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11:10 PM ET, February 5, 2018


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
The Times Asks Court to Unseal Documents on Surveillance of Carter Page  —  WASHINGTON — The New York Times notified the Justice Department on Monday that it is asking the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to unseal secret documents related to the wiretapping of Carter Page …
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Republicans concede key FBI ‘footnote’ in Carter Page warrant  —  Republican leaders are acknowledging that the FBI disclosed the political origins of a private dossier the bureau cited in an application to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, undermining a controversial GOP memo released Friday …
Alayna Treene / Axios:
White House: Trump lawyers in favor of appointing second special counsel  —  Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah told reporters on Air Force One Monday that President Trump's attorneys have already approved the idea of appointing a second special counsel to investigate the FBI …
Fox News:
Carter Page: Who is he and how is he linked to Trump?  —  As the investigation into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election continues, investigators are looking for information from one of President Trump's former campaign advisers, Carter Page.  —  Page, who was a foreign policy adviser …
Discussion: Just Security
Nicholas Fandos / New York Times:
Committee Votes to Release Democratic Rebuttal to G.O.P. Russia Memo
Alex Pappas / Fox News:
Intelligence Committee approves release of Dems' rebuttal to FISA memo
Discussion: Mediaite and Fox News Insider
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department
Sonam Sheth / Business Insider:   House Intelligence Committee votes unanimously to release a Democratic rebuttal that could ‘lay waste’ to the Nunes memo
John Sipher / Politico:   The Smearing of Christopher Steele
New York Times:
Trump's Lawyers Want Him to Refuse an Interview in Russia Inquiry  —  WASHINGTON — Lawyers for President Trump have advised him against sitting down for a wide-ranging interview with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to four people briefed on the matter …
Olivia Nuzzi / New York Magazine:
White House Official Called Trump ‘a Deplorable’  —  The White House principal deputy press secretary, Raj Shah, called President Donald Trump “a deplorable” and referred to the release of the Access Hollywood tape as “some justice,” according to private messages independently obtained and verified by New York.
Discussion: Raw Story, Political Wire and Mediaite
Matt Egan / CNNMoney:
Dow falls over 1,000 points  —  The Dow had its worst week in two years.  Why?  —  The markets plunged Monday, with the Dow falling nearly 1,600 points in the largest intraday point decline ever.  —  The selloff knocked the Dow down as much as 6.3%.  —  At its worst levels …
Ben White / Politico:
‘The president clearly set himself up’: Trump's stock market miscalculation  —  NEW YORK — President Donald Trump is learning a basic and painful lesson of Wall Street: Stocks also go down.  —  A global market sell-off accelerated Monday with the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunging nearly 1,600 points …
Evelyn Cheng / CNBC:
After Dow plunges, White House says it's focused on ‘long-term economic fundamentals’
Discussion: BuzzFeed, Hit & Run, IJR and Mediaite
U.S. Stocks Sink Most Since 2011 as Rout Deepens: Markets Wrap
Hadas Gold / CNNMoney:
Chaos at Newsweek: Top editors suddenly out  —  Employees at Newsweek have been told that editor-in-chief Bob Roe and executive editor Ken Li have been fired, sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.  —  A reporter, Celeste Katz, who had written articles about financial issues …
Danielle Tcholakian / Longreads:
Journalists Shouldn't Be Fired for Investigating Their Own Publications  —  In 1896, a Tennessee publisher named Adolph Ochs became the majority stockholder of The New York Times, and in a short few paragraphs under the heading “Business Announcement,” he outlined his plans for the paper.
Discussion: BuzzFeed and New York Post
Associated Press:
Court allows Pennsylvania to redraw GOP-favored district map  —  HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday let a court-ordered redrawing of congressional districts in Pennsylvania proceed, denying a plea from Republicans legislative leaders to block it.
Discussion: IJR
Sam Levine / HuffPost:
Supreme Court Won't Let Pennsylvania GOP Delay Drawing New Congressional Map
Discussion: Politicus USA and IJR
Kaili Joy Gray / Shareblue Media:
Pennsylvania GOP lawmaker: Impeach justices for ruling against gerrymander scheme
Discussion: Washington Post
Washington Post:   GOP-allied groups heavily outspend Democrats in special Pennsylvania election
Mark Landler / New York Times:
Trump Accuses Democrats of ‘Treason’ Amid Market Rout  —  President Trump, in a speech near Cincinnati, accused Democrats who did not clap during his State of the Union address of being un-American.  While he spoke, the market took a tumble.  —  PYEONGCHANG 2018
Ali Vitali / NBC News:
Trump: Democrats' muted State of Union reaction ‘treasonous’  —  WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Monday called Democrats' stone-faced reaction to his State of the Union address last week “treasonous” and “un-American” during a visit to a manufacturing plant in Cincinnati.
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money and The Root
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
Most Republicans believe FBI, Justice Dept. trying to ‘delegitimize’ Trump: Reuters/Ipsos poll
Discussion: Political Wire and Axios
Garrett M. Graff / Wired:
Bob Mueller's Investigation Is Larger—and Further Along—Than You Think  —  PRESIDENT TRUMP CLAIMED in a tweet over the weekend that the controversial Nunes memo “totally vindicates” him, clearing him of the cloud of the Russia investigation that has hung over his administration for a year now.
