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5:30 PM ET, September 15, 2016


 Top Items: 
Andrew Kaczynski / BuzzFeed:
Aide Shuts Down Local TV Interview With Trump Jr. When Charity Issue Is Raised  —  An interview with Donald Trump Jr. conducted by a local Pennsylvania television station was abruptly cut off by an aide when the topic turned to a Washington Post story about Donald Trump spending his foundation's money …
Tom Fontaine / Greensburg Tribune-Review:
Trump Jr. to Trib: Dad will ‘separate’ from business interests if elected  —  Donald Trump Jr. talks about his father's campaign with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review at the Trib's office on the North Shore, Wednesday, September 14, 2016.  —  BY TOM FONTAINE  —  Donald Trump Jr. dismissed …
Chris Cillizza / Washington Post:
Donald Trump Jr. just told everyone the real reason his dad isn't releasing his tax returns  —  Donald Trump has been adamant that the sole reason he is the only major presidential nominee in modern history refusing to release his tax returns is because he is under audit by the Internal Revenue Service.
Andrew Kaczynski / BuzzFeed:
Trump Jr.: Media Would Be “Warming Up The Gas Chamber” If GOP Did What Hillary Did  —  Donald Trump Jr. said on Thursday that the media has built up Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and that if Republicans acted the way Clinton has, the media would be “warming up the gas chamber” for them.
Wall Street Journal:
Paul Ryan Says Donald Trump Should Release Tax Returns
Discussion: RedState
Nick Gass / Politico:
Trump: I wouldn't talk about health if tests were bad
Discussion: New York Magazine and Daily Kos
Trump Says Economic Plan Would Create 25 Million Jobs
Discussion: Politico and The Week
Michael Wilner / Jerusalem Post:
Media ‘warms up the gas chamber’ for Republicans, Trump's son says
Discussion: New York Times and Joe.My.God.
Jenna Johnson / Washington Post:
Despite gestures, Trump is still the least transparent U.S. presidential candidate in modern history
Matthew Yglesias / Vox:
The race is tightening for a painfully simple reason  —  Hillary Clinton's ongoing campaign to paint Donald Trump as unacceptable in the eyes of most Americans is working.  It's just not good enough.  That's the message of the spate of recent polls showing a dramatically tightened race that Trump may even be narrowly winning.
CBS News:
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton locked in tight race nationally - CBS/NYT poll  —  With the first debate less than two weeks away, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a tight race for the presidency nationally.  Clinton has just a 2-point edge in a two-way match-up among likely voters.
Bill Bartel / Associated Press:
Trump-Clinton is now too close to call in Virginia, according to new poll  —  With the presidential election less than eight weeks away, the race is too close to call in Virginia, according to a poll released Thursday.  —  Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton held a 3-percentage-point lead …
Discussion: ThinkProgress
Giovanni Russonello / New York Times:
Poll Shows Tight Race for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton  —  With less than eight weeks before Election Day, Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton are locked in a tight contest, with both candidates still struggling to win the confidence of their respective bases, the latest New York Times/CBS News poll finds.
QU Poll:
Release Detail  —  While the presidential horse race between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump remains close, American likely voters say 62 - 38 percent that Clinton is qualified to be president and 61 - 38 percent that Trump is not qualified, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.
Alex Griswold / Mediaite:
MSNBC Host Complains Hillary Clinton ‘Faces a Double Standard Every Day’
The Huffington Post:
Donald Trump Wants Peter Thiel On The Supreme Court, Sources Say  —  The eccentric billionaire endorsed Trump in a speech at the Republican National Convention this summer.  —  Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post  —  Donald Trump has made it clear he will nominate Peter Thiel …
Clinton Says She May Not Choose Garland for Supreme Court  —  Democrat would ‘look broadly’ for diverse nominees, she says  —  She won't preclude lame-duck confirmation, deferring to Obama  —  Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she wouldn't be bound …
Abby Phillip / Washington Post:
Back on the campaign trail, Clinton speaks about helping families at N.C. rally
Scott Detrow / NPR:
Trump Criticizes Flint Pastor — But Misstates Key Facts About Their Encounter  —  Donald Trump is lashing out against an African-American pastor who interrupted him Wednesday to chide him for campaigning in her Flint, Mich., church.  —  “Something was up,” Trump told Fox and Friends on Thurday morning.
Nick Gass / Politico:
Trump on Flint pastor: ‘She was like a nervous mess’  —  The pastor in Flint, Michigan, who interrupted Donald Trump as he ripped into Hillary Clinton on Wednesday “was like a nervous mess” as she introduced him, the Republican nominee said Thursday, adding that he “figured something was up.”
Lydia Wheeler / The Hill:
Trump would roll back food safety regulations  —  intends to roll back food safety regulations if he wins the White House in November.  —  In a fact sheet Thursday, the campaign highlighted a number of “specific regulations to be eliminated” under the GOP nominee's economic plan, including what they called the “FDA Food Police.”
Discussion: The Week
Amy Walter / The Cook Political Report:
Hillary's Self-Inflicted Headwinds  —  When it comes to the current political environment, Hillary Clinton couldn't ask for much better.  The president sits at a 50 percent approval rating.  Gas is just a little over $2.  A new income and poverty report released on Tuesday by the Census Bureau showed …
SANDRA BLAND'S FAMILY SAYS CIVIL SUIT SETTLED FOR $1.9M  —  Attorneys for the Sandra Bland family say a settlement has been reached in their civil suit  —  ENTERTAINMENT  —  Famous Marilyn Monroe “Flying Skirt” pic
The Intercept:
Elizabeth Warren Asks Newly-Chatty FBI Director to Explain Why DOJ Didn't Prosecute Banksters  —  Like a lot of other Americans, Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to know why the Department of Justice hasn't criminally prosecuted any of the major players responsible for the 2008 financial crisis.
Discussion: Daily Kos and Common Dreams
The Hill:
Hillary Clinton faces dilemma following ‘deplorables’ remark  —  faces a major dilemma in the wake of her controversial “basket of deplorables” comment: keep hammering Donald Trump  —  on race or pivot to other issues.  —  Democrats are divided on the best course of action following …
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Gabriel Debenedetti / Politico:
How Clinton's allies are embracing her mistake
Discussion: Hot Air and Daily Kos
Daily Mail:
Germany torn apart: Mob of 100 neo-Nazis in vicious brawl with 20 asylum seekers who goaded them into violence in latest example of how Merkel's open-door policy is dividing the country  —  Refugees and neo-Nazis battled it out on the streets of an east German town on Wednesday night …
Richard Zoglin / TIME:
The New Politics of Late Night  —  In a wild election with a ripe orange target, comics are ditching balance and taking sides  —  No late-night-TV comedian attacks the job with more righteous intensity than Samantha Bee.  Once a week on her TBS show Full Frontal, she stands before a wall of video monitors …
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 More Items: 
Nicholas Kristof / New York Times:
When a Crackpot Runs for President
Emily Rauhala / Washington Post:
Philippine witness: We killed for Duterte, fed body to crocodile
Discussion: Guardian, NPR and The Daily Caller
Nicole Pelletiere / ABC News:
Baby ‘Salutes’ Former Marine Dad in Adorable Sonogram Photo
Riz Ahmed / Guardian:
Typecast as a terrorist  —  As my acting career developed …
Discussion: Refinery29 and The Frisky
Fox News:
DHS accused of sitting on damning border report as immigration issue drives presidential race
Discussion: Hot Air
Raf Sanchez / Telegraph:
British ambassador to Saudi Arabia completes Hajj pilgrimage after converting to Islam
 Earlier Items: 
Joel Stein / Bloomberg:
A new force in electoral politics.
Associated Press:
The Latest: Clinton Says Syria Cease Fire Rests on Russia

From Mediagazer:

Washington Post:
WaPo says Matt Murray will be Executive Editor until the US presidential election, after which Robert Winnett will take on the new role of Editor

Lillian Rizzo / CNBC:
Source: Paramount and Skydance agree to the terms of a merger, which will likely be announced in the coming days

Alex Kirshner / GQ:
Q&A with ESPN's Stephen A. Smith on his new docuseries Up For Debate: The Evolution of Sports Media, streaming on ESPN+, his motivation for the series, and more

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