “white m—  s” during his epic meltdown backstage at “Saturday Night Live.  In an audio clip exclusively obtained by Page Six, Kanye can be heard repeatedly yelling at …
Olivier Knox / Yahoo Politics:
Obama to travel to Cuba in March  —  Pres. Barack Obama will make a historic visit to Cuba “in the coming weeks,” the culmination of his efforts to end a half-century of tensions between Havana and Washington, a senior administration official said late Wednesday.
Discussion: Politico
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico:
White House rips Schumer's ‘credibility’ on national security
Discussion: ABC News, Weasel Zippers and Moe Lane
Jim Avila / ABC News:
President Obama Will Visit Cuba in Historic Trip Next Month, Sources Say
Discussion: CNN and Weasel Zippers
Jesse Byrnes / The Hill:
Graham: GOP will get ‘slaughtered’ if Trump nominee  —  Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) argued Wednesday that if Donald Trump is the GOP nominee, Republicans will get “slaughtered” in the November election.  —  Lambasting the outspoken Republican front-runner as an “opportunist,” …
Jenna Johnson / Washington Post:
Trump says ‘torture works,’ backs waterboarding and ‘much worse’
Discussion: Political Wire
Christopher Brito / New York's PIX11:
Stranger mails hilarious letter to man who lost wallet, keeps cash and Metrocard  —  FLATBUSH, Brooklyn - The person who found a young man's wallet at King's Theater during a Wilco concert likely shares the same taste in music, fondness for the wallet and cold-hard cash.
Discussion: KTLA, and KFOR-TV
Allison Yang / New York's PIX11:
NYPD wants you to stop leaving your cellphone under your pillow  —  NEW YORK — The NYPD is urging people not to leave their cellphones near their beds because the phones could catch fire.  —  On Monday, the Deputy Inspector Wilson Aramboles of the NYPD's 33rd Precinct tweeted a collection …
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 More Items: 
The Intercept:
Hedge Fund Billionaires Fund Super PAC Ad Against Bernie Sanders and Minimum Wage Hike
Patty Wight /
LePage Jeered by Crowd After Saying Asylum Seekers Bring ‘Ziki Fly’ to ‘Our Land’
Nolan Rosenkrans / Toledo Blade:
Woman: Station's music chief slapped me
Discussion: Mediaite and Raw Story
Washington Post:
Former Marine, AU student says he was beaten in racially motivated attack
New York Times:
Channing Dungey to Succeed Paul Lee as Chief of ABC Entertainment
Exclusive: Radioactive material stolen in Iraq raises security fears
 Earlier Items: 
Elspeth Reeve / New Republic:
That feeling when you hit a million followers, make more money than your mom, push a diet pill scheme …
Discussion: Hit & Run
Travis Gettys / Raw Story:
Iowa mom buys semiautomatic rifle for teen son — and his friend is accidentally killed by it the next day

From Techmeme:

The Information:
Source: Altman told investors that OpenAI could become a for-profit business not controlled by its nonprofit board; Microsoft execs favor a for-profit option

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

Ankit Patel / NVIDIA Blog:
Nvidia announces Nemotron-4 340B, a family of models that developers can use to generate synthetic data for training LLMs for commercial applications

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