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1:20 AM ET, November 22, 2017


 Top Items: 
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Trump privately doubted Moore's female accusers  —  President Donald Trump's near-endorsement of Alabama Republican Roy Moore followed days of behind-the-scenes talks in which he vented about Moore's accusers and expressed skepticism about their accounts.  —  During animated conversations …
Cameron Joseph / Talking Points Memo:
Roy Moore Dated ‘Younger Ladies’ For Their ‘Purity,’ His Pastor Friend Says  —  A prominent right-wing preacher who appeared alongside Senate candidate Roy Moore at a campaign rally just days ago said that Moore dated teen girls because of their “purity” and because when he got back from Vietnam …
Brad Reed / Raw Story:
Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games  —  A retired Alabama police officer told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Tuesday that she had to keep an eye on Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore in the 1980s at local high school football games …
Rick Journey / WBRC-TV:
EXCLUSIVE: New poll shows Roy Moore and Doug Jones in statistical tie
Josh Delk / The Hill:   Pastor: Moore dated ‘younger ladies’ for their ‘purity’
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Trump on Roy Moore race: We don't need a Democrat in the seat
Discussion: Politico, ABC News, IJR, Axios and RedState
Alayna Treene / Axios:
Trump gives Roy Moore his de facto endorsement
Discussion: Joe.My.God. and ABC News
Detroit Free Press:
U.S Rep. John Conyers must resign  —  John Conyers Jr. has a long and complicated legacy in southeast Michigan and the U.S. Congress.  —  He has been an undisputed hero of the civil rights movement, a legislator of uncommon influence and power, and an aging icon whose felonious wife …
Paul McLeod / BuzzFeed:
Another Woman Accused Rep. John Conyers Of Sexual Harassment In Court Filings This Year  —  A former scheduler for the Democratic congressman said she faced daily harassment from him, in a suit she later abandoned after a court denied her request to keep it sealed.
New York Times:
Democrats Move Swiftly Against Conyers Amid Latest Harassment Charges
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
Why BuzzFeed teamed with a far-right figure to break the John Conyers scandal
Associated Press:
The Latest: Conyers denies sexual harassment settlements
Eric Newcomer / Bloomberg:
Uber Concealed Cyberattack That Exposed 57 Million People's Data  —  Company paid hackers $100,000 to delete info, keep quiet  —  Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan and another exec ousted  —  Hackers stole the personal data of 57 million customers and drivers from Uber Technologies Inc. …
Uber Newsroom:
2016 Data Security Incident  —  Share to FacebookShare to TwitterEmailMore sharing options  —  As Uber's CEO, it's my job to set our course for the future, which begins with building a company that every Uber employee, partner and customer can be proud of.
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair:
“Kelly Has Clipped his Wings”: Jared Kushner's Horizons Are Collapsing within the West Wing  —  The West Wing princeling's portfolio had been shrunk largely to the Middle East—but then his Saudi Arabia trip caused problems for the chief of staff.  —  When Donald Trump appointed John Kelly …
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
Kim Masters / Hollywood Reporter:
John Lasseter's Pattern of Alleged Misconduct Detailed by Disney/Pixar Insiders  —  One longtime Pixar employee says Lasseter was known for “grabbing, kissing, making comments about physical attributes.”  —  Rashida Jones is still credited as a writer on Toy Story 4, the next installment in the beloved franchise.
John Lasseter Takes Leave of Absence From Disney/Pixar, Apologizes for Unwanted Hugs
Discussion: NBC News, AOL and Power Line
Wall Street Journal:
Special Counsel Mueller Probes Jared Kushner's Contacts With Foreign Leaders  —  Investigators look into Trump senior adviser's role in talks about U.N.'s resolution condemning Israel  —  WASHINGTON— Robert Mueller's investigators are asking questions about Jared Kushner's interactions …
Sen. Lisa Murkowski /
Alaskan senator supports free choice for health care  —  FAIRBANKS —I have always supported the freedom to choose.  I believe that the federal government should not force anyone to buy something they do not wish to buy in order to avoid being taxed.  That is the fundamental reason why I opposed …
Discussion: Axios, Daily Kos and ACA Signups
Dan Diamond / Politico:
Murkowski says she backs Obamacare mandate repeal
Discussion: Splinter and ThinkProgress
Nicholas Fandos / New York Times:
He's a Member of Congress.  The Kremlin Likes Him So Much It Gave Him a Code Name.  —  WASHINGTON — For two decades, Representative Dana Rohrabacher has been of value to the Kremlin, so valuable in recent years that the F.B.I. warned him in 2012 that Russia regarded him as an intelligence source worthy of a Kremlin code name.
David Cassidy, ‘Partridge Family’ Star, Dies at 67  —  David Cassidy, pop culture idol of the 1970s, died Tuesday in a Florida hospital.  The musician and actor was 67.  —  His publicist JoAnn Geffen confirmed his death, with a statement from his family.  “On behalf of the entire Cassidy family …
