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12:15 PM ET, June 18, 2018


 Top Items: 
Laura Bush / Washington Post:
Separating children from their parents at the border ‘breaks my heart’  —  Laura Bush is a former first lady of the United States.  —  On Sunday, a day we as a nation set aside to honor fathers and the bonds of family, I was among the millions of Americans who watched images of children who have been torn from their parents.
Gideon Resnick / The Daily Beast:
Poll: Republicans Approve of Trump's Family Separation Policy … Nearly every day, voters have been confronted with heart wrenching stories about immigrant children being separated from their parents upon crossing the border into the United States.  —  The president incorrectly blames …
Nomaan Merchant / Associated Press:
Hundreds of children wait in Border Patrol facility in Texas  —  McALLEN, Texas (AP) — Inside an old warehouse in South Texas, hundreds of children wait in a series of cages created by metal fencing.  One cage had 20 children inside.  Scattered about are bottles of water …
Jill Colvin / Associated Press:
Family separation policy starts dividing Republicans  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — The emotional policy of separating children from their parents is also starting to divide Republicans and their allies as Democrats turn up the pressure.  —  Former first lady Laura Bush called the policy “cruel” …
Nick Visser / HuffPost:
DHS Secretary Says There's No Family Separation Policy ‘Period’  —  Last week, DHS announced that nearly 2,000 kids had been separated from their parents during a six-week period ending last month.  —  Department of Homeland Security Secretary , Kirstjen Nielsen defended her agency's role …
Charles M. Blow / New York Times:
Trump and the Baby Snatchers  —  This was the lead paragraph of a New York Times report last week:  —  “The Trump administration said on Friday that it had separated 1,995 children from parents facing criminal prosecution for unlawfully crossing the border over a six-week period that ended last month …
Nick Cumming-Bruce / New York Times:
U.N. Rights Chief Tells U.S. to Stop Taking Migrant Children From Parents
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart:
Associated Press Uses ‘Cages’ to Describe Chain-Link Partitions in Border Patrol Center
Discussion: Los Angeles Times
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: Trump team cannot get its story straight on separating migrant families
Discussion: ABC News, AOL and MSNBC
Eileen Sullivan / New York Times:
Trump Attacks Germany's Refugee Policy, Saying U.S. Must Avoid Europe's Immigration Problems  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump warned on Monday that the United States must avoid the immigration problems facing Europe and attacked the policies of Germany, one of America's closest allies.
Senator Ben Sasse:
Many Nebraskans this weekend asked me about the kids at the border.  Here's a short version of what I told them.  This is a bit over-simplified, but these are broad brushstrokes of how I understand the situation at present:  —  1) Family separation is wicked.
Gideon Resnick / The Daily Beast:
Kim Jong Un More Popular Than Pelosi Among Republicans: Exclusive Poll Results … Self-identified Republicans now have a marginally more favorable view of Kim Jong Un than they do for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), according to a new Ipsos poll done exclusively for The Daily Beast.
Jim Norman / Gallup:
Satisfaction With U.S. Direction Reaches 12-Year High  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Thirty-eight percent of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the United States today, similar to last month's 37% satisfaction rate but marking the numerical high since a 39% reading in September 2005.
Discussion: RedState and NTK Network
Robert Barnes / Washington Post:
Supreme Court sidesteps decision on partisan gerrymandering in rulings on Wisconsin, Maryland cases  —  The Supreme Court on Monday sidestepped a decision on when partisan gerrymandering goes too far, ruling against the challengers of a Republican-drawn map in Wisconsin and a Democratic redistricting in Maryland.
Discussion: ABC News and Political Wire
David Siders / Politico:
Shell-shocked Democrats regroup in Wisconsin  —  Donald Trump's stunning 2016 victory in the state sparked an urgent recovery mission.  —  OSHKOSH, Wis. — Donald Trump's romp through white, working class America in 2016 was nowhere more traumatic for Democrats than in Wisconsin …
Stephanie Ebbs / ABC News:
Supreme Court cases to watch as term nears end
Discussion: Facebook and Politico
Dana Branham / Dallas Morning News:
Texas deputy accused of sexually assaulting 4-year-old threatened her mother with deportation, sheriff says  —  A Texas sheriff's deputy accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting a 4-year-old girl threatened the victim's mother into staying quiet about the assaults, authorities said Sunday.
Discussion: Raw Story
Samantha Schmidt / Washington Post:   Deputy accused of sexually assaulting girl, 4, threatening to have mother deported if she spoke up
Erik Ortiz / NBC News:   Texas deputy sexually assaulted undocumented immigrant's child, sheriff says
Dan Alexander / Forbes:
Lies, China And Putin: Solving The Mystery Of Wilbur Ross' Missing Fortune  —  Amid President Trump's headaches confirming cabinet secretaries, from neophyte Rex Tillerson to conflict-prone Scott Pruitt to unprepared Betsy DeVos, all of whom squeezed through, Wilbur Ross was a tonic.
Jack Crowe / National Review:
SPLC Apologizes, Pays Settlement to Islamic Reformer It Wrongly Labeled ‘Anti-Muslim Extremist’  —  The Southern Poverty Law Center has reached a settlement with liberal Islamic reformer Maajid Nawaz and his organization, the Quilliam Foundation, for wrongly including them on its now-defunct list of “anti-Muslim extremists.”
