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2:10 AM ET, July 3, 2018


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
Pruitt aides reveal new details of his spending and management at EPA  —  Two of Scott Pruitt's top aides provided fresh details to congressional investigators in recent days about some of his most controversial spending and management decisions, including his push to find a six-figure job …
Discussion: Splinter, New York Times, Axios and The Week
Jessica Sidman / Washingtonian:
Mother With Her 2-Year-Old Confronts Scott Pruitt at a DC Restaurant  —  “I would urge you to resign before your scandals push you out,” Kristin Mink told the EPA chief at Teaism.  —  Kristin Mink saw protesters confront Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a DC Mexican restaurant.
Kristin Mink:
EPA head Scott Pruitt was 3 tables away as I ate lunch with my child.  I had to say something.  This man is directly and significantly harming my child's — and every child's — health and future with decisions to roll back environmental regulations for the benefit of big corporations …
CNN:   Whistleblower: EPA's Pruitt kept secret calendar to hide meetings
Here Are The Documents Recovered From Michael Cohen's Shredder  —  “NEVER MET: Donald Trump, George Lucas, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, Michael Jackson, The Jackson's family, Sony.”  —  When the Department of Justice announced this month that investigators had pieced together records found …
Eliana Johnson / Politico:
How Amy Coney Barrett vaulted onto Trump's Supreme Court shortlist  —  A testy exchange with Dianne Feinstein helped make this former Notre Dame law professor a favorite of conservatives.  —  If nominated to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett may have Sen. Dianne Feinstein to thank.
Washington Post:
Trump interviews Supreme Court candidates as political fight over Kennedy replacement intensifies
Discussion:, The Hill, ABC News and Hot Air
New York Times:
Conservatives, Don't Put Too Much Hope in the Next Justice
Danielle Ohl / Baltimore Sun:
Trump declines request to lower flags in memory of Capital Gazette shooting victims  —  Mourners gathered in Annapolis to honor the five employees who were killed Thursday in a shooting at the Capital Gazette newsroom.  Their names are Gerald Fischman, Rob Hiaasen, John McNamara, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Winters.
Osita Nwanevu / Slate:
Why Did the Rhode Island Democratic Party Endorse an Alt-Right Supporter Over a Progressive Incumbent?  —  Moira Jayne Walsh, a 27-year-old former waitress and labor organizer, captured a bit of national attention after she won a seat in the Rhode Island House in 2016.
Discussion: Uprise RI and Splinter
Bob Plain / RI Future:
RI Dem Party doesn't endorse three progressive female legislators
Discussion: Uprise RI
Julie Hirschfeld Davis / New York Times:
Trump Warns NATO Allies to Spend More on Defense, or Else  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump has written sharply worded letters to the leaders of several NATO allies — including Germany, Belgium, Norway and Canada — taking them to task for spending too little on their own defense and warning …
The White House:
Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Rutte of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Before Bilateral Meeting
Discussion: Mother Jones and HuffPost
NBC News:
News media paid Melania Trump thousands for use of photos in ‘positive stories only’  —  The First Lady earned six figures from an agreement with Getty Images that paid royalties to the Trumps and mandated photos be used in positive coverage.  —  Since her husband took office Melania Trump …
Amy Graff / San Francisco Chronicle:
‘20 pounds of human waste’ dropped on San Francisco street corner  —  A foul odor permeated from a massive bag of human excrement sludge left on a street corner in San Francisco's Tenderloin district Saturday.  —  The horrendous smell and sight quickly gained notoriety when a Reddit user posted …
Discussion: Front Page Magazine
Associated Press:
Russian charged with Trump's ex-campaign chief is key figure  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — During the special counsel's Russia investigation, Konstantin Kilimnik has been described as a fixer, translator or office manager to President Donald Trump's ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Discussion: Washington Press
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — This Fourth of July marks a low point in U.S. patriotism.  For the first time in Gallup's 18-year history asking U.S. adults how proud they are to be Americans, fewer than a majority say they are “extremely proud.”
Kate Irby / McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Congressman denied entry to California detention facility for children under age 14  —  PLEASANT HILL  —  The cry of a child could be heard just inside the nondescript, brown detention facility in Pleasant Hill, California, a San Francisco suburb, and Rep. Jeff Denham wanted to see for himself what was inside.
Man allegedly threatens to chop up Rand Paul and his family with an ax  —  Matt Stone/Louisville Courier Journal  —  A man is accused of threatening to chop up U.S. Sen. Rand Paul and his family with an ax.  —  The man has been arrested.  He allegedly called in the threats to Paul's Bowling Green office.
Jonah Goldberg / National Review:
Nailed It  —  Speaking of conspiracy theories, I love this tweet from Dan Rather:  —  We know LeBron James has been outspoken about Trump.  So it makes sense to head to California, the heartland of the #resistance.  The fact that he will be trying to resist the dominance of the Warriors is an added plot twist.
Discussion: Power Line
New York Times:
Merkel, to Survive, Agrees to Border Camps for Migrants  —  BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel, who staked her legacy on welcoming hundreds of thousands of migrants into Germany, agreed on Monday to build border camps for asylum-seekers and to tighten the border with Austria in a political deal to save her government.
Discussion: Joe.My.God.
