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10:35 AM ET, October 4, 2017


 Top Items: 
NBC News:
Tillerson's Fury at Trump Required an Intervention From Pence  —  WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was on the verge of resigning this past summer amid mounting policy disputes and clashes with the White House, according to multiple senior administration officials who were aware of the situation at the time.
Louis Sahagun / Los Angeles Times:
At his local Starbucks, Las Vegas shooter remembered for berating his girlfriend  —  The workers behind the counter at the Starbucks inside the Virgin River Casino in Mesquite, Nev., winced whenever Stephen Paddock and his girlfriend, Marilou Danley, lined up for their usual beverages.
Thomas L. Friedman / New York Times:
If Only Stephen Paddock Were a Muslim  —  If only Stephen Paddock had been a Muslim ... If only he had shouted “Allahu akbar” before he opened fire on all those concertgoers in Las Vegas ... If only he had been a member of ISIS ... If only we had a picture of him posing with a Quran in one hand and his semiautomatic rifle in another ...
Discussion: Althouse
Brian Ross / ABC News:
Portrait emerging of Las Vegas shooter as man ‘descending into madness’  —  In the months before his deadly rampage, 64-year old Stephen Paddock was a man “descending into madness,” according to a person briefed on new findings in the investigation.  —  New details are emerging …
Discussion: Associated Press
Washington Post:
New details emerge about Marilou Danley, girlfriend of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock  —  Marilou Danley, the longtime girlfriend of the Las Vegas gunman, returned to the United States Tuesday night and was met at the Los Angeles airport by FBI agents, according to the Associated Press.
Las Vegas shooter's girlfriend ‘sent away’ before his massacre
David Smith / The Guardian:
Las Vegas shooter's girlfriend returns to US as police reveal details of his planning
Discussion: Daily Wire
Doug Criss / CNN:
What automatic fire sounds like
Discussion: Business Insider
NBC News:
Las Vegas Shooter Wired $100,000 to Philippines Last Week
Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. Were Close to Being Charged With Felony Fraud  —  New York prosecutors were preparing a case.  Then the D.A. overruled his staff after a visit from a top donor: Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz.  —  In the spring of 2012, Donald Trump's two eldest children …
Discussion: Mediaite, The Week, Deadline and Raw Story
Justin Sink / Bloomberg:
Trump Suggests Puerto Rico's Debt May Need to Be ‘Wiped Out’  —  ‘We are going to work something out,’ president says on Fox  —  Trump visited island earlier Tuesday to survey storm damage  —  President Donald Trump suggested that the government debt accumulated by bankrupt Puerto Rico …
Mary Williams Walsh / New York Times:
Trump Vows to Wipe Out Puerto Rico's Debt.  Can He Do That?  —  NEW YORK — For more than a year, Puerto Rico has clashed with investors who hold slivers of its $73 billion debt, and who have pushed the United States territory to pay up.  —  On Tuesday, during his visit to the hurricane-struck island …
Associated Press:
AP-NORC Poll: Few approve of Trump's Puerto Rico response
Discussion: Axios, Politico and The Week
Chris Cillizza / CNN:
Trump's Puerto Rico event was way worse than his tweets
Fox News:
Trump on Puerto Rico's debt: 'We're going to have to wipe that out'
Discussion: Mediaite
Leslie Shaffer / CNBC:
Trump says Puerto Rico's debt will have to be wiped out
Discussion: Splinter and Latino Rebels
Bloomberg:   Facebook Fought for Years to Avoid Political Ad Disclosure Rules
Avi Selk / Washington Post:
What a macho, gun-packing Instagram star did when he was caught in the Las Vegas shooting … Guns and women got Dan Bilzerian where he is today — the so-called “King of Instagram,” with nearly 23 million followers, a mansion full of guns and a hot tub full of women.
Discussion: The Week and IJR
Wesley Lowery / Washington Post:
Two strangers bond over country music and beer.  Then the gunshots started.  —  Up-and-coming country star Luke Combs had just started his set on the smaller of the two festival stages when Kody Robertson, an auto parts salesman from Columbus, Ohio, squeezed in at the end of the bar next to Michelle Vo …
Discussion: The Daily Caller and IJR
Washington Post:
Police say Las Vegas gunman planned ‘extensively,’ used cameras to monitor police as they approached
Mike Rowe:
Off The Wall  —  Mike - I live in Las Vegas, and I've seen you here often.
