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5:40 PM ET, September 15, 2017


 Top Items: 
Olivia Nuzzi / thecut:
Here's Why Steve Bannon Wears So Many Shirts  —  Physically, I feel slightly inhibited; but spiritually, I feel oddly secure.  This is due to the many shirts I'm wearing as I type — three (3) shirts to be precise — a tank top, a dress shirt, another dress shirt, and on top of that, a blazer.
Discussion: Business Insider
Parsons Green: London Underground blast is terror incident  —  An “improvised explosive device” was detonated on a Tube train in south-west London during Friday's rush hour, Scotland Yard has confirmed.  —  Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said hundreds of detectives, working with MI5 …
Joe Watts / The Independent:
Theresa May slaps down Donald Trump over London terror suspect tweet
Fox News:
London attack manhunt underway for suspect linked to blast at Parsons Green station
New York Times:
London Underground Is Struck by Crude Bomb at Parsons Green
Dylan Scott / Vox:
Senate Republicans claim they are a few votes away from repealing Obamacare  —  But they always have been.  —  The Obamacare repeal drama is back, and everybody is picking up where they left off.  —  Senate Republicans are trying to build momentum for a last-gasp bill to replace the Affordable Care Act …
Harvard Kennedy School:
Statement from Dean Elmendorf regarding the invitation to Chelsea Manning to be a Visiting Fellow  — HOME - NEWS - STATEMENT FROM DEAN ELMENDORF REGARDING THE INVITATION TO CHELSEA MANNING TO BE A VISITING FELLOW  —  Statement from Douglas W. Elmendorf, Dean of Harvard Kennedy School …
New York Times:
Harvard Disinvites Chelsea Manning, and the Feeling Is Mutual
Washington Post:
Taxpayers billed $1,092 for an official's two-night stay at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club … The bedroom suites at President Trump's Mar-a-Lago club, available only to members and their guests, feature hand-painted Moorish ceilings, antique Spanish-tiled mosaics and sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean.
Discussion: Axios, Talking Points Memo and The Week
Josh Delk / The Hill:
Government paid for official's stay at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club
Discussion: RedState and Washington Post
Jason Leopold / BuzzFeed:
Trump Advisers Secretly Met With Jordan's King While One Was Pushing A Huge Nuclear Power Deal  —  Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, and Steve Bannon met with King Abdullah II while Flynn was reportedly pressing for a controversial, for-profit deal to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East.
Christian Berthelsen / Bloomberg:
Russia Laundering Probe Puts Trump Tower Meeting in New Light  —  U.S. prosecutors follow funds from alleged $230 million fraud  —  Criminal probe came as Russian lawyer in matter met Trump Jr.  —  Follow @bpolitics for all the latest news, and sign up for our daily Balance of Power newsletter.
Natasha Bertrand / Business Insider:
New details about major Russian money-laundering investigation raise the stakes of Trump Tower meeting  —  The Russian lawyer who met with President Donald Trump's son, son-in-law, and campaign manager in June 2016 was representing a client under scrutiny in an ongoing criminal investigation related …
Former St. Louis officer Stockley found not guilty  —  ST. LOUIS ( - A St. Louis judge has acquitted former police officer Jason Stockley in the 2011 shooting death of Anthony Smith.  —  “This court, as the trier of fact, is simply not firmly convinced of defendant's guilt.
Deborah Strange / Gainesville Sun:
GPD receives complaint against ‘hot cop’  —  In Facebook posts captured and sent to The Sun, Officer Michael Hamill makes jokes about Jews and recommends “the Hitler way” to deal with people who abuse government resources.  —  The Gainesville Police Department is reviewing a complaint …
Alex Kantrowitz / BuzzFeed:
Google Allowed Advertisers To Target “Jewish Parasite,” “Black People Ruin Everything”  —  Google prompted BuzzFeed News to run ads targeted to keywords like “black people ruin neighborhoods,” then allowed the campaign to go live.  —  Google, the world's biggest advertising platform …
Brian Steinberg / Variety:
Meghan McCain to Leave Fox News Channel (EXCLUSIVE)  —  Meghan McCain, the political scion who turned a stint as a blogger and TV show host into a role as a contributor at Fox News Channel, is leaving the network.  —  McCain is the oldest daughter of U.S. Senator John McCain …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Trump's top supporters are in a full-blown panic.  They're right to be afraid.  —  THE MORNING PLUM:  —  With the chatter intensifying about the possibility of President Trump cutting a deal to protect the “dreamers,” The Post reports today that his loudest supporters are in a fury.
