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4:05 PM ET, January 28, 2018


 Top Items: 
Franklin Foer / The Atlantic:
The Plot Against America  —  I. The Wisdom of Friends  —  The clinic permitted Paul Manafort one 10-minute call each day.  And each day, he would use it to ring his wife from Arizona, his voice often soaked in tears.  “Apparently he sobs daily,” his daughter Andrea, then 29, texted a friend.
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
INSIDE the Alfalfa dinner — JOSE ANDRES vs. IVANKA TRUMP — REMEMBERING Ed Lorenzen …
Discussion: ThinkProgress, The Week and TheBlaze
Associated Press:
The Latest: Russian opposition leader Navalny arrested  —  MOSCOW (AP) — The Latest on Russian protests Sunday (all times local):  —  Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been arrested in Moscow as protest demonstrations called by him took place across the country.
Neil MacFarquhar / New York Times:
Russians Brave Icy Temperatures to Protest Putin and Election  —  MOSCOW — Protesters across Russia braved icy temperatures on Sunday to demonstrate against the lack of choice in the March election that is virtually certain to see President Vladimir V. Putin chosen for a fourth term.
Discussion: NPR
Eli Watkins / CNN:
Collins: 'Wouldn't hurt' for Congress to protect Mueller  —  Washington (CNN)Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins said on Sunday that Congress should pass legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller following reports President Donald Trump considered firing him last June.
Patrick Temple-West / Politico:
GOP's Gowdy says he supports Mueller ‘100 percent’
Kansas City Star:
Kansas intern confidentiality rule: What happens in a lawmaker's office stays there  —  TOPEKA  —  Interns in the Kansas Statehouse are required to sign a sweeping confidentiality agreement that employment law attorneys warn could have a chilling effect on their willingness to report harassment or illegal activity.
Discussion: Political Wire
Elaina Plott / The Atlantic:
Why Trump Can't Quit Steve Wynn  —  Steve Wynn is under siege.  The casino magnate is facing a range of allegations—from sexual harassment to forced sex— from former female employees, according to The Wall Street Journal.  Then on Saturday, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Romney …
Associated Press:
2 GOP senators: Party should consider returning Wynn money
Discussion: ThinkProgress
Melissa Mahtani / CNN:
Jay-Z slams Trump's ‘shithole’ comment as ‘hurtful’  —  Jay-Z says Trump's words expose the racism lurking “behind closed doors”  —  (CNN)Hip-hop legend Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter described President Donald Trump's “shithole countries” comment as disappointing and hurtful.
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
The grim cynicism of Trump's tweet about black unemployment
Discussion: Mediaite and Raw Story
CBS News:
Former Colorado GOP chairman sentenced for voter fraud  —  GREELEY, Colo. — The former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party was sentenced to four years of probation and 300 hours of community service for voter fraud.  Steve Curtis blamed a “major diabetic episode” …
Discussion: Political Wire and CBS Denver
Ros Krasny / Bloomberg:
Trump Says Ice Caps ‘Setting Records’ as He Mulls Climate Accord  —  Any return to Paris agreement has to be ‘a good deal’ for U.S.  —  President casts doubt on climate change in ITV interview  —  Donald Trump cast doubt on the science of climate change even while saying he'd be open …
Discussion: Politicus USA
The Daily Beast:
Celebrity Chef and Trump Foe Jose Andres Says Ivanka Trump Had Him Booted From Event  —  Celebrity chef José Andrés says he was asked to leave the after-party of the annual Alfalfa Club dinner in D.C. on Saturday night, apparently after Ivanka Trump complained about his presence.
Alex Hern / The Guardian:
Fitness tracking app gives away location of secret US army bases  —  Data about exercise routes shared online by soldiers can be used to pinpoint overseas facilities  —  Sensitive information about the location and staffing of military bases and spy outposts around the world has been revealed by a fitness tracking company.
Washington Post:
It could soon be a crime to blame Poland for Nazi atrocities, and Israel is appalled … JERUASALEM — A diplomatic crisis between Israel and Poland appeared to be deepening on Sunday as Poland's deputy chief of mission, Piotr Kozowski, was summoned to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs …
THE STORY  —  Our friend Kellie Lorenzen is experiencing a mothers worst nightmare.  On Friday, January 26, she lost her son and ex husband in a house fire.  Her oldest son, Zacheri, saved his youngest sister - a true hero.  —  Although money will not heal Kellie and her family …
USA Today:
N.J. wants federal review of immigration arrests at schools … NJ Gov. Phil Murphy met with Harry Pangemanan and others in sanctuary at the Reformed Church of Highland Park.  The Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale explains their situation and their fear of being deported to Indonesia, where they face religious persecution.
Jess Bidgood / New York Times:
Testimony in Corruption Case Hinges on the Meaning of ‘Meatballs’  —  When is a meatball not a meatball?  —  That was the question in a federal courtroom in Pennsylvania on Thursday, where the mayor of Allentown, Pa., is on trial for charges wholly unrelated to that beefy fixture of nonnas' kitchens across the country.
Keith Bradsher / New York Times:
At Davos, the Real Star May Have Been China, Not Trump  —  DAVOS, Switzerland — President Trump used the World Economic Forum meeting to woo investors and business leaders by reassuring them that “America first does not mean America alone.”  But it was clear in Davos, Switzerland …
Kevin D. Williamson / National Review:
Why Trust the FBI?  —  There is a reason for the crisis of faith in our institutions  —  The “failing” New York Times Company is earning about $30 million a quarter, and in the third quarter of 2017 alone it added more paid subscribers than either the Seattle Times/Post-Intelligencer or the Los Angeles Daily News has in total.
John A. Farrell / Politico:
Can Joe Kennedy Beat the State of the Union Curse?  —  This year's opposition response to the State of the Union address has two elements to lift it from its status as a star-crossed, sometimes futile exercise: One, the president's name is Donald Trump; two, the responder is named Kennedy.
Discussion: The Daily Caller and The Week
Elana Schor / Politico:
Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions  —  President Donald Trump's willingness to crack down on Russia will be seriously tested come Monday.  —  Trump faces a major deadline to use the Russia sanctions power that Congress overwhelmingly voted to give him — and it's anybody's guess …
Discussion: Shareblue Media and Axios
Ariana Eunjung Cha / Washington Post:
The struggle to conceive with frozen eggs  —  Brigitte Adams became the poster child for freezing your eggs.  But things didn't quite work out how she imagined.  —  Brigitte Adams caused a sensation four years ago when she appeared on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek under the headline, “Freeze your eggs, Free your career.”
New York Times:
The Follower Factory  —  Everyone wants to be popular online.  —  Some even pay for it.  —  Inside social media's black market.  —  Celebrities, athletes, pundits and politicians are buying millions of fake followers.  —  While the world's social media platforms look the other way.
Scott Thistlestaff / Press Herald:
Maine falls behind other states in efforts to prevent overdose deaths  —  As states from New Hampshire to California expand access to the overdose antidote naloxone, the LePage administration delays action that could save Maine lives.  —  AUGUSTA — In New Hampshire, an online map locates scores …
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 More Items: 
Katie Glueck / McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Koch-aligned group already prepping for next Supreme Court fight
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
First ‘Jackpotting’ Attacks Hit U.S. ATMs
John Nolte / Breitbart:
Heritage Report Ranking Trump Above Reagan Again Exposes #NeverTrump Grifters
Discussion: IJR and
New York Times:
Can Woody Allen Work in Hollywood Again?
Discussion: Refinery29
Roger Cohen / New York Times:
It's Time for Mahmoud Abbas to Go
Chloe Leshner / WLNE-TV:
Community rallies around family after deadly fire
Julian E. Zelizer / The Atlantic:
America's Mirror on the Wall
 Earlier Items: 
New York Times:
In Nassar Case, Michigan State Wanted Famed Ex-Prosecutor to Both Examine and Defend It
Discussion: ThinkProgress
Associated Press:
Amid turmoil, Trump seeking a reset with State of the Union
Discussion: Bloomberg, USA Today and The Week
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
Republicans redefine morality as whatever Trump does
Ruby Cramer / BuzzFeed:
Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued.
Associated Press:
Justice Ginsburg signals her intent to work for years more
Discussion: Liberty Unyielding and RedState
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Justice Department withholds majority of FBI texts
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
The Necessity of Stephen Miller
Discussion: Notes

From Mediagazer:

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Catherine Perloff / Adweek:
The Trade Desk threatens to demonetize Yahoo video ad inventory, saying Yahoo had misrepresented inventory as “in-stream”; Yahoo says it's working on changes

Raksha Kumar / Reuters Institute:
How news outlets Newslaundry, The News Minute, The Wire, The Caravan, and Scroll, joined forces to report on India's elections with the help of audience funding

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