Discussion: The Daily Caller and RedState
Statesman Journal:
Ex-Trump adviser Paul Manafort conspired to mislead bankruptcy court, son-in-law charges  —  Special Counsel Robert Mueller has issued two new subpoena in the investigation into President Trump's campaign ties to Russia.  Nathan Rousseau Smith (@FantasticMrNate) reports.  Buzz60  —  CONNECT
Leah Libresco / Washington Post:
I used to think gun control was the answer.  My research told me otherwise.  —  Leah Libresco is a statistician and former newswriter at FiveThirtyEight, a data journalism site.  She is the author of “Arriving at Amen.”  —  Before I started researching gun deaths, gun-control policy used to frustrate me.
The gun lobby: See how much your representative gets
Discussion: Daily Kos and
Jeffrey Toobin / New Yorker:
Ginsburg Slaps Gorsuch in Gerrymandering Case  —  Toward the end of the Supreme Court's argument in Gill v. Whitford, about the future of partisan gerrymandering, there was a revealing moment about the place of the newest Justice in the esteem of at least one of his peers.
Nik Steinberg / Politico:
Rex Tillerson Is Running the State Department Into the Ground  —  On November 10, 2016, my colleagues and I at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations gathered on the top floor of the building, which overlooks the U.N. General Assembly.  My boss at the time, Ambassador Samantha Power …
Elias Groll / Foreign Policy:
GOP Congressman Met in Moscow With Kremlin-Linked Lawyer at Center of Russia Investigation  —  Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met in Moscow with Natalia Veselnitskaya two months before she met with Donald Trump Jr.  —  Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met with the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya during …
Joe Perticone / Business Insider:
John Kelly is blocking a pro-Russia congressman from talking to Trump
Discussion: The Hill and RedState
New York Times:
Equifax Breach Caused by Lone Employee's Error, Former C.E.O. Says  —  WASHINGTON — The Equifax data breach, which exposed the sensitive personal information of nearly 146 million Americans, happened because of a mistake by a single employee, the credit reporting company's former chief executive told members of Congress on Tuesday.
Discussion: RedState and Associated Press
Lily Hay Newman / Wired:
6 Fresh Horrors From the Equifax CEO's Congressional Hearing
Seung Min Kim / Politico:
More GOP senators willing to tell Trump to take a hike  —  There's a growing faction inside the Senate Republican Conference, and it looks like bad news for Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump: The devil-may-care caucus.  —  Unbeholden to Republican orthodoxy and freed from the burdens …
Jeffrey Lewis / Foreign Policy:
Donald Trump Threatened North Korea After Completely Imaginary Negotiations  —  Fake news is threatening to produce a very real war.  —  Over the weekend, a story emerged that the United States was in some sort of talks with North Korea, followed in quick succession by a series of tweets …
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 More Items: 
Matthew Yglesias / Vox:
Trump's reverse Midas touch is making everything he hates popular
Discussion: Balloon Juice, Daily Kos and Daily Wire
Joe Schoffstall / Washington Free Beacon:
Donors of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Group Revealed
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Richard Rubin / Wall Street Journal:
Talking Taxes: The Sacred Cows of the Tax Code
Sarah Ferris / Politico:
Democrats: Senate budget cuts nearly $500B from Medicare
Discussion: Vox
Wall Street Journal:
Russian Spy Tactic: Hack Smartphones of NATO Soldiers
Discussion: Axios
Walter E. Williams /
Blacks vs. Police
 Earlier Items: 
Laura Reston / New Republic:
The NRA's New Scare Tactics
Discussion: Daily Kos
Zaid Jilani / The Intercept:
Populists are on the March in the South: Bernie-Backed Insurgent Randall Woodfin Defeats Birmingham's Incumbent Mayor
Anna Edney / Bloomberg:
FDA Warns Bakery Company ‘Love’ Is Not an Ingredient in Granola
Discussion: Washington Post, Gizmodo and Hit & Run

From Techmeme:

The Information:
Source: Altman told investors that OpenAI could become a for-profit business not controlled by its nonprofit board; Microsoft execs favor a for-profit option

Andrew Williams / Wired:
Apple may not be bringing Apple Intelligence to iPhone 15, which has 6GB of RAM vs. iPhone 15 Pro's 8GB, due to RAM requirements for on-device AI processing

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

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