Former Sheriff David Clarke must revise thesis or risk losing degree, docs reveal  —  STORY HIGHLIGHTS  —  (CNN)Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke must revise his master's thesis or risk losing his degree in security studies from the Naval Postgraduate School …
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
Itay Hod / The Wrap:
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Hit With Ethics Complaint Over Call for ESPN to Fire Jemele Hill  —  “She crossed the line and put herself in dubious legal territory,” Democratic Coalition Chairman Jon Cooper says  —  The Democratic Coalition, an anti-Trump Super PAC, has filed an ethics complaint …
Discussion: Washington Free Beacon, theGrio, AOL and IJR
Patrick Redford / Deadspin:
Here's What ESPN Employees Are Saying About The Jemele Hill Situation On Their Private Message Board
Catherine Rampell / Washington Post:
Sanderscare is all cheap politics and magic math  —  For years Democrats have (rightfully) hammered Republicans for spouting empty slogans and magic math.  —  Tax cuts will pay for themselves?  Uh-huh, if you say so.  Maybe have a chat with Kansas.  —  Build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it?
Matthew Continetti / Washington Free Beacon:
Democrats Follow Bernie Sanders Off a Cliff
Discussion: New York Times
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Manafort's spokesman spends two-and-a-half hours testifying before grand jury  —  A spokesman for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Jason Maloni, spent about two-and-a-half hours testifying Friday before a federal grand jury probing potential collusion between the campaign and Russia.
Discussion: Joe.My.God.
Tom Hamburger / Washington Post:   Manafort spokesman testifies to Russia grand jury for more than two hours
Rebecca Kheel / The Hill:
McCain backs bill to block transgender troops ban  —  Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain  —  (R-Ariz.) is backing a bipartisan bill that would block President Trump's ban on transgender people serving in the military.  —  “When less than one percent of Americans …
Discussion: Political Wire
Chicago Tribune:
Judge rules in city's favor on sanctuary cities, grants nationwide injunction  —  The U.S. Department of Justice and Attorney General Jeff Sessions want to require sanctuary cities like Chicago to give notice when immigrants in the country illegally are about to be released from custody …
Alex Horton / Washington Post:
U.S. Army kills contracts for hundreds of immigrant recruits.  Some face deportation.  —  U.S. Army recruiters have abruptly canceled enlistment contracts for hundreds of foreign-born military recruits since last week, upending their lives and potentially exposing many to deportation …
Clover Hope / Jezebel:
The Making and Unmaking of Iggy Azalea  —  During the summer of 2010, Iggy Azalea lived free of charge in a guest house in Los Angeles, courtesy of Polow Da Don.  As the producer behind Fergie's biggest hits, he saw Iggy as the second coming and wanted to groom her into a pop star.
Farmington Hills teacher accused of assaulting 6th-grader who sat during Pledge of Allegiance  —  Student at East Middle School in Farmington Hills doesn't stand for Pledge  —  FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. - Many NFL players have expressed their beliefs by kneeling for the national anthem before games …
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 More Items: 
David Frum / The Atlantic:
Will America Accept Refugees From Trump's White House?
Discussion: Vox
Chandler Morgan / WTVM-TV:
EXCLUSIVE: Columbus family alleges MCSD teacher used racial slurs towards students
Discussion: The Root and Raw Story
Volunteer Franklin Twp. firefighter suspended amid alleged racist comments
Discussion: Raw Story
Leah Barkoukis /
Maddow Interrupts Clinton Interview to Show a Panda Video
Discussion: IJR
Josh Delk / The Hill:
Judge declines to drop criminal charges against inauguration protesters
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
The Federalist:
Ham: Can Trump Shoot The Wall In The Middle Of Fifth Ave And Get Away With It?
 Earlier Items: 
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Mike Pence's press secretary is leaving
Discussion: Politico and Talking Points Memo
Jon Emont / New York Times:
Tiger Species Thought Extinct Is Possibly Spotted in Indonesia
Discussion: The Week
Brad Reed / Raw Story:
Supporters of President Donald Trump are still furious …
Liam Stack / New York Times:
Roald Dahl's Widow Says ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ Hero Was Supposed to be Black
Discussion: The Week
Rachel Siegel / Washington Post:
A white security officer told police he was shot by a black man. Turns out, he'd shot himself.
Discussion: Star Tribune, The Root and
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Trump's new world  —  Over the past week or so, we've heard …
Discussion: The Daily Caller
USA Today:
'For first time in 300 years, there's not a single living person on the island of Barbuda'
Discussion: FiveThirtyEight
Michael Kruse / Politico:
The Loneliest President  —  “ISOLATED?” read the subject line.
Discussion: Raw Story