Discussion: Jihad Watch
Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc. Admits It Was Wrong, Apologizes to Quilliam and Maajid Nawaz …
Discussion: Daily Wire
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
What do Republicans suspect really happened in the FBI Trump-Russia investigation?  —  The struggle to uncover the FBI's conduct in the Trump-Russia probe has made some congressional investigators deeply suspicious of the bureau.  But what do those investigators think the FBI actually …
Stanley B. Greenberg / New York Times:
Riling Up the Base May Backfire on Trump  —  Political commentators and strategists write with some awe of President Trump's outrageous, gutsy strategy of ginning up his base with one more attack on black athletes, one more crackdown on Central American mothers and children on the Mexican border …
Washington Examiner:   Don't become the party of Trump
Trent Baker / Breitbart:
Coulter Warns Trump on Immigration, Border: 'Don't Fall for the Actor Children'  —  Sunday on Fox News Channel's “The Next Revolution,” conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter advised President Donald Trump not to “fall for the actor children” at the border and cited …
Angela Moon / Yahoo:
Americans grapple with recognizing facts in news stories: Pew survey  —  NEW YORK (Reuters) - Only a quarter of U.S. adults in a recent survey could fully identify factual statements - as opposed to opinion - in news stories, the Pew Research Center found in a study released on Monday.
Michael Hawthorne / Chicago Tribune:
Trump Tower, one of largest users of Chicago River water, has never met EPA rules for protecting fish, records show  —  A view of Trump International Hotel & Tower from across the Chicago River on June 6, 2018.  (Jose M. Osorio / Chicago Tribune)  —  Fishing piers and floating gardens welcome anglers …
Discussion: Raw Story
Olivia Goldhill / Quartz:
A new study ranks US states in order of psychopathy  —  Sometimes, it can feel like there are psychopaths everywhere.  If you live in the United States, it's now possible to move to less psychopathic environs, thanks to new research ranking 48 contiguous states by psychopathy.
Elise Young / Bloomberg:
Murphy Says He'll Veto N.J. Budget If It Omits His Tax Increases  — New governor is seeking higher levies on millionaires, sales  — Democratic legislative leaders are seeking corporate surcharge  —  New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said he'll veto the state budget if it's sent …
New York Post:
Stop breaking up families at the border  —  House Speaker Paul Ryan says he wants to stop the mass separation of children from their families along the border, but his bid to fix it is pathetic.  And President Trump's claim that Democrats need to change the relevant law is no better.  —  SEE ALSO
Chris Perez / New York Post:
Trump supporter disrupts De Niro's musical with ‘Keep America Great’ flag  —  A Trump supporter tried disrupting a performance of the Robert De Niro-directed “A Bronx Tale: The Musical” on Saturday — standing up during the curtain call and displaying a “Keep America Great!” flag toward the audience.
Amos Harel / Haaretz:
Former Israeli Minister Who Smuggled Ecstasy Now Accused of Spying for Iran  —  According to Shin Bet, Gonen Segev traveled twice to Iran to meet his handlers  —  Gonen Segev, a former Israeli lawmaker, is accused of spying for Iran and aiding the enemy during wartime, the Shin Bet security service said Monday.
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 More Items: 
NBC News:
McAllen, Texas, immigration processing center is largest in U.S.
Discussion: CNN and Daily Kos
New York Times:
Trump Picks Economic Winners, Guided by Nostalgia
Houston Chronicle:
Yet again, Texas has become home to internment camps [Editorial]
Jack Heretik / Washington Free Beacon:
Dem Congressional Candidate Amy McGrath Compares Trump's Election Victory to 9/11
Discussion: IJR and The Daily Caller
Yoka Verdoner / The Guardian:
Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
Discussion: Raw Story
Sam Westrop / National Review:
Moderate Islam Falters in the Face of Silicon Valley Censorship
The Hill:
Spotlight falls on Russian threat to undersea cables
Lev Facher / STAT:
Empty desks, squabbles, inexperienced staff: Exactly who is coordinating White House drug policy?
 Earlier Items: 
Carl Campanile / New York Post:
RFK Jr. sent secret memo asking to ban ExxonMobil
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Anna Giaritelli / Washington Examiner:
US could be holding 30,000 border kids by August: Officials
Discussion: The Crime Report
Michael Grunwald / Politico:
Generation Pickleball: Welcome to Florida's Political Tomorrowland
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
Michal Kranz / Business Insider France:
Meet Stephen Miller, the 32-year-old White House adviser who convinced Trump to start separating …
Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness:
The Dream and the Nightmare of Globalization
Fred Hiatt / Washington Post:
He was fired 10 months ago, but Stephen K. Bannon has won

From Techmeme:

The Information:
Source: Altman told investors that OpenAI could become a for-profit business not controlled by its nonprofit board; Microsoft execs favor a for-profit option

Andrew Williams / Wired:
Apple may not be bringing Apple Intelligence to iPhone 15, which has 6GB of RAM vs. iPhone 15 Pro's 8GB, due to RAM requirements for on-device AI processing

Ankit Patel / NVIDIA Blog:
Nvidia announces Nemotron-4 340B, a family of models that developers can use to generate synthetic data for training LLMs for commercial applications

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