‘I Hope This Is an Instance of Fake News’: FBI Messages Show the Bureau's Real Reaction to Trump Firing James Comey  —  Then-FBI Director James Comey meets with North Dakotan state, local, and tribal leaders in 2016 (FBI)  —  When President Trump fired James Comey as FBI director last May …
‘Frasier’ Star John Mahoney Dead at 77  —  John Mahoney, the beloved dad on “Frasier,” has died in Chicago ... TMZ has learned.  —  According to John's publicist ... he passed away Sunday in hospice care.  —  The British-born actor famously played Martin Crane, the father of Kelsey Grammer …
Trump ambassador nominee promoted fringe conspiracy theories on Twitter  —  STORY HIGHLIGHTS  —  (CNN)President Donald Trump's nominee to be the ambassador to Barbados and several other Caribbean countries spread fringe conspiracy theories and unfounded attacks about Trump's political opponents on Twitter …
Discussion: Raw Story, Daily Kos and Mediaite
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
Incendiary ad fuels primary challenge to Illinois governor  —  CHICAGO — The Illinois Republican whose “repulsive” campaign ad caused an uproar in the governor's race this weekend remains defiant and unapologetic about the spot.  —  “Well, do I have everybody's attention now?” …
Ed Mazza / HuffPost:
An Actual Nazi Is About To Be The Only GOP Candidate In A Congressional Race
Source: Bannon not expected to appear before House Intel Tuesday despite subpoena  —  Rep. Collins: Bannon should answer questions  —  (CNN)Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is not expected to appear before the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday, risking being held in contempt …
Discussion: Mediaite
New York Times:
The Dating Blues?  #MeToo  —  I'm single this year for the very first time.  —  All I want is a man who's not committed a crime.  —  But that feels very unlikely in this landscape we're in,  —  much to my chagrin.  —  And so I'm going on dates,  —  And I'm truck'n along,
Jonathan Rauch / The Atlantic:
Boycott the Republican Party  —  A few days after the Democratic electoral sweep this past November in Virginia, New Jersey, and elsewhere, The Washington Post asked a random Virginia man to explain his vote.  The man, a marketing executive named Toren Beasley, replied that his calculus was simply to refuse to calculate.
Josh Barro / Business Insider:
Here are 3 theories about why stocks are puking, and what they mean for the economy  — Stocks are down sharply in the past two days.  I look at three possible reasons why.  — One story is happy: Maybe faster business expansion and more competition for workers will hurt corporate profits …
Discussion: New York Magazine
Brett T. /
This guy: Lawmaker who called Nunes memo ‘fake ketchup’ compares Democrat memo to milk and cookies  —  California Rep. Ted Lieu assuredly thinks he was right when he called the GOP's memo on alleged FISA court abuses not only a nothing burger but “nothing ketchup,” which certainly didn't align …
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Carol Rosenberg / miamiherald:
Secretary of Defense fires Guantánamo war court overseer  —  GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, CUBA  —  In a surprise move, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis on Monday fired the top official overseeing the trials of the five men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks and other alleged war criminals held at Guantánamo.
Dominic Patten / Deadline:
Eagles' 1st Super Bowl Win Draws 103.4M Viewers, Smallest Audience In Nine Years - Update  —  UPDATE, 1:13 PM: As late as it went and as rowdy as it got, the City of Brotherly Love made pretty swift progress this morning picking up the debris of last night's victory celebrations for the Philadelphia Eagles' first Super Bowl win ever.
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 More Items: 
Patterico / RedState:
Well, Well, Well: Nunes Admits the Partisan Origins of the Dossier *Had* Been Disclosed After All
Jeremy Diamond / CNN:
Trump to establish National Vetting Center focused on travelers, immigrants to US
Discussion: Washington Times
Jason Stein / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Foxconn package cost Wisconsin eight times as much per job as similar 2017 state jobs deals
Matt Viser /
The seeds of Mitt Romney's US Senate bid were planted in a Marriott meeting with Orrin Hatch
Glenn Harlan Reynolds / USA Today:
Second Amendment law lessons: Look beyond the courts for freedom
Discussion: Reason
Zoe Tillman / BuzzFeed:
A Misconduct Investigation Into A Now-Retired Judge Accused Of Sexual Harassment Won't Go Forward
Discussion: Splinter
George Joseph / Foreign Policy:
Draft DHS Report Called for Long-Term Surveillance of Sunni Muslim Immigrants
Discussion: Political Wire
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Polls swing toward GOP, easing fears of midterm disaster
Discussion: and Power Line
 Earlier Items: 
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
We Know Devin Nunes Probable Collaborator at the White House: Michael Ellis
Stan Collender / Forbes:
This Is The Real Reason The GOP Doesn't Want To Do A Budget This Year
Alex Nowrasteh / Cato Institute:
The Fatal Flaw in John R. Lott Jr.'s Study on Illegal Immigrant Crime in Arizona
Andrew Kaczynski / CNN:
Scott Pruitt called Trump an ‘empty vessel’ on ‘the Constitution and rule of law’ in another 2016 interview
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Axios
Scott Wilson / Washington Post:
Think California politics is on the far-left fringe? Just wait for the next elections.

From Mediagazer:

Sheila Dang / Reuters:
Survey: 52% of US and 63% of UK respondents say they would be uneasy with news produced mostly using AI; 59% worry about false news content online, up 3% YoY

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Ben Smith / Semafor:
Sources: the Washington Post is in talks with legendary admaker David Droga to commission a new marketing campaign to redefine its image

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