Discussion:, Joe.My.God., Raw Story and IJR
Washington Post:
White House military personnel removed amid investigation into contacts with foreign women during Trump's Asia trip  —  Three military personnel have been reassigned from their White House jobs amid allegations that they had improper contact with foreign women while traveling with President Trump …
Avi Selk / Washington Post:
This man is about to launch himself in his homemade rocket to prove the Earth is flat  —  Seeking to prove that a conspiracy of astronauts fabricated the shape of the Earth, a California man intends to launch himself 1,800 feet high on Saturday in a rocket he built from scrap metal.
Discussion: Balloon Juice and Gizmodo
Eric Schneiderman:
An Open Letter to the FCC:  —  Dear FCC Chairman Ajit Pai:  —  As you recently announced, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), under your leadership, soon will release rules to dismantle your agency's existing “net neutrality” protections under Title II of the Communications Act …
Ben Collins / The Daily Beast:
Pro-Trump Media May Be the Big Loser With Trump's New Internet Rules
Discussion: Raw Story
Elizabeth McLaughlin / ABC News:
Additional remains of Sgt. La David Johnson found in Niger  —  Additional remains of U.S. soldier Sgt. La David Johnson were found on Nov. 12 at the site in Niger where his body was recovered, a U.S. official confirmed to ABC News.  —  Johnson and three other U.S. Army soldiers were killed …
Discussion: CNN, The Root and Shakesville
Sarah K. Burris / Raw Story:   Additional remains of Sgt. La David Johnson recovered from Niger
Statement by Chief Spokesperson Dana W. White on Additional Remains Found in Niger
Jamie Grierson / The Guardian:
Mel Gibson: Weinstein scandal is a ‘precursor to change’  —  Star, dogged by claims of racist and misogynistic behaviour, says he welcomes ‘light being thrown where there were shadows’  —  Mel Gibson has spoken out about the sexual harassment scandal in Hollywood, saying the wave of accusations …
Discussion: IndieWire and Mediaite
Facebook (Still) Letting Housing Advertisers Exclude Users by Race  —  After ProPublica revealed last year that Facebook advertisers could target housing ads to whites only, the company announced it had built a system to spot and reject discriminatory ads.  We retested and found major omissions.
U.S. diplomats accuse Tillerson of breaking child soldiers law  —  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of about a dozen U.S. State Department officials have taken the unusual step of formally accusing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson of violating a federal law designed to stop foreign militaries …
Antonio Olivo / Washington Post:
After Roem's election, Va. GOP leader wants to do away with ‘Gentlewoman’ title  —  With Virginia's first openly transgender elected official preparing to take her seat in the House of Delegates, the Republican leader of that chamber says it is time to end a tradition of addressing lawmakers by formal male and female pronouns.
Discussion: Washington Blade
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 More Items: 
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Appeals court skeptical of privacy-focused suit against Trump voter fraud panel
Marianne Levine / Politico:
More SEIU harassment allegations
The New Arab:
Saudi former minister, speaking to Israeli newspaper, denounces violence against Israel as ‘un-Islamic’
Molly Redden / The Guardian:
'You'll never work again': women tell how sexual harassment broke their careers
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
UNSEALED: Fusion GPS Bank Records Show Russia-Related Payments
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Katie Zavadski / The Daily Beast:
FBI Investigates Congressman for His Campaign Paying Opponent to Quit
Discussion: Mediaite
Taylor Lorenz / The Daily Beast:
CEO of HQ, the Hottest App Going: If You Run This Profile, We'll Fire Our Host
 Earlier Items: 
Olivia Beavers / The Hill:
Arianna Huffington denies Franken behaved inappropriately in response to new photos
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon:
ISIS Calls for Assassination of Barron Trump
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit, Jihad Watch and AOL
Perry Stein / Washington Post:
Richard Spencer hosted an event at a Maryland farm. Halfway through, everyone was kicked out.
Discussion: Washington Times and Raw Story
CNN's Angela Rye Getting Death Threats Tied to Dates with Common
Discussion: Raw Story, theGrio and Law & Crime
Yascha Mounk / Slate:
The End of German Stability

From Techmeme:

The Information:
Source: Altman told investors that OpenAI could become a for-profit business not controlled by its nonprofit board; Microsoft execs favor a for-profit option

Ankit Patel / NVIDIA Blog:
Nvidia announces Nemotron-4 340B, a family of models that developers can use to generate synthetic data for training LLMs for commercial applications

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

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