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6:35 AM ET, June 22, 2018


 Top Items: 
Adam Bernstein / Washington Post:
Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and intellectual provocateur, dies at 68  —  Charles Krauthammer, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post columnist and intellectual provocateur who championed the muscular foreign policy of neoconservatism that helped lay the ideological groundwork …
Elizabeth Llorente / Fox News:
Charles Krauthammer, conservative commentator and Pulitzer Prize winner, dead at 68  —  Charles Krauthammer, a longtime Fox News contributor, Pulitzer Prize winner, Harvard-trained psychiatrist and best-selling author who came to be known as the dean of conservative commentators, has died.  He was 68.
Washington Post:
Things that matter, in the words of Charles Krauthammer  —  Over the course of his 34 years at The Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer wrote some 1,600 columns on subjects that ranged from his passion for chess, his frustrated love of the Nationals, his affection for dogs to, above all, politics.
Discussion: KTLA
George F. Will / Washington Post:
The Charles Krauthammer I knew
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Ben Shapiro / Daily Wire:
IN MEMORIAM: Charles Krauthammer
Discussion: Weekly Standard
John Podhoretz / Commentary Magazine:   Charles Krauthammer, 1950-2018  —  A life well lived.
Jane Coaston / Vox:
Charles Krauthammer was the anti-Breitbart conservative writer
Discussion: New Republic and AOL
Washington Post:
Trump administration will stop prosecuting migrant parents who cross the border illegally with children, official says  —  The dramatic about-face comes just one day after President Trump signed an executive order ending his administration's widely denounced practice of separating families apprehended at the Mexico border.
Nick Miroff / Washington Post:
Border Patrol will stop referring migrant parents who cross into the U.S. illegally with children for prosecution, official says  —  This story has been updated to clarify how migrant parents will be processed going forward.  An earlier verision incorrectly stated the Trump administration …
Matthew Fleischer / Los Angeles Times:
Crisis actor spotted at Texas child migrant detention center
Discussion: CNN, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Vox
Brad Heath / USA Today:
Trump administration's ‘zero tolerance’ border prosecutions led to time served, $10 fees
Discussion: Law & Crime
Richard Marosi / Los Angeles Times:
What family separation looks like: Guatemalan man is deported, while his 6-year-old daughter …
Discussion: The Guardian
Kevin Sieff / Washington Post:
The chaotic effort to reunite immigrant parents with their separated kids  —  BROWNSVILLE, Tex. — Each of the mothers had a different memory of the moment she was separated from her child.  —  For some, it was outside a Border Patrol station just north of the Rio Grande, shortly after being apprehended.
Discussion: Shareblue Media and Vox
Amanda Schaffer / New Yorker:
A Physician in South Texas on an Unnerving Encounter with an Eight-Year-Old Boy in Immigration Detention  —  Alicia Hart has worked as an emergency physician in South Texas for ten years, and has seen a stream of migrant children from Guatemala and Honduras come to the U.S. fleeing gang violence.
Amber Jamieson / BuzzFeed:   The Heartbreaking Case Of The Three-Year-Old Boy In Immigration Court
Sarah Stillman / New Yorker:   Trump's Executive Order Creates a New Border Crisis
Sarah Ellison / Washington Post:
National Enquirer sent stories about Trump to his attorney Michael Cohen before publication, people familiar with the practice say  —  During the presidential campaign, National Enquirer executives sent digital copies of the tabloid's articles and cover images related to Donald Trump …
Paul Wood / Spectator:
What does the British government know about Trump and Russia? … When the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu visited London in 1978, the British government did some serious sucking up.  Ceausescu was an egomaniac and possibly crazy.  When he went hunting outside Bucharest …
Discussion: Raw Story and Coffee House
John Koblin / New York Times:
ABC Plans a ‘Roseanne’ Spinoff, Without Roseanne Barr  —  Roseanne Barr may be finished, but the Conners are not.  —  Less than a month after ABC canceled the hit revival of “Roseanne” because of a racist tweet by Ms. Barr, the network has decided to go forward with a spinoff that will not include her.
Associated Press:
ABC orders ‘Roseanne’ spinoff for fall minus Roseanne Barr
Discussion: Political Wire and Axios
Julia Jacobo / ABC News:
‘Roseanne’ spinoff ‘The Conners’ will premiere in the fall without Roseanne Barr
Ginger Thompson / ProPublica:
For a 6-Year-Old Snared in the Immigration Maze, a Memorized Phone Number Proves a Lifeline  —  As the U.S. attempts to reunite migrant families, children will bear the burden of helping to identify who and where their parents are.  The 6-year-old girl heard asking to call her aunt …
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
Peter Strzok Has Lost His Security Clearance, Says Jeff Sessions  —  Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday that former FBI official Peter Strzok has lost his security clearance amid an internal disciplinary review.  —  “Mr. Strzok, as I understand, has lost his security clearance,” Sessions told radio host Howie Carr.
Jenna Browder / CBN News:
'I Don't Think It Was an Extreme Position I Took': Jeff Sessions on the Bible, Immigration and His Critics
Discussion: The Week and Talking Points Memo
Callie Ferguson / Bangor Daily News:
Border patrol agents arrest 1 at I-95 checkpoint about citizenship  —  A checkpoint set up by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents Wednesday on Interstate 95 led to the arrest of a fugitive Haitian immigrant who previously was ordered to be deported.  —  The random checkpoint …
Discussion: Vox, Raw Story and Hullabaloo
Daily Mail:
Melania Trump wears $39 jacket with 'I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U?' scrawled across the back as she boards a plane to visit immigrant children being held at the Texas border  — The first lady wore the khaki green Zara jacket upon arrival at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland but changed before she disembarked the plane in Texas
