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7:30 AM ET, August 17, 2017


 Top Items: 
Robert Kuttner / American Prospect:
Steve Bannon, Unrepentant  —  Steve Bannon on the phone, December 9, 2016  —  You might think from recent press accounts that Steve Bannon is on the ropes and therefore behaving prudently.  In the aftermath of events in Charlottesville, he is widely blamed for his boss's continuing indulgence of white supremacists.
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Steve Bannon thought he wasn't giving an interview  —  Steve Bannon's White House colleagues can't believe what they're reading tonight — and here's the twist: neither can Bannon.  — The White House chief strategist has told associates he never intended to do an “interview” …
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
What Steve Bannon thinks about Charlottesville  —  On Tuesday night, while Gary Cohn was fuming about President Trump's latest comments, Steve Bannon was excitedly telling friends and associates that the “globalists” were in mass freakout mode.  — Today, Bannon reveled in the disbanding …
Associated Press:
Trump aide: No military solution in North Korea
Discussion: Axios
New York Times:
Trump Lawyer Forwards Email Echoing Secessionist Rhetoric  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump's personal lawyer on Wednesday forwarded an email to conservative journalists, government officials and friends that echoed secessionist Civil War propaganda and declared that the group Black Lives Matter …
Matthew Boomer / The Federalist:
Protesters Are All Wrong About Confederate Statues. They're Not A Celebration, But A Warning
Discussion: alicublog and Business Insider
USA Today:
After Charlottesville, time to censure President Trump  —  Republicans, put your votes where your tweets are: Our view  —  Several prominent Republicans took to Twitter on Wednesday to denounce hatred and bigotry in the wake of President Trump's shocking equivocations about the white-supremacist mayhem …
New York Times:
Trump Comments on Race Open Breach With C.E.O.s, Military and G.O.P.  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump found himself increasingly isolated in a racial crisis of his own making on Wednesday, abandoned by the nation's top business executives, contradicted by military leaders and shunned …
New York Times:
After Trump Hedges His Condemnation of Hate, C.E.O.s Organize a Mass Defection  —  On Monday, Indra Nooyi, the chief executive of Pepsi, picked up the phone and began calling other prominent corporate chieftains who — like her — had agreed to advise President Trump.  —  A rebellion was brewing.
Top CEOs jump from Trump, disband strategic council of corporate giants
Daniella Diaz / CNN:
Here are the Republicans denouncing Trump by name
Inside the dramatic decision by corporate giants to rebuke Trump
Discussion: Bloomberg, Business Insider and Axios
Josh Dawsey / Politico:
'He is stubborn and doesn't realize how bad this is getting'  —  President Donald Trump's decision to double down on his argument that “both sides” were to blame for the violent clashes at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, was driven in part by his own anger — and his disdain for being told what to do.
Ashley Parker / Washington Post:
Trump's lack of discipline leaves new chief of staff frustrated and dismayed  —  BEDMINSTER, N.J. — As the new White House chief of staff, John Kelly routes all calls to and from President Trump through the White House switchboard, where he can sign off on them.  He stanches the flow of information reaching the president's desk.
Chris Geidner / BuzzFeed:   Liberal Groups Said They Wanted Three White House Advisers Fired — But Then Only Named Two
Alex Pfeiffer / The Daily Caller:
EXCLUSIVE: Republican Congressman Meets With WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange  —  In Their Own Words: The Radical Political Goals Of ‘Anti-Fascists’  —  US |  PETER HASSON  —  FBI Reopens Case Into Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting  —  POLITICS |  JACK CROWE  —  ‘Searching’ for documents
John Solomon / The Hill:
Assange meets U.S. congressman, vows to prove Russia did not leak him documents
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Yashar Ali / New York Magazine:
Rabbi That Oversaw Ivanka Trump's Conversion to Judaism Slams Trump on Charlottesville Response  —  The rabbi that oversaw Ivanka Trump's conversion to Judaism has released a letter to the congregation of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump's longtime synagogue condemning President Trump's widely …
Kate Conger / Gizmodo:
Cloudflare CEO on Terminating Service to Neo-Nazi Site: ‘The Daily Stormer Are A**holes’  —  Internet companies typically take a hands-off approach to offensive content on their networks, erring on the side of maintaining an open internet.  But this approach sometimes ends in PR disaster.
Matthew Prince / Cloudflare Blog:
Why We Terminated Daily Stormer
Discussion: Gizmodo
Internet firms shift stance, move to exile white supremacists
Discussion: Axios
The Times of Israel:
Yair Netanyahu says leftists more dangerous than neo-Nazis  —  Echoing Trump, PM's son claims ‘thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter are getting stronger’ while Nazis are a thing of the past  —  The son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday said American left-wing groups are more dangerous than neo-Nazis.