Douglas MacMillan / Wall Street Journal:
Tech's ‘Dirty Secret’: The App Developers Sifting Through Your Gmail  —  Software developers scan hundreds of millions of emails of users who sign up for email-based services  —  Google said a year ago it would stop its computers from scanning the inboxes of Gmail users for information …
Jonah Goldberg / National Review:
Another Lazy ‘Never Trump’ Screed  —  Emerald Robinson's ‘Never Trump’ analysis is equally deficient in fact and seriousness.  —  There's always a trade-off in calling attention to trollish, attention-seeking writers who don't deserve a response on the merits.
Alyssa Fisher / The Forward:
Alan Dershowitz ‘Shunned’ By Friends In Martha's Vineyard For Defending Trump  —  Lawyer Alan Dershowitz is afraid that America is growing increasingly intolerant toward opposing views.  His proof, according to his recent op-ed in The Hill: Friends are ostracizing him in Martha's Vineyard.
Washington Post:
Facebook's disclosures under scrutiny as federal agencies join probe of tech giant's role in sharing data with Cambridge Analytica  —  A federal investigation into Facebook's sharing of data with political consultancy Cambridge Analytica has broadened to focus on the actions and statements …
Petula Dvorak / Washington Post:
‘Tormented and traumatized’: Rage toward women fuels mass shooters  —  The alleged mass shooter's rage began — as it has so often before — with a woman.  —  Years before Jarrod Ramos sued the Capital Gazette for defamation, before he targeted a specific columnist at the Capital …
Discussion: New York Times and NBC News
McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Russia investigators likely got access to NRA's tax filings, secret donors  —  WASHINGTON  —  For months, the National Rifle Association has had a stock answer to queries about an investigation into whether Russian money was funneled to the gun rights group to aid Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Interviewer Asks Trump to Bring Country Together.  He Praises His Base.  —  In her interview with President Trump, Maria Bartiromo cited the polite protest of the Red Hen restaurant, along with the crass denunciations of a couple movie stars, to highlight the alleged incivility of Trump's opponents.
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Judge's order could undercut Trump's immigrant detention plan  —  An order a federal judge issued Monday requiring individualized decisions on whether some asylum-seekers can be released into the U.S. poses a new legal threat to President Donald Trump's effort to crack down on migrants crossing the border from Mexico.
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Judge sets hearing in Flynn case  —  The hearing would be the former Trump national security adviser's first court appearance since pleading guilty more than seven months ago.  —  A pair of legal filings suggesting that special counsel Robert Mueller's office is almost-but-not-quite ready …
Discussion: Raw Story
Michelle Goldberg / New York Times:
Women Might Save America Yet  —  Erin Gabriel was already pretty busy before Donald Trump was elected president.  All three of her children are autistic, and her youngest, an 8-year-old girl named Abby, is also deaf, blind and nonverbal, and suffers from seizures.  “She has like 17 specialists,” Gabriel, 39, told me.
Mark Joseph Stern / Slate:
The Sad Delusion of Anthony Kennedy Conspiracy Theories  —  Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement from the Supreme Court shocked liberals so deeply that some haven't quite accepted that his decision to step down was on the up and up.  A New York Times report on the Trump administration's quest …
Discussion: Salon, National Review and POLITICUSUSA
Emma Loop / BuzzFeed:
The Senate Intel Committee Is In Regular Contact With The Trump-Russia Dossier Author  —  The committee's chair, Richard Burr of North Carolina, told BuzzFeed News that there are weekly contacts with Christopher Steele.  —  Reporting From Washington, DC  —  The head of the top congressional …
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Raw Story
Ben Mathis-Lilley / Slate:
Ron Paul Becomes Latest Republican to Post Literal Nazi Content  —  Monday morning, former Republican congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul posted a tweet about “cultural Marxism.”  Cultural Marxism is not an unusual topic in right-wing circles, but the illustration that went with the tweet was …
Discussion: HuffPost, CBS Los Angeles and Mediaite
Martin E. Comas / Orlando Sentinel:
Lake deputy shoots gator with AR-15, freeing girl trapped in tree — ‘please hurry!’ mom pleads to 911 operator  —  A Florida alligator was shot and killed by a Lake County deputy with an AR15 Bushmaster rifle that had trapped a girl in a tree.  —  Privacy Policy
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 More Items: 
New York Times:
What if Trump's Nativism Actually Hurts Him?
Stephanie Mencimer / Mother Jones:
Trump Judicial Pick Who Blogged Favorably About the KKK Had to Withdraw.  Now He's at the Justice Department.
Discussion: Splinter and Daily Kos
Michelle Ye Hee Lee / Washington Post:
Trump has embraced the big-money donor world he once shunned
Strzok's lawyer slams House panel, accusing GOP of twisting his testimony
NBC News:
Trump White House sets turnover records, analysis shows
Discussion: Splinter and Axios
 Earlier Items: 
The top Democratic Senate recruit who's ditching Chuck Schumer
Kavitha Surana / ProPublica:
“I Just Want to Tell My Son I Love Him”
Discussion: Los Angeles Times
Annie Gowen / Washington Post:
As mob lynchings fueled by WhatsApp messages sweep India, authorities struggle to combat fake news
Melissa Korn / Wall Street Journal:
You Graduated Cum Laude? So Did Everyone Else

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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