Joe Scarborough / Washington Post:
The most damning element of this tragic American tale  —  There was a time when conservatives supported limited government, balanced budgets and less debt.  Not so long ago, conservatives also championed free trade, lower tariffs and the spread of democratic institutions across Europe and the world.
Dylan Byers / CNNMoney:
Corey Lewandowski dropped by speakers bureau  —  Corey Lewandowski: I was mocking Democrat, not girl  —  Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has been dropped by his speakers bureau after dismissing the story of a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome who was reportedly separated …
New York Times:
Behind Trump's Plan to Overhaul the Government: Scaling Back the Safety Net  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump, spurred on by conservatives who want him to slash safety net programs, unveiled on Thursday a plan to overhaul the federal government that could have a profound effect on millions of poor and working-class Americans.
Bruce Schlesman / Judicial Watch:
Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain's Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting  —  McCain minority staff director Henry Kerner to IRS official Lois Lerner and other IRS  —  officials: “the solution is to audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous”
Washington Post:
Where are the migrant child facilities?  Scattered across America  —  This is a developing story.  This page will be updated.  —  President Trump has signed an executive order to halt the family separation process he created, but at least 2,500 children have already been taken from their parents …
Discussion: Axios
Tina Moore / New York Post:
Alyssa Milano offers to foster migrant children brought to NYC  —  Actress Alyssa Milano wants to take in one of the hundreds of immigrant children housed in foster care facilities in Harlem, who were torn from their parents under President Trump's “zero tolerance” immigration policy.
Discussion: The Daily Caller
New York Times:
The Natural Gas Industry Has a Leak Problem  —  The American oil and gas industry is leaking more methane than the government thinks — much more, a new study says.  Since methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, that is bad news for climate change.  —  The new study, published Thursday …
Eric Levitz / New York Magazine:
We Owe Central American Migrants Much More Than This  —  There is now a broad, bipartisan consensus that ripping infants from their mothers — and then putting both in (separate) cages — is not a morally acceptable way of treating families who cross our southern border.
Discussion: The Daily Beast and AOL
Callum Borchers / Washington Post:
Charles Krauthammer inspired journalists with disabilities, including me  —  Charles Krauthammer's physical disability is “far from the first thing that comes to mind” when Wall Street Journal education reporter Michelle Hackman thinks of him.  Then again, Hackman told me recently …
The White House:
Remarks by President Trump at Cabinet Meeting  —  THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody.  Thank you very much for being here.  It's a Cabinet meeting, and we have plenty of things to discuss and plenty of success.  We've had a tremendous amount of success.  —  We're working, however …
Clay Travis / Outkick the Coverage:
Kevin McHale Under Fire For Attending Donald Trump Rally  —  Every time I think the far left wing in this country mixing sports and politics can't get any more insane — they do.  —  Last night Donald Trump traveled to Duluth, Minnesota for a rally in that community.
Kate Conger / Gizmodo:
Amazon Workers Demand Jeff Bezos Cancel Face Recognition Contracts With Law Enforcement  —  Following employee protests at Google and Microsoft over government contracts, workers at Amazon are circulating an internal letter to CEO Jeff Bezos, asking him to stop selling the company's Rekognition …
Discussion: The Verge and Engadget
Jack Healy / New York Times:
No Relief in Sight for Parents of Thousands of Migrant Children Still in Custody  —  AURORA, Colo. — Micaela Samol Gonzalez, dressed in blue detention scrubs, made her way to the front of a windowless courtroom in Colorado on Thursday and faced the judge.  After she gave her name and arranged …
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 More Items: 
Gabriela Galindo / Politico:
Rage in Spain after ‘wolf pack’ set free
Ruby Buddemeyer / Marie Claire:
Hillary Clinton Raised $1.5 Million to Help Kids Torn From Their Families at the Border
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Lomi Kriel / Houston Chronicle:
Fate of immigrant children separated from parents at Texas border is unclear
Jonathan Blitzer / New Yorker:
Mothers in a New Mexico Prison Do Not Know How to Find Their Children
Discussion: Raw Story
Eli Rosenberg / Washington Post:
DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen condemned by her high school's alumni over border crisis
Bret Stephens / New York Times:
Our Real Immigration Problem
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Return of the Blood Libel
 Earlier Items: 
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
GOP lawmaker says evidence might have been tampered with in Flynn case
Discussion: Power Line
Chris Smith / Vanity Fair:
“Coincidence Number 395”: The N.R.A. Spent $30 Million to Elect Trump. Was It Russian Money?
Kurt Schlichter / Townhall:
Don't Get Played; Get Woke to the Outrage Scam
Discussion: Maggie's Farm
Amy Walter / The Cook Political Report:
Good News for Republicans, It's Not 2006
Michael Anton / Washington Post:
Why do we need more people in this country, anyway?
Gregg Kilday / Hollywood Reporter:
Sony Pictures Classics Condemns Peter Fonda, But Will Still Release His New Film

From Techmeme:

The Information:
Source: Altman told investors that OpenAI could become a for-profit business not controlled by its nonprofit board; Microsoft execs favor a for-profit option

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

Andrew Williams / Wired:
Apple may not be bringing Apple Intelligence to iPhone 15, which has 6GB of RAM vs. iPhone 15 Pro's 8GB, due to RAM requirements for on-device AI processing

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