Courtney Kube / NBC News:
Right-Winger Jack Posobiec, Retweeted by Trump, Is Navy Intel Officer  —  WASHINGTON — A right-wing activist who brought attention to debunked conspiracy theories — and who gained new prominence when he was retweeted by President Donald Trump this week — is a U.S. naval intelligence officer detailed …
Discussion: Raw Story, Politico and Politicus USA
Julia Manchester / The Hill:
Fox's Shep Smith: We couldn't find a Republican willing to come on and defend Trump  —  Fox News host Shepard Smith said Wednesday that the network tried and failed to get a Republican on-air to defend President Trump's controversial comments on violence in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend
Discussion: The Week
Faith Gates / Mediaite:   Shep Smith: We Haven't Yet Found ‘The Very Fine People Protesting With the White Supremacists’
Meghan Keneally / ABC News:
Unpacking the controversy over what Trump has said, and not said, on Charlottesville
Discussion: Politico and Talking Points Memo
Charlie Warzel / BuzzFeed:
Read Apple CEO Tim Cook's Email To Employees About Charlottesville  —  On Wednesday evening Apple CEO Tim Cook sent an email to all global employees condemning racism and bigotry as well as President Trump's response to the tragedy in Charlottesville, according to an email obtained by BuzzFeed News.
Sara Ashley O'Brien / CNNMoney:
The ‘March on Google’ is off  —  Fired engineer: Google a ‘psychologically unsafe environment’  —  Rallies were slated to happen Saturday in at least nine major U.S. cities to protest Google (GOOG)'s firing of James Damore, an engineer who wrote a controversial memo on the company's diversity policies.
Southern Poverty Law Center:
The Daily Caller has a White Nationalist Problem  —  On Monday, August 14, the Daily Caller very quietly removed white nationalist Jason Kessler's contributions to the publication after the violence and chaos in Charlottesville.  The white nationalist “Unite the Right” rally was organized by Kessler.
Rich Lowry / Politico:
The Breitbart Presidency  —  If Van Jones was right, that a moving tribute to the widow of a fallen Navy SEAL in a speech to Congress earlier this year was the moment Donald Trump became president, Trump's news conference on Tuesday was the moment he became a Breitbart contributing editor.
Eric Boodman / STAT:
White nationalists are flocking to genetic ancestry tests.  Some don't like what they find  —  t was a strange moment of triumph against racism: The gun-slinging white supremacist Craig Cobb, dressed up for daytime TV in a dark suit and red tie, hearing that his DNA testing revealed his ancestry to be only …
Discussion: The Atlantic
Mark Zuckerberg:
We aren't born hating each other.  We aren't born with such extreme views.  We may not be able to solve every problem, but we all have a responsibility to do what we can.  I believe we can do something about the parts of our culture that teach a person to hate someone else.
Mike Levine / ABC News:
Special counsel's Russia probe loses top FBI investigator  —  One of the FBI's top investigators, tapped by special counsel Robert Mueller just weeks ago to help lead the probe of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election, has left Mueller's team, sources tell ABC News.
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 More Items: 
Glenn Kessler / Washington Post:
President Trump's false claim that counter-demonstrators lacked a permit
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Every Republican must sign a censure of the president
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Patrick Svitek / The Texas Tribune:
Gov. Abbott slams House, doesn't rule out second special session
New York Times:
Trump's Embrace of Racially Charged Past Puts Republicans in Crisis
Discussion: Raw Story
Tom Dart / The Guardian:
Dashcam video shows police sexually assaulted Texas woman, lawyer says
Discussion: HuffPost and Raw Story
Esmeralda Bermudez / Los Angeles Times:
California confronts its Confederate past as monuments are abruptly removed
Discussion: The Root, The Week, Infowars and Breitbart
 Earlier Items: 
Associated Press:
Phoenix mayor not happy about President Trump's rally plans
Discussion: ABC News and Politico
Fox News Insider:
Tucker Carlson Bill Kristol Charlottesville Violence Anti-Semitism Slavery
CJ Hunt / GQ:
A Charlottesville White Supremacist Stripped Down to Escape Protesters and We Got It on Video
Discussion: The Root
Robert Tracinski / The Federalist:
Donald Trump Needs To Not Be President Yesterday
Kevin D. Williamson / National Review:
Angry White Boys
Discussion: Weekly Standard and The Week